Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 123

Chapter 123

Chapter 123 Autumn Harvest Reform

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai." As soon as the sky darkened, the secretary Huang Zhongfu came to Jiang Xiaobai's small courtyard.

"I'm here, I can't run." Jiang Xiaobai walked out of the house with a wry smile.

"You kid, I don't worry." Huang Zhongfu said with a curled mouth.

He saw that Song Weiguo was a little worried when he arrived, Jiang Xiaobai, don't Jiang Xiaobai run away.

"Come, sit down, dinner will be started right away, after dinner, I will go to a meeting with you." Jiang Xiaobai didn't say much, and greeted Huang Zhongfu to sit down.

After dinner, Jiang Xiaobai and Huang Zhongfu came to the brigade headquarters.

The big speakers in the village started broadcasting again.

Soon the villagers of Jianhua Village took small benches to the yard of the brigade headquarters.

The lights in the yard of the brigade headquarters came on, and a group of moths pounced on.

"Members, I asked you to have a meeting today. I want to discuss something with you. The autumn harvest is about to come. In the past, we needed two months, or even more than two months, for the autumn harvest. It's snowing and it's not finished yet..."

Huang Zhongfu said that the noise in the yard slowly disappeared.

"I'm saying something, don't listen to it, everyone. Many go to work. They are all working abroad, and they don't work hard..."

"I'm working..."

"I am not lazy either, it is Wang Gui who is lazy..."

"Who do you say Zhang Jian? I am lazy, you are lazy. If the land last year wasn't because you were lazy and didn't work, could you stay up late to harvest it? The big guys were all tired because of you..."

"You fart..."

Huang Zhongfu's words haven't been finished yet, and there is a mess of porridge below, and there is everything to say.

While talking, there was even a fight.

"Quiet, shut up." Huang Zhongfu patted the table with a black face.

"Are you here for a meeting? I think you are here to fight, right? What is this place? The brigade department, not your own Kangtou, do whatever you want?"

Huang Zhongfu got angry, it still worked, and the yard slowly became quiet again.

"In this way, don't everyone feel unfair and complain about each other because of how much work they do? Well, I have a way to solve it..."

Huang Zhongfu took the opportunity to put forward a negotiated plan. Jiang Xiaobai was thoughtful, old fox, he seriously doubted that Huang Zhongfu could not control the rhythm of the meeting.

Even he deliberately caused everyone to quarrel. Zhang Jian, who was the first to attack others, was even arranged by Secretary Huang Zhongfu.

Otherwise, with so many people, how could he be willing to offend others.

"any solution?"

"If you have a trick, just tell me?"

"Yes, you can speak quickly, we all listen to you..."

Everyone started talking.

Huang Zhongfu introduced the rules and gameplay to everyone in an easy-to-understand manner.

"I have a question?" Zhang Jian, who was arguing just now, raised his hand and said.

"You said?" Huang Zhongfu nodded and said.

"Some places are close to the village, and some are far from the village. This lottery is not fair." Zhang Jian said.

"The size of the land is the same, divided according to the original work points. As for the distance of the land you mentioned, if you draw a long distance, it is because your life is not good. If you have an opinion, don't blame me. Pack you up."

Huang Zhongfu said simply and rudely, Jiang Xiaobai was watching the two people acting on the sidelines, and the arrangements were definitely arranged by Huang Zhongfu.

"Do you have any opinions?" Huang Zhongfu put his hands on the table, half attached to his body, scanning everyone present with aggressive eyes.

As if a lion is patrolling its own territory, it will pounce on it if it resists, tearing the enemy to pieces.

What means is of course self-evident, and now no one dares to have an opinion.

A hundred people have a hundred ideas, even if it is a good thing, but there will always be many people who will make choices that hurt others and themselves.

That's why democratic centralism is needed.

"Well, since everyone has no opinion, let's come up and draw lots." After Huang Zhongfu finished speaking, Zhang Jian came up first.

With the lead, other people started to draw lots. The matter is already a foregone conclusion. If you draw lots earlier, you might be able to pick a good place.

The lottery was finished soon, and Huang Zhongfu registered them one by one.

"Okay, Xiao Wang, write about this village committee meeting. It is written that after the unanimous approval of all members of the brigade, the Jianhua brigade decided to contract for the autumn harvest. The meeting is over and the autumn harvest will begin tomorrow!"

Huang Zhongfu tilted his head and confessed to the new accountant on the side, and then announced the adjournment of the meeting.

The lively brigade people got up one after another, and the discussion dispersed.

"Which piece of land you picked, I picked the piece of Taoshan, although it is not good, it is not too bad."

"Yeah, your life is good. If your piece of land is not far from the village, I can't do it. It is far away. I plan to take the whole family to the autumn harvest tomorrow." The two men walked casually. Chatting.

"So what are you doing in a hurry? Isn't your autumn harvest not fast?" The man holding the small bench was a little puzzled.

The other man looked around, lowered his voice and whispered in the middle-aged man's ear.

"Have you not seen the educated youth cannery? Once it is built, we must produce canned food. If we finish the autumn harvest and other people have not finished the autumn harvest by then, we will not have a chance when the educated youth cannery is recruited. "

The middle-aged man holding a small bench listened to it with a suddenly realized expression, and then said gratefully.

"Thank you, brother, if you remind me that I can't remember it, or brother, you are smart and invite you to my house for a drink if you have time."

"Drinking is OK, I'll wait, don't tell others about this, otherwise there will be more competition."

Everyone left after talking in twos and threes. Under the dizzy yellow light, Huang Zhongfu watched everyone leave.

"It has to be changed." Huang Zhongfu's voice was hopeless.

"Poverty leads to change, and change leads to success!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, and got up and left.

He has to go back to rest early, and he will have to work on the production line tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)