Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 3859

Chapter 3859

Jin Renlong was silent, and did not continue talking with Mu Tian and the others.

Instead, walk on the secular street.

As he walked, he observed.

The people here do seem to live a good life. There is no such strict hierarchical system, and many people are very casual.

And the key is that everyone gets along very well!

Finally, he came to the backyard of Tianwang Palace where Luo Chen was, and he came to find Luo Chen.

"How did you achieve peace?" Jin Renlong looked at Luo Chen, who was sitting in the garden drinking tea at the moment.

He needs to know the answer so that he can make a choice.

"You surprised me a bit. I didn't intend to instigate you, but you seem to be aware of the problem." Luo Chen looked at Jin Renlong.

"I'm the kind of person who can fight for the king, you shouldn't underestimate me." Jin Renlong said.

"That's true." Luo Chen nodded in agreement, after all, the First Era cannot be said to be all fools, there are smart people.

"I saved you just to use you." Luo Chen said, there's nothing wrong with admitting it.

"I know this, and I also know that you want to instigate me."

"Instigating against you, you are overthinking, I didn't intend to instigate you." Luo Chen said again.

"Seeing that you asked a core question, you are qualified to sit with me and have a drink." Luo Chen took out an extra teacup, poured a cup of tea, and placed it across the table.

"Sit." Luo Chen moved very gracefully, slowly and naturally.

"I want to know the answer to peace." Jin Renlong said.

"The answer to this question is actually not completely satisfactory to you, because I have not achieved peace in the true sense, nor am I able to achieve relative peace today." Luo Chen said.

"I come from the Immortal Burial Star, which was called Return to the Market in the First Era."

"Human Sovereign of Guixu's bloodline?" Jin Renlong asked.

The Human Sovereign of the Guixu lineage was different from the Old Man Sovereign and the Human Sovereign who advocated living. It seems that neither of the two ways advocated much. Of course, he chose to stand on Chen's side in the end, but he didn't completely stand on Chen's side. Dust here.

"Life is an independent individual, and there are natural differences between individuals."

"So at this time, a unified set of right and wrong standards is needed. With this standard, most of the conflicts can be resolved. When conflicts are resolved, relative peace will be resolved." Luo Chen said.

"Buying Immortal Star has gone through generations of hard work, and what is now being promoted is equality for everyone. Of course, complete equality in the true sense has not been achieved, but it is also quite effective."

"Use thought to unify?" Jin Renlong said.

"It's almost like this. This is the result of the efforts of generations of ancestors."

"Can this road work?" Jin Renlong asked in surprise.

"At least temporarily." Luo Chen said.

"The thinking of the first era is too extreme. The old man Huang and Chen are wrong in a sense, but they are also right!"

"You flip the table up every now and then. In this way, the end result is that everyone will finish playing together." Luo Chen said.

"That's right. After all, I don't need to shoot, but I can't guarantee that others won't shoot me. The best way is for everyone to lose the ability to flip the table." Jin Renlong nodded.

"Peace itself is a false proposition. There will be no real peace, but we can work towards this direction." Luo Chen said again.

"You want to survive, I understand that, but to survive, you have to constantly plunder other people's survival resources, living space, and even qualifications."

"In this way, other people can only resist. In this way, they will naturally fall into eternal war and constant disputes, just like the first era itself."

"But in this way, you didn't realize that what your war destroys is the home and the space where everyone can live together!" Luo Chen sighed.

"It's been five epochs now, but your first epoch alone wasted and destroyed, and even used four-fifths of the resources!"

"The next four eras can only be divided by one-fifth of what you have left!"

"If the old emperor didn't stop it back then, how could the second, third, or even fourth and fifth eras come later? I think the whole world would have been destroyed in the hands of your first era." Luo Chen said.

"And now, you want to invade the fifth era and want to take it for yourself."

"If there is really no other way, I would rather let the second or third era succeed in invading than let your first era succeed." Luo Chen looked at Jin Renlong's eyes full of murderous intent and said.

"Because they will at least let the creatures survive for a while, but you in the first era will not let any creatures survive in the end, including yourself!"

These words made Jin Renlong's whole body tremble, if he stood on a personal standpoint, he would not be able to see this.

But from the perspective of the overall situation, Luo Chen's words are right!

If the invasion of the first era is successful, or even mastered the fifth era, the ending is not that the first era can continue.

Instead, they will be destroyed together with the Fifth Era, including themselves in the end!

"If you want to live, we have to live too. If we don't talk about justice, it's not easy for everyone, we can only rely on our own abilities!" Luo Chen said again.

"Yes, everyone just wants to live, but our way is doomed to make us unable to live." Jin Renlong smiled wryly.

It's not that he doesn't understand, otherwise he wouldn't have asked Luo Chen about peace.

But Luo Chen's answer was something he hadn't thought about. If the invasion of the first era was successful, would he be able to survive?

No, no!

The first era will be like locusts crossing the border, eating everything that can be eaten, and then after everything is eaten, they will start eating each other!

In the end, there was nothing left.

The fact that the First Era will perish means that they were wrong, that their way of life is destructive.

"Actually, the old emperor is too kind."

"If it were me, I would only leave a group of people to restart civilization and continue the race, and I would find a way to kill the rest of them," Luo Chen said.

This is not ruthless, because sometimes, when looking at something from a civilized perspective, there will be no emotion.

Of course, this was intentionally said to Jin Renlong.

However, in terms of the continuation of civilization, there is only one path to choose, and there is no emotion, which is understandable.

This is also why the old man knew that he would be disobeyed and even infamy if he did that, but he did it anyway.

Because he just wants to continue civilization and survival, so that more people can survive, that's all, right or wrong is not that important to him! Jin Renlong was shocked again, he pondered for a moment, and finally planned to tell Luo Chen the plan.