Rebirth Of The World's Richest Man - Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Chapter 111 Aura

Jiang Xiaobai and others got up early the next morning and started to prepare. If Zhou Chaonan can really bring more than 20 people over, then the agents in Tongliu County can be determined all at once.

Tongliu County's sales task can be regarded as completed, they have a total of more than 20 people, and their task is to find good agents.

It's not about selling 100,000 bottles of cans with these more than 20 people.

"Brother Xiaobai, you are so energetic today." Deng Wei looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said with a smile, did you learn from Sanshu Li?

This is just a matter of lowering your head to do something, but also looking up at the road.

"No." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"You are usually too busy, and you don't have time to clean up for yourself. This clean up is great, and the spirit of the whole person has changed."

Deng Wei said, his voice turned and said: "However, your dedicated work spirit is particularly worthy of our study. Really, I originally admired you so much..."

"Is there? Don't say that, it's not for life." The smile on Jiang Xiaobai's face increased.

"No, don't say that. How many people in Jianhua Village have benefited from you? Except for the holidays, who can see some meat foam? What kind of food do you give the canned villagers?

Needless to say the commune's canteen, that is, the canteen of state-owned enterprises is not comparable...

"Haha, you kid, yes, you can learn something with your heart today. If it succeeds, I won't go to the next county town. You can take someone there."

Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Thank you, Brother Xiaobai, Brother Xiaobai." Deng Wei said excitedly. Being able to lead people to build sales channels means that they have entered the company's middle-level leadership.

"No thanks, this is also the result of your hard work." Jiang Xiaobai said. He didn't reuse it because Deng Wei was good at flattering.

This Deng Wei is also capable. He takes people to handle the point of sale. Without the ability, can he rent two houses in an unfamiliar place in the morning?

Like Li Lao San, he is a good flatterer, but he is equally capable.

Hardly rushed to produce these 100,000 bottles of cans within a month.

Of course, it is undeniable that there is a little reason for flattering, but no one is perfect, who wants to use a black face all day long.

As for the subordinates who owe him money, three-legged toads are hard to find, but aren't two-legged people everywhere?

The other four salespersons on the side changed their expressions and their eyes were thoughtful.

It's better to learn more by yourself, not just business knowledge. And this flattering effort.

If you succeed today, then go to the next county, Deng Weike will be the leader of himself and others.

Let's come from Deng Wei first, and try Deng Wei's flattery first.

"Director Xiaobai, Director Xiaobai." Zhou Chaonan shouted, while waiting for three or four people to walk towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai stood at the front with a smile, Deng Wei was slightly behind Jiang Xiaobai by half a step, and the other four salesmen were half a step behind Deng Wei.

Deng Wei smiled and glanced at the other four salespersons.

gave an approving look, sensible!

"Big Brother Chaonan, you are here." Jiang Xiaobai waited for Zhou Chaonan to walk in front of him before he stepped forward and stretched out his hand slowly.

At this moment, the two of them couldn't hold their hands. Zhou Chaonan took another two steps before grasping Jiang Xiaobai's hand.

In the eyes of others, Zhou Chaonan stepped forward and held Jiang Xiaobai's hand tightly. Jiang Xiaobai's aura suddenly became stronger.

Following Zhou Chaonan's several small vendors who had watched Jiang Xiaobai and the others were young and despised were immediately suppressed.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai wearing a snow-white shirt and the four straight salesmen standing behind him, the small vendors suddenly lowered their gestures.

"Director Xiaobai, let me introduce to you, this is Yu Laowu..."

"Hello," Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand, took two steps to Lao Wu, and clasped Jiang Xiaobai's hand tightly.

"Hello, Director Xiaobai." Zhou Chaonan did not feel embarrassed in this attitude.

Several people stepped forward to shake hands with Jiang Xiaobai. After a short meeting, these small vendors were suppressed by Jiang Xiaobai.

"Director Xiaobai, the others will be here soon." Zhou Chaonan said.

"That way, everyone go in first, I'll wait for them here for a while."

"No, we are fine, just wait with the director Xiaobai."

"That's right, Director Xiaobai, there is no reason for you to greet you in person..."

Several small vendors opened their mouths one after another, each of them smiling brilliantly.

Watching Zhou Chaonan's lips secretly, what did these people say before they came, and they must expose Jiang Xiaobai's deception.

Because these people opposed the most severely, Zhou Chaonan was not relieved, and came over with them and caused something to happen.

As soon as they met, Jiang Xiaobai was shocked and did not dare to speak.

"Then shall we wait together?"

"Wait, we will accompany you, Director Xiaobai."

"Yes, we will wait with you..." Several people began to speak.

The aura is invisible and intangible, but it really exists.

"Lao Yang, Lao Wang, Lao Liu is here, let me introduce to you, this is our Xiaobai factory manager."

"Hello." Jiang Xiaobai kept a smile on his face, shaking hands whenever someone came.

As time passed, when people were almost there, there was a buzzing sound from the side of the road.

Everyone turned their heads when they heard the sound, only to see a green Jiefang truck with a red banner hanging in front. Coming slowly from the end of the road.

When the car walked in, people could see the big characters on the banner.

"Educated Youth Cannery." People suddenly exclaimed again, and they only saw eye contact.

It seems that the opponent's strength is extraordinary. It can be transported by truck.

Soon the bus stopped, and the workers in the carriage also rushed down, and began to move the cans down from the car neatly.

Then neatly placed at the door of the guest house.

One box, two boxes, five boxes, ten boxes... one hundred boxes, two hundred boxes...

A box of 20 cans. When Jiang Xiaobai came, he pulled 2000 bottles of cans, 100 boxes. The day before yesterday, he deliberately went back and pulled 10,000 bottles and 500 boxes of cans.

This is a total of 600 boxes of cans. Not many cans have been sold these days. More than 590 boxes of cans were slowly unloaded from the car.

With more and more canned food on the ground, everyone's eyes opened wider and wider.

(End of this chapter)