Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1154

Chapter 1154

Chapter 1154 A counter-offer of twenty dollars

"Okay, you are welcome to join, Mr. Huang." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and stood up and shook hands with Mr. Huang.

Since Mr. Huang has joined Huaqing Holdings. Then the bank can be opened.

"Sit down, let's talk about remuneration." Jiang Xiaobai asked Mr. Huang to sit down. Zhang Weiyi and Liu Aiguo were also very happy.

After all, Mr. Huang was brought here by the two of them, and he found a suitable candidate.

Of course, they have no choice. The flow of this kind of talent is inherently very small.

Furthermore, it is flow. No one would think about coming to the mainland, let alone believe that a private enterprise could establish a bank...

Everyone thought it was a joke, no, no jokes were made like this.

"Okay." Mr. Huang nodded and finally talked about the issue of treatment.

Of course, if the salary is too bad, he will definitely have to leave.

After all, you can't drink northwest wind every day.

"Let's talk about it like this, you set a price, and then I will pay it again, so it's settled." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Mr. Huang nodded, this is also normal, he said a higher price, Jiang Xiaobai repaid the price, and then directly settled it.

But the key is how high his price is. If it is too high, will Jiang Xiaobai bargain half the price for himself.

I heard that there is a habit of buying things here. If the order is too low, if he cuts a knife, the final price will be too low.

Mr. Huang hesitated for 30 seconds, and then said: "I want an annual salary of 1 million U.S. dollars."

The price is not high or low, one million US dollars, which is equivalent to the annual salary of several million yuan at this time.

In the domestic market, there is no such price.

The level of administrative salary in the country...cannot be compared with this.

Before, the small bank that Mr. Huang was in charge of, the annual salary was about 600,000 US dollars a year.

Now one million is opened, but two hundred thousand dollars are left for Jiang Xiaobai to chop off.

In this case, there is still 800,000 left, which is an increase in income compared to the previous job.

"One million, then I will pay the price." Jiang Xiaobai groaned and said, "I will add another 200,000 dollars to you, so congratulations, your final annual salary is 1.2 million."

Jiang Xiaobai will not pretend to ask others if it is okay, if they are stunned, then continue to add things like that.

That is pure fart. He drove one million, and he added 200,000 to him. What else did he disagree with?

Whoever changes him, no one has to agree to this kind of good thing, what disagrees with.

Mr. Huang's face was full of surprises, he did not hide it at all, stood up and held Jiang Xiaobai's hand and thanked him repeatedly.

"Thank you, Boss Jiang, no, thank you, Boss, I am definitely working hard and I am worthy of the salary you gave me."

He didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai's so-called counter-offer would actually be such a counter-offer. This is a counter-offer, this is a price increase.

completely beyond his expectation, this boss is generous and refreshing.

I gave myself a big surprise as soon as I was about to start.

As for saying that he can't accept it, then it's a joke. If you give him ten million dollars, he might not accept it.

After all, it was too much, but if you add 200,000 US dollars, there is nothing I dare to accept.

Happily doubled his salary, just a very pleasant surprise.

Next to Zhang Weiyi's face is painful, what is he doing to this goods two hundred thousand dollars, one million is one million, he thinks that eight hundred thousand is about the same.

As for Liu Aiguo, he is secretly stunned, with several million yuan a year.

"Okay, sit down, let's sit down and talk." Jiang Xiaobai motioned to Mr. Huang to sit down.

Then talked about work.

Jiang Xiaobai talked about some of the difficulties that may be faced when going to the north, such as what is the cold weather, such as the time is tight, to start quickly...

And Mr. Huang said that there is no problem at all. He can now set off to the north. The cold weather is not a big deal, and these difficulties can be overcome.

In the evening, a few people had a meal and it was considered that Mr. Huang officially entered the job.

"You will set off tomorrow. I wish you all the best. If you have any difficulties, please call me at any time, come, and finally have this cup and go back to rest."



Mr. Huang went back to rest, but Zhang Weiyi and Liu Aiguo came to Jiang Xiaobai's room.

I will set off to the north tomorrow, Jiang Xiaobai has something to say to the two of them.

"When you go there, the first thing you need to do is to open this bank. As for the name you choose, just one.

Try not to take out loans, just absorb deposits, and the interest will be higher..."

There is also the car factory. If it's not easy to talk about, then talk about it slowly. Anyway, we have time...

"For this Mr. Huang, we must keep an eye on it. The accounting personnel who need it will transfer the elites from our company headquarters and rotate their posts. We must ensure the safety of funds..."

After telling the business, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and asked: "What? Wei Yi, think Mr. Huang was paid too much?"

"Haha, no." Zhang Weiyi smiled and refused to admit it.

"Okay, I don't know you yet, but first of all, it doesn't matter if Mr. Huang is worth the price, but he is worth the price in our Huaqing Holding Company."

Jiang Xiaobai said seriously: "A few years ago, I remember it was like Daqiuzhuang, how much did it cost to recruit a college student?

Maybe a college student is nothing for a state-owned enterprise, but for our private enterprise, it is very difficult.

Sometimes it's not about the value of a talent, but the employer..."

"Yeah." Zhang Weiyi nodded, but suddenly asked: "But, Xiaobai, director of the company, didn't seem to give me such a high salary when you hired me..."

"Fart, I will give you shares and promise you the deputy director..." Jiang Xiaobai immediately cursed.

"Hey." Zhang Weiyi didn't say a word. Both of them were joking. Zhang Weiyi didn't think about the salary when he came.

Now, he also has shares in Huaqing Holding Company, with a salary of one million, which is really insignificant.

"No, what do you think of me, Director Xiaobai?"

"I am not looking at you, I am looking at the white-eyed wolf..."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he remembered Liu Aiguo again: "By the way, Patriotic, you come to work and haven't talked about wages. How much do you want?"

"Can I ask for as much as I want?" Liu Aiguo asked in surprise.

"Fuck off, you guys one by one, there is no one that makes Lao Tzu worry, go back to sleep," Jiang Xiaobai got up and began to provoke others.

As for Liu Aiguo's salary issue, I won't talk about it.

"Let's go, the boss is angry." Zhang Weiyi and Liu Aiguo were blasted away by Jiang Xiaobai.

(End of this chapter)