Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1140

Chapter 1140

Chapter 1140 Generous plan

"Our family and the beverage factory invested 2 million yuan. The Shanhaiguan soda factory does not need to pay a single amount of money. The workers, machinery and equipment, and the site fee are all paid by us.

After the establishment of the new factory, we guarantee that the annual production of Shanhaiguan soda is no less than Jiahe herbal tea. The two beverages each account for half of the annual output of the new factory. The promotion of Shanhaiguan soda and the unified design of Jiahe herbal tea.

If there is an imbalance in the final sales, then strive to be able to bundle sales..."

Song Xin read one by one, the people at Shanhaiguan Soda Factory were getting brighter and brighter.

The smile on 's face has also become more exuberant. Without him, the conditions offered by the home and the beverage factory are too generous.

The leaders of Shanhaiguan Soda Factory were a little bit unbelievable.

"After the establishment of the new factory, Jiang Dong served as the director, then Jiahe Beverage Factory sent a deputy director, Shanhaiguan Soda Plant sent a deputy director, plus the factory's office director, workshop director, technical section chief, and personnel department. The section chief forms the team members.

Of course, these candidates in other places can be recruited from the society or appointed from two factories..."

"Yes, there is no problem with this."

"The conditions are very good." Several leaders of the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory listened and nodded continuously.

Half an hour later, Song Xin finished reading the plan prepared by the home and beverage factory, and passed the plan to the staff of Shanhaiguan Soda Factory.

"Papa." Deputy Director Hou took the lead in applauding, and soon there was fierce applause in the conference room.

"To be honest, the conditions of the home and the beverage factory are very good. If we can be the master, I will agree to cooperate without saying a word.

But I would like to ask Dong Jiang and Factory Manager Song to understand that our state-owned factory is different from your private enterprises. It is not me who has the final say. He needs to report to his superiors..."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said: "I understand, but I am not alone in the Huaqing Holding Company. We also have other shareholders, and we need to hold a shareholder meeting to make a decision."

"Haha, Jiang Dong is modest."

There was a lot of harmony in the conference room. Finally, the deputy factory director expressed his attitude on behalf of Shanhaiguan Soda, and he must actively work hard to promote this cooperation.

Lunch was eaten in the cafeteria of Shanhaiguan Soda Factory. The taste of the food was not worse than the food that was eaten at the hotel outside last night.

It's just this meal, and everyone didn't drink much. In the afternoon, the deputy factory director took Jiang Xiaobai and others to visit the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory.

Shanhaiguan Soda Factory is an old soda factory and a small factory kingdom.

Like Longgang, it has its own elementary school and its own hospital, which is the sustenance of lifelong hopes for many elderly people in Shanhaiguan soda factory.

"In the past two years, the efficiency of various factories has not been very good. I know that some workers in Jinmen City have not opened full wages, but opened 80%, and even 60% of the factories.

The workers have no money, seeing a doctor and eating are all problems..." Deputy Director Hou said with some emotion.

The situation of Shanhaiguan Soda Plant is better, but it is not much better. If it is the same as last year, the efficiency will continue to decrease.

Maybe one day you will need to pay only 80% of the salary like other factories. This is the saddest thing for a large state-owned enterprise with a glorious history.

"After the reform, the products of foreign companies and domestic private enterprises began to compete.

is no longer a monopoly market, it is time to buy a ticket.

Now in the market, the ratio of supply and demand is changing. Consumers have more choices. Naturally, they require better products and more advantages in order to maintain their competitiveness..."

Jiang Xiaobai bluntly said that this is the consensus of many people. It has been more than ten years now, and the changes in the past ten years are considerable.

The shift from a seller's market to a buyer's market is the biggest change.

"Yeah, what Jiang Dong said, I understand, but some can't keep up with the changes in the situation, let's take our Shanhaiguan soda for example.

Whether it's taste or anything else, it's time-tested... Jiang Dong, please..."

"Taste and quality are on the one hand, and there is also publicity. The time when the aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys has passed..."

Hou Deputy Factory Manager and Jiang Xiaobai visited the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory while chatting about the current situation.

Of course, all of them are in the economic field, and occasionally involve the political field, which is also skipped, not going to talk in depth.

On the other side, before leaving get off work the next afternoon, Li Siyan got a plan to cooperate with Shanhaiguan Soda Factory to set up a factory.

After calling Edward to communicate and communicate, they called Shanhaiguan Soda Factory again, expressing their intention to cooperate with Shanhaiguan Soda Factory to establish a new factory.

Shanhaiguan Soda Factory is also not rejecting visitors. Ask Li Siyan for dinner at night, and then talk in detail.

is also in Shanhaiguan Soda Factory.

Hang up the phone, Li Siyan was a little dazed, so I'm going to meet up tonight, right?

Look at the time, there is still some time before the agreed six o'clock.

Arrange the company to go to the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory to participate in the dinner at night, and then drive back to their house in Jinmen City by themselves.

Changed clothes, put on a simple makeup, and then drove back to the company.

A total of two vehicles, six people drove towards the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory.

After visiting here, a group of people were on their way to the canteen. Someone ran over and whispered a few words in the ear of Deputy Director Hou.

Then the face of the deputy director waiting became a little ugly.

"Okay, I see, you go." Waiting for the deputy director to send away the informant.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and asked, "Deputy Director Waiting, is there anything wrong?"

Hou deputy director shook his head and said, "Dong Jiang, please take a step to speak."

The two walked forward two steps alone, and then the deputy director Hou said in a low voice: "The North China branch of CocCola also proposed to cooperate in setting up factories.

The director also invited people to the cafeteria. This is really...I admire you Jiang Dong especially. Even if you want to talk, you should come here with herbal tea first.

In the end, it just doesn't work. Choose another company. Now let you two get together..."

The deputy factory manager was full of dissatisfaction, and he was very dissatisfied with the factory manager's arrangements.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know if Deputy Director Hou was really dissatisfied, or showed it to himself.

But it didn't matter. He had anticipated this a long time ago, but he didn't know it was such a coincidence. The time for the two companies to put forward this plan was almost the same.

I still say that CocCola has mastered his whereabouts.

That's why I was stuck in time and also proposed a plan.

(End of this chapter)