Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 3937

Chapter 3937

"Ah!" An extremely unwilling roar echoed non-stop at the edge of the universe.

That was Gu's roar, he was extremely unwilling!

But at this moment Luo Chen had been taken back into the big boat by his hair.

At this moment, Jin Tianwang and others arrived again.

They were also very surprised, because the two kings walked together, were attacked by someone, and suffered a big loss?

This scene is really unbelievable.

At this moment, Sin's whole body was almost burning, and he obviously couldn't hold on anymore.

The hair disaster also has a huge lethality to the creatures of the first era, especially the higher the realm and the more powerful the creatures.

Sin finally became a pile of coke in the pain and died directly.

This time in the Dragon City, not to mention the heinous disaster that caused the big ship.

Several kings alone have fallen.

There are three kings in the Palace of Heaven, Humanity and Taoism, the Jinren King, and the Jiuyi King.

A total of five kings have fallen.

And four of them died directly or indirectly in Luo Chen's hands.

From this point of view, this result is indeed unbelievable.

After all, the gap between the opponent's realm and theirs is really too big.

If this kind of thing is said, no one will believe it, and no one will think it is true.

However, all of the real things are here, on the bright side.

"Pass down the order, keep the mouth shut on those who know the inside story of this matter, and spread it out. The three kings of the Heavenly Human Dao Palace, as well as the four kings of the Jinren King, fought against the king-level creatures on the big ship, and unfortunately died in battle!" Jin Tianwang said. road.

His eyes were already blind, beyond recovery.

After all, the Taoist Lord Tianren showed him the consequences of directly attacking Luo Chen. He took another look at the top creatures inside and became blind, which should be incurable.

But at this moment, he couldn't let the inside story of this matter get out.

Otherwise how to explain?

A person who may be from the future controls the strange body and kills the four kings?

At the moment he can only cover it up.

This is also one of the reasons why later generations did not directly rumor the matter.

"Leave here first, there may be a bigger battle breaking out here." Jin Tianwang frowned.

He had already guessed that the Heavenly Man and the Daoist Lord were alarmed and came in person, which meant that the big ship was definitely not as scary as usual.

All they have to do now is stay away from here.

Because he has already learned that another top creature, the Heavenly King of the Heavenly Human Dao Palace, is coming, and the Human Emperor is also ready to make a move.

Obviously, this place is about to be completely reduced to a top-level battlefield.

At this moment, Luo Chen was also tightly wrapped by the catastrophe of hair, and then pulled back to the boat.

The moment he pulled back to the boat, even Luo Chen felt a creepy feeling.

Because he arrived, the self in the previous life, that is, the broken and put together corpse also began to slowly grow red hairs.

The whole big ship is very strange now, the body of the Sun God Emperor is being repaired by hair, and the hair is sewing flesh and blood.

But Luo Chen's soul was very uncomfortable at the moment. First, he was infected with the power of darkness, and second, he was sealed by the general before he died.

But this time, Luo Chen felt that the most troublesome thing was that he couldn't go back.

He didn't even dare to return to his original body.

First, there was an infected dark power, Luo Chen could detect it, that power was very powerful.

Secondly, he is already at the eighth level of spirit and soul, once he returns to his body, he will inevitably be unable to suppress it and lead to a breakthrough.

So in this battle, it seemed that Luo Chen killed the four kings, but the price Luo Chen paid was also extremely high.

And Luo Chen didn't think it was a big deal for him to do so.

After all, if he can really break through, if he insists on breaking through, his accumulation in this life is enough for him to ascend to the sky in one step, stepping into the realm of the crown that he could not step into in his previous life.

But firstly, he couldn't break through because of Mengnan, and secondly, his vision was actually higher.

Because he is no longer only satisfied with the king, or the crown level.

When Luo Chen came into contact with the demon master Kunpeng for the first time, even if it was just a clone, Luo Chen could feel that kind of power.

That made him very fascinated!

That kind of power is the real power.

In other words, Luo Chen's goal was already a top creature.

But the top creatures are really too difficult. After all, the Immortal Emperor, Heavenly King, and Heavenly Emperor are all rare talents in the world.

But they are still not among the top creatures.

And how old is Luo Chen now?

Not counting the previous life, how old is it now?

Counting the previous life, it was just over ten thousand.

And count the top creatures?

How old are they?

Some things take time to accumulate after all.

To become a king is already very difficult for many people, or they can't do it no matter how hard they try.

And how many kings can a top creature be born?

It depends not only on your own conditions, but also on the overall environment.

At least in the fifth era, not to mention the birth of a top-level creature, it is considered an effort to be able to give birth to another king.

This is equivalent to the birth of a person. Some people are born into wealthy families, while others are born into difficult families.

To become a top creature is not only to become successful, but also to change the environment, that is, one's own family.

In other words, if Luo Chen wants to become a top creature, it is not for Luo Chen alone, but for raising the entire fifth era to several levels!

This difficulty is not ordinary.

But Luo Chen was very interested in this, especially after seeing the demon master Kunpeng, that feeling became even stronger.

After all, at that level of power, if it wasn't for bad luck, and he met the God of War, the eldest sister and the others, then the demon master Kunpeng could indeed directly block the future generations and step on the era after him.

Therefore, Luo Chen's vision has long since ceased to be king. After all, kings also have limitations. In front of top creatures, kings are also weak.

That's why Luo Chen felt that the battle was unsatisfactory.

For other people, being able to hunt and kill the Four Kings in this state and under such circumstances is already a proud achievement unprecedented in history.

But Luo Chen was still not satisfied, and even felt that he still had some omissions and did not do his best.

Strict with self-discipline, he doesn't seem to be strict with himself, but in fact he is extremely strict.

If the price is a breakthrough, then Luo Chen will not be happy, after all, the price is a bit high!

At this moment, his soul also felt severe pain, because the hair disaster on the ship also affected him to some extent.

In addition, the offense against them just now is really vicious! But Luo Chen still tried his best to calm himself down in the pain. At the same time, he also understood that the big ship was invading the First Era!