Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 661

Chapter 661

Everyone looked at Luo Chen in amazement.

Yang Peipei's heart jumped suddenly, almost jumping out of her throat, because the original matter may only be a matter of money, but once Luo Chen started to beat people, the matter would no longer be a matter of money.

At this moment, things are going to be a big deal.

Especially the general manager, a group of security guards behind him were going to rush to do it.

But he was stopped by the general manager's hand. The general manager's expression was extremely gloomy. He looked at Luo Chen bitterly, and while getting up from the ground, he wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

"Good, good, dare to hit someone at the Diamond Hotel!"

"Today, you could solve this problem with a little money, but now, it is no longer something that money can solve."

"Don't say it's just a small first-class stranger, even with a big background, I don't dare to beat people here."

"Young man, I advise you to be sincere at this time and apologize to others, maybe things will turn around." The woman sighed beside her.

She saw a lot of people like Luo Chen, especially first-level strangers, from ordinary people to first-class strangers, and after a little bit of supernatural power, she was overwhelmed, or forget about it.

But in the end it was very miserable.

Obviously, Luo Chen in front of him is such a person.

Things that could have been solved with money were severely slapped by Luo Chen.

The general manager of Renjia Diamond Hotel is also a first-class foreigner who can slap you.

It's just a pity that these people don't understand Luo Chen's temper. If they understand, they wouldn't dare to say that.

"Hit someone here?" Luo Chen chuckled lightly.

Then shot like lightning!

"What happened to hitting people here?"

Luo Chen grabbed the previous manager directly, and then slammed the diamond chandelier!


Then there was a bang!

The diamond headlight that was more than ten meters high, the sign of the Diamond Hotel was directly smashed by Luo Chen and fell to the ground!

That's it!

This is completely over.

Yang Peipei broke down in a cold sweat.

Even the face of the woman who had been watching the excitement changed.

This is tantamount to smashing other people's hotels.

This is the Diamond Hotel, the largest and most luxurious hotel in Mangu, and the boss behind it is the underground emperor.

Although Luo Chen had been talking wildly just now, he asked the boss to come out.

But with the identity of the owner of the Diamond Hotel, how could he really come out and care about the first-class stranger like Luo Chen?

But it's different now.

Luo Chen hit someone's hotel!

Even the general manager was stunned again for several seconds, staring at Luo Chen blankly.

The Diamond Hotel has been in operation for nearly 50 years. Since it opened, let alone smashing the hotel, even the beatings have never happened.

Because behind Xianluo's underground emperor, Xianluo's sixth-level alien, Song Mu!

Regardless of the strength of other people's sixth-level aliens, the entire gray industry of Xianluo and the entire underground power of Xianluo are in the hands of Song Mu!

How terrible is the power?

Who dares to make trouble here?

Even some strong people from other countries have to behave well when they come here. Now, a first-level stranger dares to smash other people's hotels?

Yang Jun on the side slapped his hands and laughed.

He didn't expect Luo Chen to dare to be so courageous, or to say that he didn't know that the sky was so great!

But the bigger the trouble, the happier he will be.

The general manager did not speak any more, but took out his cell phone and called.

After all, let's not talk about beatings. Someone smashed the diamond hotel's sign. Even he couldn't handle this matter.

"Well, don't you want our boss to come out?"

"I satisfy you!"

"But my boss is here, I see how you died today!" The general manager said half angrily and half mockingly.

"Dead?" Luo Chen shook his head and looked at the general manager.

"I'll leave it here today. Even if he comes, you will be the one who died."

"Hehe, you smashed other people's hotel, but the other people's own people died?"

"Luo, you really live in a dream, are you talking about dreams?" Yang Jun laughed aside.

However, Luo Chen looked at Yang Jun, and then slowly walked towards Yang Jun.

This made Yang Jun stunned for a moment, and then looked at Luo Chen sarcastically.

"You want to hit me?"

Luo Chen didn't speak, but just picked up the opened bottle of red wine on the table and answered Yang Jun with reality.

"Haha, the surname Luo, you have to think about it clearly, you have now provoked the entire underground emperor Song Mu in Xianluo, do you still want to provoke the Vata family too?"

Yang Peipei stepped forward and quickly grabbed Luo Chen's clothes corner, then looked at Luo Chen with pitying eyes, and shook his head at Luo Chen.

But Luo Chen gently pushed Yang Peipei's hand away, and continued to walk towards Yang Jun.

"Luo, you have to make a big deal today, don't you?" Yang Jun sneered.

"Once you dare to do something to me, the Vata family will let you die without a place to bury you."

"In Xianluo, you are a foreigner, and you dare to talk to the Vata family"

"Boom!" The red wine bottle hit Yang Jun's head directly, the bottle exploded, and the red liquid flowed down Yang Jun's face, making it difficult to distinguish whether it was blood or red wine.

"It's a big mess?" Luo Chen smiled contemptuously.

"You are afraid that you don't understand at all, what is meant by making things worse!" Luo Chen sneered across his mouth.

"The Wata family? This hotel owner Song Mu?"

"In the eyes of someone in Luo, it's just a bunch of ants."

"Hit you?" Luo Chen sneered again.

"What happened to you?"

"Bang!" Luo Chen didn't leave his hand at this moment, and he slashed over with a kick, directly buckled on Yang Jun's head, and Yang Jun's entire head was directly buckled on the ground by this foot.

Then Luo Chen stomped on Yang Jun's face fiercely.


"Heir of the Vata family, what happened to you?"


It's crazy.

This is everyone's evaluation of Luo Chen at this moment!

The people watching the excitement all around were stunned.

If you don't know the background of the Diamond Hotel, it can be said that the newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, or the ignorant are fearless.

But Luo Chen knew the background of this hotel, and dared to hit someone's family and smash their hotel.

More importantly, he knew Yang Jun was a member of the Wata family, so he dared to beat Yang Jun like this!

This is really crazy!

Yang Peipei was stunned with fright, her face pale, and there was only one thought in her heart.

It's over, it's over.

After going down from Luo Chen's wine bottle, it was completely finished.

Originally, if she agreed to Yang Jun as a condition, and then asked Yang Jun to ask the people of the Wata family to come forward to rescue Luo Chen, maybe things would still turn around. But now, even if she asks Yang Jun to help her on condition that she promises Yang Jun, this is impossible!