Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1144

Chapter 1144

Chapter 1144 Li Siyan's plan

There are a lot of discussions among the workers at Shanhaiguan Soda Factory, and they have different opinions and opinions on the cooperation between Huaqing Holdings and Shanhaiguan Soda Factory.

The big brother belongs to the big brother, but it is really impossible to have no money. Although Huaqing Holding Company is a little brother, if you talk about the history of the factory, it is a younger brother compared with the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory.

But they can't stand the money they have developed in the past two years. They can also enjoy this bonus when they set up joint ventures.

It's good to hold the brand of Shanhaiguan Soda Factory, but what's the use of having no money?

The next day, Li Siyan and Shanhaiguan Soda Factory officially talked about cooperation, and several cars came to Shanhaiguan Soda Factory.

The guards all spoke a lot louder, their heads held high, if they saw it, the big brother is the big brother, even if it is declining, it is still sweet and sweet.

It was Huaqing Holding Company yesterday, and today it is a foreign-funded enterprise. Some companies want to cooperate with us to set up factories.

Looking at the three cars coming in, the director Guan and the deputy director waiting led a team to greet foreign-funded enterprises in front of the office building and talk about cooperation.

Not only the guards, but also the other staff in the factory. They also feel that Shanhaiguan Soda Factory is doing well again.

After all, it still has a glorious history.

"Welcome, Manager Li is young, promising, knowledgeable, and returning from his studies, young talents of the motherland." Director Guan said with a smile holding Li Siyan's hand.

"The director of the factory is leading the old factory to be heavy..." Li Siyan also complimented each other, and a group of people walked into the office building.

In the office, there was another round of flattery, and then it came to the topic.

"Close the factory manager, wait for the factory manager, then I will let our people briefly introduce our cooperation plan?"

"Okay, Manager Li, please..." Director Guan said with a smile.

Li Siyan's people took the plan and began to read it out.

"The new factory is jointly funded by our two factories. We invested 1.2 million yuan, and you invested 800,000 yuan. We will hold 60% of the shares in the newly established factory, and your Shanhaiguan Soda Water Factory will hold 40% of the shares.

The newly established company's board of directors will give you two seats..."

Li Siyan's people said, the faces of the people at the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory, including the director of the factory, the deputy director of the factory waiting, etc. have changed.

Compared with the conditions set by Huaqing Holdings yesterday, the first one is much worse than Huaqing Holdings.

Huaqing Holdings Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned investment, and the equity is half of one family, but the CocCola Company has become the two companies to pay for it, but the CocCola Company wants to hold a controlling stake.

"Both parties reserve the right to make additional investments..." Li Siyan's people did not notice the changes in the faces of others, and continued to read them.

The people at the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory did not say anything. This is the first thing to see that CocCola is a foreign company.

"After the establishment of the new factory, the output of Shanhaiguan soda produced each year will be determined by the sales volume of the previous year..."

Li Siyan continued to read, the expressions of everyone in the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory changed again. If this article was agreed, it would be a dead end.

According to the sales volume of the previous year, the production volume of the next year is set. The sales volume of Shanhaiguan soda is now declining.

If according to this contract, the annual sales volume and output also decline, then within a few years, Shanhaiguan soda will no longer exist.

"Manager Li." Director Guan couldn't help interrupting Li Siyan.

"Director, please tell me."

"With all due respect, we cannot agree to this. Our Shanhaiguan soda has the idea of setting up a factory jointly with you, and that is because we want to open up sales.

As a result, the annual production volume is linked to the previous year's sales volume. There is no sales and no production. Wouldn't we let you eat for nothing..."

Director Guan patted the table and said.

Li Siyan looked at the angry Director Guan and smiled, and she was not worried. She had already considered this. It is normal for disputes to exist. Negotiations?

Of course, the conditions must be set higher to have room for price concessions. If the conditions are set lower, it will be impossible to increase the price later.

She said this to give Shanhaiguan soda factory room for negotiation.

Of course, she did not expect to be interrupted before the plan was finished. It seems that this is indeed the painful foot of Shanhaiguan Soda Factory.

Don't worry if you close the factory manager, wait until we finish reading the plan, and then I will explain it to you in detail, okay? Li Siyan said with a smile.

"No, Manager Li, let's say this condition first, and then continue to talk about the other contents of the plan. If this content is not good, then there is no need to say other things. We can't agree to it." The attitude is very tough.

Something went beyond Li Siyan's expectations, but soon the director of the factory shut down and gave a reason for doing so.

"Yesterday, Huaqing Holding Company promised us to jointly establish a factory, so that we can share experience, and the annual production ratio is half of the two..."

"What, half of them, 50%..." Li Siyan exclaimed, very surprised.

What does this condition mean for Huaqing Holding Company? To put it bluntly, the cooperative establishment of a factory is to take advantage of it. Otherwise, you will be crazy, and rush over to ask for the cooperation to set up a factory.

No company is a charity, even if it is a private enterprise, it will not take care of Big Brother in this way.

So what does it mean that Huaqing Holding Company's conditions are so generous?

Li Siyan couldn't understand this, but she was able to figure out why the director of the factory had reacted so much.

It turns out that Huaqing Holding Company has offered such generous conditions in the first place, no wonder it is so tough.

But then it became difficult. The highest production volume in her mind is about 25% of the aspect, but facing Jiang Xiaobai's 50%, she is a little at a loss.

After all, it was half the difference, she couldn't agree to this condition.

"Let's do it, the minimum is not less than 10% of the current output..." Li Siyan thought for a while and said, before finishing her words, she saw the director of the factory still talking.

"Close the factory director, don't rush to refute, wait until our plan is finished. Let's discuss it one by one, but it won't work. You hand in the plan. I will go back and apply again and talk to the top, don't worry..."

Li Siyan hurriedly spoke to appease. The director of the factory opened his mouth, and stopped talking several times. Finally, he made a please gesture to signal Li Siyan to continue.

"After the establishment of Shanhaiguan Soda Factory, it will develop new beverage varieties, and even jointly launch a new beverage, which will be sold at that time..." Li Siyan continued, and the meeting room slowly became quiet.

Except for Li Siyan's herringbone, she read the plan in full, but the atmosphere was not so happy.

"At that time, the various propaganda methods of the other party will be interoperable, and CocCola can also be bundled with your soda factory to promote the sales of both parties..."

(End of this chapter)