Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 3449

Chapter 3449

Luo Chen and the starry sky walked calmly. At this moment, the vast starry sky seemed to be a foil, like a background board, and the real theme had been changed to Luo Chen.

The unhurried footsteps made everyone familiar with Luo Chen feel that Luo Chen had changed, but he couldn't tell where he had changed.

"The teacher is getting more and more inscrutable." Wei Ziqing said in horror.

At this moment, in terms of temperament alone, Prince Long felt that he had encountered a king walking towards him.

But Luo Chen is not a king, this is a very strange feeling, so that Prince Long can't help but have a stress reaction at this moment!

He clenched his fists tightly in both hands, never before has the human race put so much pressure on him!

At this moment, he took the initiative to shoot, because otherwise he was afraid that he would not have the opportunity to shoot. He swiped with one hand, and five scratches appeared in the void. The scratches stretched across the sky and the earth, like five unparalleled sword lights!

The scratches swept the violent demon power, and the power was unparalleled, as if a single blow could violently kill everything!

This is the real dragon claw hand!

Penetrating the heavens and the earth, destroying the stars, can be called the highest attack power in the world, especially if the Demon Emperor Zhenlong uses this trick, the Wangdu may not be able to stop it!

The claw marks contain the aura of opening the sky and destroying the earth, and it also contains several kinds of sorcery. Once touched, those sorceries will naturally explode, and the sorcery that erupts will be completely unexpected!

But Luo Chen did not block, did not dodge, did not evade, letting the claw marks hit.

Just at the moment when he was about to attack Luo Chen, Luo Chen raised his hand, and then pointed out a finger calmly.

With a single tap, the strong claw marks turned into disintegrating energy at this moment, which was decomposed by Luo Chen.

Those energies are now floating around Luo Chen, cheering, as if they have their own lives.

This scene once again shocked Prince Long!

What is this?

He was stunned, but still roared, ready to continue to attack, otherwise what should he do?

Waiting for the catch?

At this moment, Luo Chen has no monstrous aura, no terrifying offensive, and some are just calm and indifferent.

But it was this calmness and indifference that made Prince Long feel very terrifying!

Luo Chen approached step by step, Prince Long's eyes kept rolling in his sockets, and finally he roared, and then burst into the extreme speed and rushed over!

The powerful dragon claws were disintegrated, and he chose melee combat!


Gaishi punched, but this punch instantly overlapped tens of thousands of punches.

And the overlapping tens of thousands of punches are as powerful and terrifying as the first punch!

This powerful attack power, once contacted, is to meet tens of thousands of punches!

This is the unparalleled secret technique of the Demon Emperor True Dragon!

His unparalleled secret technique is different from that of Tianwang, who can punch through time.

When the Demon Emperor Zhenlong punched out, it was superimposed into tens of thousands of punches in an instant. Any opponent would think it was just a punch, but if it was a hard hit or a punch, it would be tens of thousands of attacks.

This boxing technique is extremely mysterious, hiding tens of thousands of punches in one punch!

Such a punch, coupled with the monster clan, or the terrifying fleshly body unique to the dragon clan, can truly be invincible in the world, destroying the dry and the rot!


Seeing that this punch fell, Luo Chen was still unhurried, stretched out his hand, and then lightly tapped, the battle at this moment became very strange.

Prince Long opened and closed, and his momentum was full, as if he was about to destroy the world, but Luo Chen was calm and elegant.

Luo Chen pointed out, collided with his fist, and tens of thousands of fists continued to erupt!

It can be seen that there are layers of fists constantly attacking, hitting the force to attack one place!

As if tens of thousands of dragon princes were attacking!

However, Luo Chen's finger seems to be eternal, as if it has always been there, whether it is tens of thousands of times or once, it has become eternal!

And not only did it catch tens of thousands of punches, but at the same time, these tens of thousands of punches were still collapsing!

"Who are you?" Prince Long shouted in shock, and at the same time he shot again. The second punch was also the same as tens of thousands of punches superimposed!

The terrifying power itself can easily destroy everything, pouring out endless demon power.

But at this moment, Luo Chen seems to be immune to the demon power. The pouring demon power is like the fallen leaves in the river, coming and going, letting it go up and down and dissipate.

This is an extremely terrifying state, and Prince Long can't make any effective attacks even with all his might.

It's not a one-level fight.

Luo Chen Xuanzhi became mysterious again.

"What the **** is this?" Prince Long roared.

"You still don't understand?" Luo Chen's tone was calm, but there was a feeling that the teacher was training the students!

"Understand what?"

"What is this?" Prince Long's beliefs were about to collapse at the moment.

Obviously the opponent is not strong, obviously the opponent's realm combat power can be crushed by him!

But the other party was just too weird and terrifying.

At this moment, Luo Chen understood that the demon race is very powerful, but it has a fatal weakness compared to the human race!

That is, the brain may not be very good!

If they can use their power, they will never be willing to use their brains!

At this moment, if you change the human race, you will definitely find a way.

But the Dragon Prince still attacked with strength!

And the strongest Dragon Prince, in front of Luo Chen at this moment, fights more like the weakest one.

The Dragon Prince attacked several times and fell, but every time he blocked it with one finger.

"You have no research value." Luo Chen looked at Prince Long.

The power of the Dragon Prince is pure power, powerful demon power!

This doesn't arouse Luo Chen's half interest.

So Luo Chen is like a painting, pointing out in the void, Luo Chen did not point on the Dragon Prince.

But the weird thing is that with Luo Chen's pointing out, Prince Long's left hand collapsed instantly!

With a bang, the energy in his body collapsed uncontrollably, and his left hand disappeared instantly.

At this moment, Prince Long was horrified.

This is even more terrifying than his father, even more terrifying!

This is completely untraceable!

And this is not over yet, Luo Chen pointed it out again, without even looking at Prince Long.

As a result, Prince Long's left leg also disappeared.

Prince Long lowered his head in astonishment and looked at his left leg that disappeared. He didn't understand, his eyes were full of confusion and confusion!

This is not like magic, not like magic and supernatural powers.

"Dust to dust, dirt to dirt!"

"Where are you from, where are you going?" Luo Chen murmured.

Then Luo Chen pointed out, and Prince Long's body suddenly trembled and began to collapse.

This is like a question from the destiny, Luo Chen can solve the question now, and the question itself is the Dragon Prince.

At this moment, Prince Long looked at the dissipated body, and he could feel that he was about to disappear.

"Why?" "What exactly is this?" He roared angrily, but Luo Chenli ignored him and looked at the human race far away.