Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 1138

Chapter 1138

Chapter 1138

On the train to Pengcheng, Zhang Weiyi was also talking to Liu Aiguo about the business trip this time.

"Our Huaqing Holding Company borrowed 3 billion RUB from the North last year..."

As soon as Zhang Weiyi started his head, Liu Aiguo's mouth opened wide. He has been in Longcheng these years.

Know that Huaqing Holding Company is in full swing, and its business is very large, including clothing, beverages, and real estate...

is also very rich, with a capital flow of tens of millions, and a Huaqing Building uses more than 100 million funds.

But this loan of 3 billion rupee is too exaggerated. It is equivalent to a small tens of billions of renminbi.

Liu Aiguo was shocked, tens of billions of dollars in business.

"Brother Zhang, don't tell me anymore. For such a big business, I will follow you. Whatever you say, I will do it."

Liu Aiguo didn't even dare to listen. With 3 billion rupee funds, he was able to do such a big business.

When I was in the unit, I needed to talk to the leader even if I spent tens of dollars in reimbursement.

"Hehe." Zhang Weiyi said with a smile: "It's not that it will be true. In Jiang Dong's sentence, more money is actually a number, so there is no need to be afraid."

"No, why is our company borrowing so much money?" Liu Aiguo was choked by Zhang Weiyi's words. The money is just a number. This is indeed the style of Brother Xiaobai.

"Look out for development. Now Huaqing Holdings is spreading across various industries and needs financial support." Zhang Weiyi said.

He did not tell the truth with Liu Aiguo. The truth is that he and Jiang Xiaobai are not optimistic about the Lu coin, and speculate that the Lu coin will depreciate in the future.

Therefore, the high interest rate borrowed a huge sum of money to prevent the depreciation of the Lu currency in the future, so as to obtain such a huge sum of money for free to develop Huaqing Holding Company.

It's just that there is no need to talk to Liu Aiguo about this kind of thing.

Zhang Weiyi also had some speculations in his heart. If this happened, then he would have capital in the future in Huaqing Holdings.

"Yeah." Liu Aiguo nodded. He didn't understand Huaqing Holding Company and thought what Zhang Weiyi said was true.

"This time, let's go to Xiangjiang first and find a professional bank manager to see if anyone is willing to come to our Huaqing Holding Company.

Jiang Dong is going to set up a foreign bank in the north..."

"Set up a bank?" Liu Aiguo didn't know what to say anymore. He really needed to start over at Huaqing Holding Company.

None of these projects can be done by oneself, they belong to the legendary country to be able to do big projects.

What I am, just a section chief.

"Yes, it's also in the north. Now I'm going to Xiangjiang to dig people. First, I have to find a professional talent. Of course, after we find it, the interview is personally responsible for the interview.

After we are done in Hong Kong, we will go to the north to inspect the automobile factory, and strive to be able to acquire an automobile factory..."

3 billion RUB, opened a bank, and purchased an automobile factory.

Is it really still in reality? It feels very sci-fi.

Get off at the Jinmen Railway Station, and a deputy factory manager from Shanhaiguan Soda Factory came to pick up the people.

The cars were all unified Santana cars, and five came.

"Hello, this is Song Xin. Let's call it. This is our Jiang Dong."

"Dong Jiang, hello, and welcome to Jinmen City. I am the deputy director of Shanhaiguan Soda Factory and my surname is Hou."

"Hello, Director Waiting." Jiang Xiaobai and Director Waiting shook hands.

Then a group of people got on the car, and a deputy factory director led the team. No matter whether this matter could be achieved or not, at least the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory showed enough attention.

Although it is necessary to consider the opinions of the local government to establish a joint venture, it is also dominated by the local government.

But this does not mean that the factory does not have any autonomy.

The conditions offered by the home and the beverage factory are a bit more generous. The workers at the factory know that if the two cola conditions are opened over there, the conditions are not as good as the home and the beverage factory.

The workers in the factory will not agree, and the factory will have opinions.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Song Xin was a little absent-minded. This time I won't let Jiang Xiaobai and Li Siyan collide.

I didn't think of this, otherwise I wouldn't let Jiang Xiaobai come, but after another thought, if Li Siyan really wanted to contact Jiang Xiaobai, I could always get in touch.

You can't stop it by yourself. Let it happen, what can you do if you see it.

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai and Song Xin arrived, Li Siyan on the other side received the news through Shanhaiguan Soda Factory.

Knowing that Jiahe Beverage Factory and Shanhaiguan Soda Factory proposed a joint venture to set up factories.

At the end of last year, Li Siyan thought about preparing for this after the new year. First, he proposed to the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory to set up a joint venture.

Borrowing the sales channels of the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory, on the other hand, after the joint venture establishes the factory, we can also slowly reduce the proportion of Shanhaiguan soda produced by the new factory in some ways, and slowly cannibalize the Shanhaiguan soda market.

If it goes well on your own side, then you can follow this method in the next step to start with other domestic soda plants.

At that time, CocCola will be able to occupy a large area in the country. Any home and herbal tea, Jianlibao, and Pepsi will not be able to compare with CocCola.

But I didn't expect that after the Chinese New Year, I was still discussing this with Edward in Beijing, and my family and the beverage factory had already taken a step forward.

However, according to Li Siyan's own analysis, Jiang Xiaobai and Song Xin at the home and beverage factory are likely to make a trip for nothing.

Because she knows the personalities of some people in China. CocCola is a foreign multinational company.

It is normal to set up a joint venture with Shanhaiguan Soda. Just like the auto industry, they are all joint ventures.

There are many precedents in China, but Shanhaiguan Soda Factory and private enterprises jointly set up factories.

It doesn't look high-end when I say it out, but it is full of rustic flavor.

Just like many people in modern times choose to work, state-owned enterprises are no longer the only ones.

If anyone's child can enter a foreign-funded enterprise, that is also a thing to show off.

Second are state-owned enterprises and joint ventures, and joint ventures, of course, refer to foreign joint ventures.

Rather than joint ventures with private enterprises, the last employment option is private enterprises.

So Li Siyan guessed that Jiang Xiaobai and Song Xin might return without success this time.

So after learning the news, Li Siyan did not respond.

On the contrary, if a company and a beverage factory propose first and ask for directions, then the CocCola factory will propose a joint venture to establish a factory. This is the best comparison.

After all, a joint venture with a private company to set up a factory, or a foreign multinational company to invest in a factory, the two options are still good choices.

(End of this chapter)