Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 3624

Chapter 3624

With the landing of Qingsi, the Emperor's Arrow had already flown back, and Shui Zhi looked at Luo Chen in astonishment.

It's obvious, it's even!

She shot Luo Chen an arrow, Luo Chen shot her an arrow, and the matter was cleared up.

Amazed that he is still alive, and Luo Chen's bearing, this kind of person seems to have a natural kingly demeanor.

Shui Zhi's eyes flickered, she walked towards Luo Chen, and looked at Luo Chen. Now, as someone to rely on in the future, Shui Zhi suddenly found out that this person turned out to be quite good-looking. Before because of hostility, she had ignored that this person was very good-looking. handsome.

Under the long eyelashes, Shuizhi's big eyes blinked, and her face turned slightly red.

"You don't need too many people here. Shuizhi, you take others out to help resist what may happen outside. Remember, the first goal is to save your own life!"

"On the premise of protecting your life, help to resist as much as possible!" Luo Chen arranged.

This makes people feel very unreal, because it is more dangerous here, but Luo Chen chose to stay and face the danger, and let them go outside to guard.

Compared with the fifth part of the first era, Luo Chen's side is indeed more humane, or people-oriented!

"Let me and Huo Rong stay, our two strengths are not bad, and we can help you!" Tian Yue said.

"Anyway!" Luo Chen didn't refuse.

"The second wave of you just didn't count the votes, the people who can't vote for me, now you second wave of people vote, choose one person, I'm going to kill!" Luo Chen said coldly.

These words made Mu Jian and the others' faces change again!

But Shuizhi really took people out.

Walking outside the endless abyss, although the outside is still covered by the top battlefield, there is still a strong coercion, but at least they are still alive.

Taking a deep breath of the air outside, Shui Zhi walked towards Master and Fu Yao.

The Master and Fuyao watched Shui Zhi and the others on guard at this moment, all of them looked nervous, and the army was ready to attack at any time.

After all, if you start here, it will always be the Second Era and the Third Era that will suffer.

Especially when Shuizhi had killed them upside down before, they were even more afraid now!

Looking at Shui Zhi and others who were getting closer, especially the mighty approaching sixty people, only sixty people, actually walked out of the army, and the momentum of the army entering the city came.

"What's the situation, is there an accident on Luo Wuji's side?"

"Why did all these people come out?"

"Could it be that Luo Wuji encountered an accident inside?" Fuyao and the Master couldn't judge the situation for a while.

At this moment, they looked at Shuizhi and the others who were getting closer, and they were ready to fight to the death.

Just when they were about to order an attack, Taifeng and Ju Ling walked out of the crowd first.

"What's the situation?" Master and Fu Yao were shocked.

"You don't have to do it, your own people. Strictly speaking, they are already Luo Wuji's people!" Taifeng and Ju Ling said.


Have you been in here for an hour?

This has become Luo Wuji's person?

"Our people?" Wei Ziqing said in shock at the moment.

At this moment, he was sitting in the rear, and he stepped out first and came to the front of the army first.

"Let's look for the secular!" The people led by Shui Zhi and Jinghong said.

Seeing this scene, it is indeed my own!

"Our people come with us." Wei Ziqing was stunned. Although they didn't go in, they knew that these were geniuses from the First Era?

Was this accepted by your own teacher?

What kind of ghostly power is this?

Wei Ziqing was leading these people while surreptitiously watching them. These people weren't poured into ecstasy, right?

This is the genius of the first era, so he surrendered like this?

Fuyao and Master were equally astonished, with an incredible look on their faces.

"What the **** is going on?" Fuyao and the Master looked at the sixty people. If they really joined Luo Chen, wouldn't that make people jealous?

This is simply jealous to the extreme. You must know that these are the geniuses of the First Era. Apart from strength, the intelligence value alone is great.

After all, they know the First Era better!

And here, because they were suppressed, they suffered repeated losses in the second and third eras and could not dominate the battlefield at all.

Luo Wuji had followed some people from the First Era before, but now there is another wave?

What kind of means and magical power is this?

With these people, with Luo Wuji's ability, he might be able to quickly establish an advantage on this battlefield.

Fuyao knows Luo Chen very well, and it's not an exaggeration to say that it's an exaggeration to see the needle, give you a little sunshine, it can really give you a splendid piece of light that shines on the world!

With a little chance, the advantage will be infinitely expanded, and then the disadvantage will be turned into an advantage, and it will be turned over directly.

Now, is this a success?

Fuyao and the Master were horrified!

"It's like this!" Taifeng and Ju Ling witnessed the whole process, and then began to tell the whole story.

With the narration of Taifeng and Ju Ling, Fuyao and Master became more and more shocked!

It's not that people from the first era are stupid, but Luo Chen has too many tricks and too many hearts, and he seems to have hearts all over his body.

If this method is used, Fuyao asks himself, she, a veteran who has been on the battlefield, may not be able to withstand it!

How many tricks does Luo Wuji hide?

This has something to do with force, but this is wisdom and outsmarting!

The Master's face was not very good-looking. On the one hand, he was shocked by Luo Chen's methods. On the other hand, he checked it, and then thought of a person!

Burn the picture!

The Master now understands that he was completely alienated at that time. Although he knew it, at that time he didn't feel how important Burn Tu was.

But here, in this first era, if Fen Tu is still on his side, he will definitely have some advantages.

It's a pity that he made a mistake in this matter, and Luo Chen took advantage of it and took the opportunity to rebel.

The key countermeasure is not only on his side, but also on Fen Tu's side. Luo Wuji's ability to play with people's hearts made the master feel scared for the first time!

After all, these 60 people are the best proof, so they are subdued?

There is a saying that it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice!

The same is true of leading troops to fight, that is, to give you a commander, you have to have someone to do it.

Otherwise, if you go somewhere, you have nothing, and you can't do anything.

But Luo Wuji is different. This is a clever woman who is easy to cook without rice. If there is no one, Luo Wuji can find a way to bring the enemy's people over to you.

Even if there is no chance, Luo Wuji can create opportunities for you, such a person is really terrible!

"What are you doing out here?" Fuyao and the Master suddenly asked.

"Luo Wuji picked up a bargain in it, but we also picked up a leak from him!" Taifeng and Ju Ling were elated, and even said triumphantly.

Then he pointed to the poor and weak looking woman behind him!

The woman timidly smiled at Fuyao and the Master. "He Luo Wuji is good, but there are times when he is wrong, and Baimi must be at a loss!" Taifeng and Ju Ling said proudly.