Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Only after becoming famous in World War I, Luo Chen didn't expect that this time, the military started paying attention to himself.

Finally, Ye Zhengtian invited everyone to hold a small banquet in Mingyue on the sea. Of course, Luo Chen has always been the focus of the entire banquet.

After the banquet dissipated, Luo Chen returned to his room, and then eagerly crushed the wolf tooth, which contained a black seed.

This seed is only a little shriveled, not completely shriveled like the previous seed.

Luo Chen took out the dragon veins, and then used the power of the dragon veins to warm it up. After a while, the seeds were completely full.

Luo Chen looked at Long Mai with a little distress.

Because the red thread is obviously thinner and shorter.

Luo Chen wanted to nurture that dragon vein, but it was a pity that this world no longer allowed it.

There is a saying that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, you are not allowed to become refined

In fact, this is because this world does not allow it. When Huang Taiji Nurhachi was entering the customs, it destroyed the great dragon veins of the Chinese land and caused the Chinese gas luck to decline. After the destruction of the war in the late Qing Dynasty, the gas luck of this world has fallen. It's lowest.

In order to cultivate vitality and restore the dragon veins, heaven and earth directly deprived of all air luck, so there will be a situation where it is not allowed to become elite after the founding of the country.

Putting down the dragon veins, Luo Chen began to fuse the seed and put it between his eyebrows. Suddenly, Luo Chen's body surfaced with black light and the whole room was dyed black.

When the black light dissipated, Luo Chen's bones crackled. Although his cultivation level had not been substantially improved, Luo Chen knew that with his current strength, even if he did not use the body protection aura of the Emperor Jing, he could Blocked the bullet.

And it's not a normal bullet, but it can block the super fierce firepower of the AK47 or Gatling.

At least on the surface, these small weapons no longer threaten Luo Chen.

The phone rang at this moment, and it was from Wang Fei.

"Luo Chen, I found several engineering teams here, and they are all in negotiation. By the way, do you remember Xu Wenbing?"

"That kid is also working as an engineering team now, and after knowing that I have the Panlong Bay project in my hands, he said he wanted to get a classmate who would invite me to ask me to call you. You should also go there tonight, anyway. You have to decide this matter in the end."

"Forget it, I won't go, you go and decide." Luo Chen refused.

Xu Wenbing and Luo Chen still have some impressions. At first, he pursued the class flower with himself, but in the end Xu Wenbing took the class flower, and Luo Chen and Zhang Xiaoman came together.

Speaking of them, there are still some small grievances, but this bit of grievance has passed in Luo Chen's eyes. After all, Luo Chen is no longer the previous Luo Chen, and the experience of the cultivation world is far beyond ordinary people.

"Don't Luo Chen, you see everyone is classmates. If you don't want to play with my face, you can just relive the past." Wang Fei persuaded.

Because Xu Wenbing begged him over there, he must bring the boss of Panlong Bay out to get to know him.

There is a saying that the class reunion is to show off. Luo Chen is really afraid that his class reunion will become like this.

After all, for Luo Chen, he doesn't seem to have anything to show off?

But in the end Wang Fei pleaded for mercy, Luo Chen didn't want to take Wang Fei's face too much, so he reluctantly agreed.

Soon it was evening, and the meeting place for classmates was arranged at Haiyue Xiaozhu.

Luo Chen drove here, remembering that he had a fight here last time.

As soon as Luo Chen parked the car, Haiyue Xiaozhu's boss had already walked out and greeted Luo Chen personally. After all, even his boss, Hong Biao, had to be polite to Luo Chen.

How dare this Haiyue Xiaozhu boss neglect Luo Chen?

That night, he had personally seen Luo Chen put a few dozen people. That kind of scene was too scary, so after seeing Luo Chen coming, the boss personally opened the door for Luo Chen.

"Master Luo, you are here."

"Well, I have a class reunion that seems to be in Box 8."

"Then Lord Luo, shall I lead you over?"

"Forget it, you go ahead, I'll just go over by myself." Luo Chen waved his hand, thinking it's better to go there first.

It's just that Luo Chen looked at the time, it seemed that he had arrived a bit early.

But it's okay. I just contacted Wang Fei. Wang Fei seems to be in a traffic jam and it will take a while to arrive.

Entering Box No. 8, there are already several people in the box.

The young man headed by him was dressed in a hidden red suit, wearing sunglasses, and combing his oiled hair. He looked extremely fashionable and successful. In addition, a BMW key was deliberately thrown in front of the table, as if he was deliberately showing off.

Luo Chen glanced at him. This was Xu Wenbing. In fact, in his memory, Xu Wenbing seemed to have looked down on himself since the beginning of university. In addition, he finally succeeded in taking off the work flower, but he deliberately left Luo Chen by this incident several times. Face-saving.

The other people are not badly dressed. They are all famous brands, as if they were out of school, all of them were very successful.

In this comparison, Luo Chen looked very casual, wearing a set of black sportswear without a brand on it, looking very shabby and casual.

Several people were chatting and laughing around Xu Wenbing at the moment.

After Xu Wenbing came out of university, he was actually pretty good, because his family was relatively rich, so he started an engineering team.

I remember that when I was in school, everyone secretly laughed at his father for working on the construction site. When he came out, the society realized that some jobs were not as good as on the construction site, and they were contractors, and they were responsible for the supervision. Work?

This time, the reason for the reunion of classmates was that Xu Wenbing heard that Wang Fei had a big project in his hands. Even in Tongzhou, it was a super big project.

But to be honest, Xu Wenbing and Wang Fei didn't have much friendship. They were like this at school, and they never contacted the society.

So in order to win this project, I deliberately held a classmate gathering. The gathering was fake and the set was almost true.

Only when Luo Chen walked in, Xu Wenbing was taken aback.

Because he didn't expect Luo Chen to also come.

But when he glanced at Luo Chen's clothes, he couldn't help but sneer inside. It seemed that this guy was miserable.

And Luo Chen didn't care about what happened at the beginning. It doesn't mean that Xu Wenbing didn't care. This guy dared to chase the class flower at the same time as himself, but the whole school knew something. Of course, Xu Wenbing took the class flower, and Luo Dust becomes a joke.

However, since I met today, I must humiliate the other person.

Thinking of this, Xu Wenbing stood up, pretending to be generous.

"Isn't this Luo Chen?"