Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 3726

Chapter 3726

Chen's hatred is overwhelming, he will personally bury the entire First Era!

And in Chen's consciousness, to be precise, in Luo Chen's own body and consciousness, where Luo Chen is located.

In Luo Chen's self-awareness world, that is Luo Chen wearing a crown. Chen's consciousness is not only memory, but also the suppression of Luo Chen with the crown.

This suppression prevented Luo Chen from seizing the dominance of his consciousness, and also made Luo Chen stay in his own consciousness.

These consciousnesses are very fragmented, like independent worlds, some worlds are Luo Chen's previous life, some worlds are everything Luo Chen has on earth, some consciousnesses are in the fairy world, and some are in the list of gods .

Luo Chen was not in a hurry to regain his consciousness. Instead, he was walking, shuttling, walking through memories and worlds.

It's like looking back at his own life, but the past life doesn't flash before his eyes, but Luo Chen can clearly go to every node of memory and consciousness.

Luo Chen is always looking for the end of consciousness, because consciousness and body are separate, body is body, and consciousness is consciousness.

And the world that traps Luo Chen is all the memories about Chen, the world about Chen.

That memory surrounded everything, as long as Luo Chen returned to Chen's memory, he would experience everything from waking up to Chen's suicide an infinite number of times.

Over and over and over and over again.

It's like some kind of unbreakable **** cycle.

This kind of reincarnation strengthens Chen's consciousness over and over again, and also makes Luo Chen recognize that he is Chen over and over again.

But even so, Luo Chen's perseverance is amazing. Luo Chen never thinks that he is someone else, and never recognizes that he is Chen.

This is why Chen can't completely control Luo Chen's body. Although the body and consciousness are separated, Luo Chen's consciousness still affects himself and everything!

After countless reincarnations, in a valley in the first era, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and everything looks so beautiful.

The waterfall fell straight down, and there was a deep pool below. Luo Chen sat quietly by the side of the deep pool, looking at everything around him with his chin resting, admiring the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

He has repeated this memory in Chen's memory at least a trillion times, but every time, or not once, Luo Chen has been completely assimilated.

The eldest sister and the second sister came again, bringing some delicious food, they had feelings, as if they were real, like real people, and they came to care about Luo Chen every time.

Luo Chen discovered this place in the First Era more than 500 billion times, and since then, every reincarnation, Luo Chen will come back here.

While the end result is the same, some things have been changed.

For example, Luo Chen can now appear at any node in this memory, or in this memory it seems to be an accident of himself, unlike the first time, he will be led away by Chen.

"You still don't recognize us?" the eldest sister and the second sister sighed.

These words surprised Luo Chen, and then he looked at the eldest sister and the second sister, because the second sister said this.

"Trillion times, you are still resisting, you still think you are not my brother, my stupid brother!" the eldest sister said, and she and the second sister chose to sit down.

"It's no way to spend it like this!" The eldest sister sighed.

Although what he experienced outside was just the past few days, Luo Chen had reincarnated trillions of times in his consciousness.

After a person has experienced trillions of times, especially a person like Luo Chen, he has already mastered everything.

"You finally couldn't help it anymore?" Luo Chen looked at the clear pool water, and the stones below were clearly visible. "I understand that you want to resurrect your brother, but I'm not him!" Luo Chen shook his head. As long as he doesn't compromise, Chen will never be able to fully control Luo Chen's body, and Luo Chen has never compromised in trillions of reincarnations. really amazing

Luo Chen has experienced everything that Chen has done trillions of times, but he has never recognized it once, even a stone has probably been influenced.

This is also the reason why the eldest sister and the second sister spoke this time.

"Why are you so sure it's not him?" the eldest sister and second sister asked.

"Because I am Luo Wuji, Luo Chen!" Luo Chen replied.

"But you are indeed formed by his consciousness in later generations!"

"Do you know that there is a person in later generations who, by virtue of his own strength, I mean after being deposed, can still rise up by himself, and then step up to the sky?" Luo Chen asked.

"The Sylphy in your memory?" the eldest sister asked.

"Yes, his secret is to be strong from the heart. No matter how strong a person is on the outside, he is only weak if he is weak on the inside. No matter how weak a person is on the outside, but when he has a strong heart, he is strong!"

"He seems to have experienced similar things before." Luo Chen said.

Sylphy did experience it. In the Fourth Era, he fell into the sea of samsara, and his body was also taken away.

At that time, the people in the Temple of Reincarnation took control of Sylphy's body and ran out, but obviously, the final result was that Sylphy regained his dominance.

"Let me guess, Long Yi has the aura of Samsara Sand Sea and Samsara Hall, I remember that aura when I fought with Qixian before!" Luo Chen said confidently.

"So, this is no longer the first time you guys have done this, or it's not the first time you've tried to resurrect someone else!" Luo Chen began his own analysis. "In the fourth era, you also tried it. I don't know how you did it, but the Hall of Reincarnation should have been created by Long Yi, or it was used to simulate reincarnation. Then you seized the house in the fourth era. , Rang Xuan

Yat thought he was dust! " Luo Chen said.

"That's why Xuan Yi was taken away that time. Of course, the commotion that time was not so big, and Xuan Yi might not have a high level at that time, but it's a pity that you failed!" Luo Chen laughed.

"You can't say that Chen has also reincarnated as Sylphy, right?" Luo Chen sneered.

This is the biggest loophole of the whole plan.

It is impossible for Chen to be Luo Chen and Sylphy at the same time.

"You should have been resurrected once. I guess you may have attacked Xuan Yi and angered Xuan Yueqing, so Xuan Yueqing chased you to the sky, and then killed you!" Luo Chen said.

"Of course, it may be like it is now, not a resurrection."

He also couldn't determine who was the queen, the eldest sister or the second sister.

"Of course, you are truly immortal, even Xuan Yueqing can't completely kill you."

"Tuoba knew you, not because the time and space that you disturbed time and space saw you in the endless abyss!" "It should be that you appeared in the fourth era before!" Luo Chen's analysis is very rational and reasonable .