Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 577

Chapter 577

"Wait, are you sure?" Master Nan Chan turned his head and glanced at Luo Chen who was sitting next to him, and then looked at the waitress at the door.

Don't talk about Master Nan Chan, even Luo Chen was taken aback, but the light in the box was very dark, including Master Nan Chan who was sitting next to Luo Chen could not see Luo Chen's expression clearly.

"I must be very sure!" the waitress said excitedly.

Her name is Ziyuan and she is Luo Wuji's number one fan. Before many posts on the Internet criticizing Luo Wuji, she almost quarreled with each other.

Anyone who dares to speak ill of Luo Wuji, she will go back!

But she is not really the waiter here, but came here on purpose with her good sister three days ago.

Because they heard the news, Luo Wuji would come today. In order to see Luo Wuji, they would find a way to stay here as waiters.

Of course, this is also due to the relationship between her good sisters, otherwise they would really not be able to enter this bar.

Master Nan Chan turned his head and looked at Luo Chen, and after confirming that it was indeed Luo Chen sitting next to him, he asked slowly and casually.

"What does Luo Wuji look like?"

"Of course it is domineering, so handsome!"

"While still speaking his sentence here just now, even if it is an enemy of the whole world?"

"What's he afraid of Luo Wuji?" Shiyuan learned a lot, and even learned it.

"It's so handsome!"

"Ziyuan, what are you doing? Hurry up and have a drink. We will leave after tonight!" Suddenly a female voice called Ziyuan outside the door.

"Don't tell me, it's a pity that I won't be allowed to take pictures, otherwise I can let you pay tribute to the first person in China!" Ziyuan said with a smile, then turned and left.

But Luo Chen in the dim light suddenly burst into his mind!


Immediately after Luo Chen looked up, Ziyuan passed through the light at the door, and that light inadvertently shone on Ziyuan's side face, making Luo Chen stunned!

Although Shion's appearance is definitely a super beauty level, it can even be comparable to Li Meizi, the first beauty in Longdu.

But this is definitely not the reason why Luo Chen is stunned.

Tide-like memories are coming in an instant!

Nanling Shangxian, Ziyuan!

Do not fall, Xi Ziyuan!

In the last life, in the fairy world, Luo Chen was chased and killed because he collapsed the Ten Thousand Dragons Nest, was seriously injured, and strayed into the forbidden land Tianyahai Pavilion!

"Are you from the earth too?"

"Coincidentally, I come from the earth!"

"This is the leaf of the Immortal Medicine. I stole it for you."

"Remember, if anyone will bully you in the future, you will report my name. Nanling Shangxian will cover you in the future!"

The picture turns, the top of the eternal heaven, Nanling Shangxian dressed in Tsing Yi, holding a sword of years, ascended into the sky.

"If I win, for the rest of my life, I will accompany you to guide the country and overlook the world!"

"If I lose, there is a bluestone in the Tianyahai Pavilion, come to see me once every 100 years, I will rest there!"

"There is one last sentence, Luo Chen, if I pass this catastrophe, you and I are either Daoists or brothers, you can choose yourself!" Nanling Shangxian Ziyuan smiled and turned his head.

Luo Chen looked at the Tsing Yi, the unsmiling Nanling Shangxian, the Unfalling Heavenly Immortal Tsing Yi who smashed thousands of immortals in angrily, dazzling the world, stepping up the sky step by step, among the billions of profound thunder. Turn into fly ash!

After all, she failed to successfully overcome the catastrophe, after all, she failed to let Luo Chen make a choice!

That was a pity. At that time, Luo Chen was not the supreme immortal world, and Luo Chen could not help her block the Thousand-Year Profound Tribulation!

Luo Chen could only help her block the enemies who were brave enough to prevent her from crossing the catastrophe.

In that battle, half the sky was stained with blood!

In that battle, Luo Chen was mad!

Unfortunately, the Nanling Shangxian finally fell.

When Luo Chen recovered, the Ziyuan at the door had already disappeared.

"Go and check where she lives?" Luo Chen's voice was rarely flustered and excited, even with a hint of hoarseness.

The deceased in the fairy world is now.

If he has grudges, he wants to report it!

But if you have grace, he has to report it!

Master Nan Chan also noticed something wrong with Luo Chen, so he immediately got up and walked out.

Luo Chen sighed, he has affected a lot of things in this life, at least in the previous life, the earth would never show Luo Wuji at this time!

Luo Chen didn't know what would happen to the cause and effect avenue that disrupted his previous life like this.

But since this life has changed a lot of things, then this life will completely make up for all the regrets of the previous life.

This life, his good friend, absolutely cannot let her fall again!

Soon Master Nanchan returned.

"Master, her name is Xi Ziyuan and she lives in Nanling City!"

Nanling, Nanling?

No wonder she wants to call Nanling Shangxian.

In the last life of the fairy world, Xi Ziyuan never mentioned the past of the earth, just as Luo Chen didn't mention the past on the earth with her. This is the tacit understanding of the two people.

"Okay." Luo Chen only said one word and didn't speak any more.

"Master, that Luo Wuji?"

"Never mind this matter for now." Luo Chen waved his hand, these things are not important at all, what really matters is the old celestial being, Xi Ziyuan!

After waiting for half an hour, an old woman came to Master Nan Chan's side, and then the old woman took Master Nan Chan and Luo Chen into the basement of the bar.

Passing through the basement and entering a door, the scenery in front of him changed and he appeared directly in an empty starry sky temple.

Luo Chen raised his eyes and glanced, this should be entering a horror game.

Master Nan Chan was very witty and didn't follow up.

As the name suggests, the temple of the starry sky is like being built in the starry sky.

There are densely packed tasks and conditions on the walls.

Luo Chen directly skipped those tasks, but instead looked at the top three tasks.

The first task is naturally to attack the fairy palace of Norse mythology.

The second task is to assassinate the foreign king!

The third task is really not qualified to be ranked third.

But that task was ranked third, and there was a feeling of dumbfounding.

If it weren't for the belief that this was a horror game, Luo Chen would doubt if it was a fake mission?

10 billion spent in a month!

And there are no restrictions.

Reward, ninety billion!

This task is simply to send money.

But it is strange that no one has picked up until now.

The reason is simple, because the required condition is one million merit points.

In the words of Master Nanchan, this task will not be taken unless the brain is broken.

This clearly shows that the horror game treats everyone as fools, and actually wants to use that little money to buy merit.

Who will be fooled?

Because one million meritorious service is worth more than 90 billion!

Even one hundred thousand merit points can be exchanged for ninety billion.

Therefore, this strange task has been hanging on it all the time, but no one took it. Luo Chen looked at these three tasks, he had already made a decision in his heart, and then raised his hand and threw out one million merit points without any hesitation.