Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 4163

Chapter 4163

The thirteen king's qi breaks through the universe, and the power in the body resonates with the heaven and the earth, and synchronizes with the years.

Thirteen ancient emperors and emperors, their bodies bloomed with endless light.

Terrible power rushed away, the power of the ancient emperor and the ancient emperor was really terrifying.

At this moment, the years are annihilated, and the universe collapses. If this universe is not supported by top-level creatures like the Heavenly King, it may have already collapsed at this moment.

And the eternal power composed of the thirteen ancient emperors and emperors poured down, almost completely covering the body of the Heavenly King.

It's just a pity that even though the thirteen ancient emperors and emperors had the power to wipe out everything, they still couldn't shake the Heavenly King.

Milky white light blooms from the body of the Celestial King, just like the supreme sky, unaffected by any force!

The Genesis Halberd struck again, and the Heavenly King disappeared instantly.

Obviously, on the battlefield, the only thing that can attack effectively is the Genesis Halberd, but the Genesis Halberd cannot attack the Celestial King.

And the rest of the attacks cannot be attacked.

The attack of the thirteen kings is almost the limit of the attack of the material world, or the limit of the power of a single body.

The power of the top creatures has surpassed the power of a single individual.

And the thirteenth king pushed away, shattering everything, but every force was blocked!

But at this moment, another ancient emperor made a move.

That is the ancient emperor of the Eternal Family, equally powerful, with boundless power and unparalleled power!

Also at this time, the Eternal Family, the current emperor, he slowly stood up.

The long sword in his hand was swiped from the palm of his hand at this moment!

Blood spattered, staining the long sword red.

This is a blood sacrifice, a sacrifice to heaven and earth, to himself, to his father, Futian!

It is also a memorial to all the creatures who are about to die in battle!

At this moment, the contemporary emperor of the Eternal Family suddenly raised his head, twisting his blood-dripping long sword. At this moment, the terrifying golden runes and golden light armor pierced the entire universe!


"Not dead, no!"


The Eternal Family erupted at this moment.

The intense light was extremely terrifying at this moment, just for a moment, it penetrated a distance of 30 billion light-years in an instant!

But that's not enough!

The momentum and brilliance of the ancient human family army and the ancient emperors directly penetrated the entire universe in the next moment.

Even if this universe is supported by the king of heaven and man, it will be shattered at this moment!

Because the attack led by Futian's old department was the thirteen ancient emperors and emperors.

As for the empress, there are also the ancient emperors who fought against Jiulong, plus the remaining kings, and there are more than a dozen ancient emperors on the side of the Eternal Human Court.

As for the number of kings is still increasing, in just a moment, there are already more than a hundred truly terrifying kings!

Especially on the side of the Eternal Human Court, it is almost as if desperate at this moment, and the Supremes are densely packed, with tens of thousands rushing here at the beginning.

In all directions, across all directions!

The terrifying aura instantly shattered the universe!


Killing the Sovereign was unparalleled in bravery, but was sent flying again, and the Genesis Halberd was sent flying out of five universes, directly penetrating through the five universes!

However, the Eternal Human Family and Futian's old department really seemed to be crazy at this moment, and the terrifying power directly opened up the nine universes!

Break through nine universes in one breath.

Futian's old ministry and the Eternal Family are no longer guardians of peace, they are warriors, they are avengers!

They are not holding back, the directions of the nine universes are all controlled by the Celestial Dao Palace and the Immortal Lineage!

A planet with hundreds of thousands of living creatures at the end of the universe.

There are billions of people on a planet, even superstars, with a population of more than 300 billion people.

Such a superstar is not to mention other creatures.

This is just one universe.

And at this moment, the ancient emperors and empresses of the Eternal Family were really jealous.

It doesn't matter whether they are innocent or not, they only have endless killing in their eyes!

Nine universes were penetrated, causing almost countless casualties in an instant.

Moreover, beings such as the ancient emperor and the ancient king all know that it will take a long time for the universe to recover after it is broken.

Especially in the current first era, if a lot of resources are still spent to repair the universe, then the reincarnation plan will also run aground!

However, at this moment, the ancient emperor and the ancient emperor didn't care anymore.

Especially the empress was ruthless and ruthless.

Because Futian used to drain the infinite power in his body to repair the broken universe.

Futian even participated in the gestation of destiny.

And what's the point of doing so?

What kind of creatures are born in the universe he personally bestowed?

At this moment, the Empress was furious, ruthless and cold.

Powerful forces collided, and the concentrated force shook the entire universe.

The fighting power of the people on the side of the Eternal Human Court and other ancient emperors is really different from that of many people now.

Even in the face of top-level creatures, they fight forward and backward, with a certain degree of relaxation!

Facing the terrifying coercion of the Heavenly King.

Originally, some of the troops behind were afraid that they would explode with just one look.


These ancient emperors and kings directly set off an ancient cosmic shock and directly used the entire universe to forcibly resist the terrifying coercion and power of the king of heaven and man!


Heavenly King's blow directly shattered another universe.

At this moment, the unmoving mood of the king of heaven and man finally had a trace of emotion.

At this moment, the crown prince and Luo Chen have arrived at the place where the emperor of the eternal court was just now.

It's relatively safe here.

But also startled.

This is not war at all, this is simply annihilation.

Compared with the current war, the battle of later generations is simply child's play.

The destructive power of this kind of battle is really terrifying.

Just now a piece of the universe was shattered, and the crown prince watched, more than a billion people on a planet evaporated together with the planet in an instant.

Penetrated by the powerful power of the ancient emperor, a beam of light larger than the planet struck in an instant, and the planet disappeared in an instant.

There was no time to react.

The universe is also pierced at once, and then torn, shattered, and exploded.

The chaos surged, and the scene was terrifying, making one's scalp tingle.

Everything is crumbling and destroying.

The world was instantly brightly lit, and then fell into eternal darkness.

The destructive power is terrible.

At this moment, the king of heaven and man became more and more murderous.

He didn't make a full shot, because once he made a full shot, it would also produce amazing destructive power.

However, at this moment, the opponent took the lead in directly flipping the table.

But the empress, Futian's old department, and even some ancient emperors of the Eternal Family have one thought in their hearts.

That is to completely flip the table, everyone don't think about it, and no one lives!

So they don't have any scruples, and they are almost full of firepower in the shot.

Boom! Another monstrous explosion formed a new cosmic storm, another universe exploded, and countless creatures died. The storm formed at this moment is impacting and engulfing another universe!