Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 564

Chapter 564

There were constant discussions, but Luo Chen never responded.

There was no response that day, the next day, the third day.

It seemed that Luo Chen really acquiesced to those rumors.

In the end, a piece of news was released, and Qing Mang will leave the customs in three or four days at the latest, and he will definitely find Luo Wuji to fight!

The domestic heated discussion reached a peak again.

But even if this news was released, Luo Chen did not respond.

These days, I should accompany my parents with my parents, and I should talk to some people in NSW.

On the contrary, it was a phone call from Su Lingchu that made Luo Chen frown slightly.

The Wolf King is going to fight!

Su Lingchu didn't clarify the matter either, only said one piece of information, because he seemed to have only received such piece of information.

"You are quite calm." Lan Belle came to Panlong Bay, NSW, with a smile on her face, which seemed extremely happy.

"Should I go online to explain?" Luo Chen smiled and said, walking with Lan Beier by the lake.

"Guess how is the movie performance?" Lan Belle seemed to be particularly happy, and she felt excited when she mentioned this matter.

"Should be fine?" Luo Chen asked.

"On the first day of the premiere, there are more than 60 million yuan. According to this momentum, it is not a problem to win 1.5 billion yuan!" Lan Beier said cheerfully.

"Not bad." Luo Chen had no idea about this, and casually boasted.

But Blue Belle pouted. You know, if it can really win 1.5 billion box office, this year's mainland film market will be at least the top five rankings, not to mention that they are still a Hong Kong film. What?

After all, it is a miracle that a Hong Kong film can achieve such impressive results in the Mainland. But think about this 1.5 billion box office is an extremely dazzling honor for a movie, even for many people, but in Luo Chen's hands, it is only half an hour's work, people open their mouths, and some people are obedient. Put money

When it was sent, Lan Belle was frustrated again.

And this movie was actually invested by Baiyue Company under Luo Chen's name. In other words, Luo Chen was the one who made money!

Thinking of this, Lan Belle suddenly felt that she owed her mouth. Why did she and Luo Chen talk about this?

Isn't it unhappy to find it for yourself?

"Can't compare with Big Boss Zamen Luo!" Lan Belle stomped angrily as she spoke.

Luo Chen was amused by Lan Beier.

"Speaking of business, the movie box office is really good, so in my own name, I invited the crew to celebrate at the Longdu Kaiyue International Hotel." Lan Belle deliberately pretended to be serious and said.

"Should I go?" Luo Chen guessed Lan Belle's intentions.

"Of course, I boasted about going to Haikou with them, and I will definitely invite you to the scene!" Lan Beier said as she approached Luo Chen.

"Okay, go, go, definitely go!" Luo Chen just hurriedly agreed.

"Well, tomorrow night, Longdu Kaiyue International!" Lan Beier showed a successful smile.

Lan Belle flew back to Longdu that afternoon, and then went to book a hotel.

But that night, Mount Qingcheng was full of people.

At this moment, on the top of Mount Qingcheng, the sky was full of stars and the sky was full of stars.

Under the bright moonlight, like the day, the sea of clouds under the cliff was shining clearly.

At this moment, in the sea of clouds, a person slowly walked over with a negative hand.

As if there was a road in the sea of clouds.

However, there is a cliff of ten thousand feet below. Someone really thinks that there is a way to jump into the sea of clouds, for fear that they will be thrown into mud.

The man in white clothes was like snow, with long hair draped behind his head, walking in the misty sea of clouds, indeed like a real fairy descending.

"It is said that the immortal Qingmang is incomparable to the world, just like the immortal coming to the world. I used to think it was just a compliment. I didn't expect to see it today, and it really is!" It was Lu Jianguo who spoke.

"Hmph, Lao Lu, you can count as you know, knowing that you are lost at a critical moment, and you have not continued to follow Na Luo Wuji." Li Tianyou snorted coldly.

"However, I found you at the beginning, but you rejected it all at once, saying that following Na Luo Wuji will surely make your Lu Family brilliant!"

"Do you still dare to say this now?" Li Tianyou said sarcastically, with a deep sneer on his face.

"Oh, Teacher Li, this matter was my fault. I was confused at the time and didn't join you sooner to join the Celestial Immortal!"

"But I have never personally seen the peerless style of Qingmang Shangxian before!" Lu Jianguo was indeed very regretful.

Luo Chen had already seen him personally, but it seemed that his momentum and aura were indeed extraordinary.

But if it were to be compared with the green light in front of him, it was really far behind.

After all, at this moment, the blue light volleyed into the sky, and the whole body seemed to be bathed in a faint star!

None of these are on Luo Chen!

"If I saw Qingmang Shangxian with such a demeanor in advance, how could I refuse your invitation in the first place?" Lu Jianguo shook his head.

"It's also considered your prodigal son to turn around and save your Lu Family from the scourge of destruction!" Lan Feihu said to the side.

At this moment, there are not a few people like Lu Jianguo on the top of the mountain.

At this moment, they all showed horror at the green light coming out of the sea of clouds.

They are all at the helm of a group of giants, or they are a group of bigwigs.

These people present are all figures who can cause a lot of earthquakes in China!

At this moment, he was not far away and came to the top of the Qingcheng Mountain.

"Ms. Li, doesn't it mean that it will take a few days for the Immortal Qingmang to leave the customs?"

"Why did you leave today?" Lu Jianguo asked suspiciously.

"Huh, that's just a blindfold!"

"The Immortal Qingmang was worried that after Na Luo Wuji learned the news this time, he ran away in advance, so he would release a fake message to confuse Na Luo Wuji!" Li Tianyou's eyes flashed fiercely and the corners of his mouth flicked. A cruel smile.

Wait, Luo Wuji, do you think my Li family is so bully?

"Shangxian is still thoughtful, I'm waiting to admire it!" Those who heard this all agreed.

And at this moment, Qingmang has already stepped on the clouds to reach this group of people.

"I'm waiting to welcome Qingmang to the immortal!"

A group of people clasped their fists, and then knelt down.

Lu Jianguo was taken aback and hesitated slightly, but he was violently pulled by Li Tianyou, and then Lu Jianguo followed suit.

Just when Lu Jianguo wanted to show his dissatisfaction, a strong killing intent instantly swept over them.

Those who had not had time to kneel the first time they came, were immediately enveloped by this murderous intent, their whole bodies softened, and they slumped directly to the ground. Two of them actually peeed their pants.

Lu Jianguo secretly wiped his cold sweat, secretly crying out for luck.

Fortunately, he chose Qingmang and separated from Luo Chen. Just this murderous aura was not comparable to Luo Wuji. "Where is Luo Wuji?" Qing Mang said with a sneer.