Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 3430

Chapter 3430

As the forbidden words landed, there were many more lines around Luo Chen.

This is called destiny.

"No wonder every era doesn't wait for destiny." Luo Chen said.

At this moment, Luo Chen's fate and destiny are being manipulated.

Those lines will eventually make Luo Chen die here, no matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you try, it's useless.

Because this is life!

"This is life!" Taboo sneered.

"Many of you will shout out that my life is up to me."

"But how many actually do it?"

"No, there will be no, your fate is in my hands!" Taboo said, and at this moment it obviously regards itself as a destiny.

The Mandate of Heaven was originally an existence that maintained the order and rules of this world, but it had consciousness and thought.

Then he had selfish desires.

Taboo and destiny are the same, one can control one's destiny at will.

The king of heaven lived a miserable life, and he became famous, why can't he reach Consummation in the end?

Because this is where the destiny is interfering, arranging many things of the king, or interfering.

And even ordinary people, many people inexplicably fly high and become prosperous.

And some people have struggled all their lives, worked hard all their lives, studied hard, and worked hard, but they are still the same, or even worse.

This is also life!

Whether it is China or other parts of the world, including astrological divination, there are fortune tellers!

What is your life in this life, that is what it is, there is no need to work hard, there is no need to toss, because it is useless!

Life has already planned your life, you can only follow this script.

How long will you live, what diseases will you get, what house will you live in, who will you marry or marry, whether you will be rich or poor, everything is manipulated and predestined.

This is the result of destiny's control of living beings.

"But there are always people who don't accept their fate, and there are always people who don't want to follow the script given by destiny." Luo Chen spoke to Tabu calmly.

That's why there are so many people and so many beings, working hard from generation to generation, and then struggling to change their own destiny, and then even to break the destiny and return their lives to the living beings in the world!

For example, the three fathers and sons of the Xuan family, such as the creatures of the Second Era, such as the Immortal Emperor, such as Luo Chen!

"I don't deny that there are people who have broken free from my shackles, but no creature has yet been able to obliterate us." Taboo said.

"I know you Luo Wuji, I can instantly know everything about you." Taboo said.

"However, I have arranged your life for you. Today, in ten more breaths, you will die. This is life."

"Your life!"

Fate does not involve cause and effect. For example, normally, if you work hard and do a lot, according to cause and effect, you will be very rich.

And the next door Wang Ergou eats and cooks all day long and is idle! However, no matter how you can't get rich, the next door Wang Ergou suddenly has good luck, such as winning the 10 million lottery, not only building the villa that everyone in the village envies, but also marrying the coveted village flower into the house. throw up

Kang head.

Does this fit causality?


Therefore, Taboo wants to kill Luo Chen, if it is life.

Then the same will not be in line with cause and effect!

"Don't say now that I have an insight into the so-called fate, even before, you couldn't kill me." Luo Chen said coldly.

"Really?" Tabu sneered, disapprovingly.

"It's already the fifth breath." Luo Chen reminded.

"I'll stand here and let you kill, I won't do it." Luo Chen said again.

"You are really arrogant. No one has ever dared to be so arrogant in front of me."

"Then you met today." Luo Chen waved his hand, and then a sofa appeared in the void, then a tea table, and even tea.

Luo Chen sat on the sofa in front of Taboo, and made tea.

Taboo wants to kill Luo Chen, or kill Luo Chen in a way unique to Taboo.

Then it is a death or accidental death!

This is the so-called Destiny Kill!

This kind of Destiny Kill is very common. If a person dies unexpectedly or dies unexpectedly, it is a Destiny Kill!

"There are still three breaths." Luo Chen said, and then picked up the teacup.

At this moment, there are more and more invisible lines around Luo Chen.

After two breaths, Luo Chen blew into the water.

With a breath, Luo Chen took a sip of tea.


"The time has passed, what about my mortal life?"

"Impossible?" Taboo shouted angrily.

"Kill me in this way of killing me, let alone you, even if your father comes, he won't be able to kill me."

"Impossible!" Tabu was really surprised at the moment, how could Luo Wuji be safe with so many lines connecting him?

Then the taboo intensified this time.

He wants to obliterate a person, can't he do it?

What's the joke?

Indeed, this time, he brought endless disasters, and Luo Chen Yintang seemed to be dripping ink from the darkness.

It seems that at this moment, it is really going to die.

But the next moment!


Taboo spurted out a mouthful of blood, and he was not only attacked, but also saw it.

This time, he saw why he couldn't kill Luo Chen directly.


Behind Luo Chen is a dense line!

There were so many threads, so vast and intricate, that it seemed to fill the entire universe!

"If you want to kill me, you have to cut off the cause and effect behind me and on my body!" Luo Chen put down the teacup.

"But these causes and effects of my Luo Wuji's contamination, that is, your father's destiny has come, and it will continue to be cut!"

There are too many causes and effects behind Luo Chen. At this moment, Taboo looks at the whole starry sky! The cause and effect of Luo Chen and the emperor, the cause and effect of Xuanyi, the cause and effect of Mingxian, the cause and effect of Dao San, the cause and effect of the earth, the king of heaven, the emperor of heaven, the emperor of immortality, and even the bride in the strange village, and the list of gods cause and effect, and

The cause and effect of Luodong Wang Qianqian...

Too much, pulling one hair and moving the whole body.

These causes and effects, whether good or bad, are all cause and effect.

To directly obliterate Luo Chen like this, you can only obliterate all these causes and effects in one go!


Not to mention taboos, even the destiny cannot do it, because those creatures are also very powerful, and each has its own cause and effect. It can be said that the whole world is like a net woven by causal threads.

To kill Luo Chen directly by means of death, unless all these causes and effects are cut off!

How can this be cut off?

"To kill me, you can only use cause and effect and follow the rules of this world."

"Otherwise, the destiny of the Fifth Era would have killed me long ago." Luo Chen said coldly.

If you really want to kill Luo Chen, then you have to kill Luo Chen and everyone in accordance with the rules and methods of the dimension of the fairy world.

Otherwise, how can you kill it?

If Luo Chen could be wiped out directly, then the destiny of the Fifth Era had already started, so why did he need to come up with a series of conspiracies?

"You are a son, and you are still a son after all!" Luo shook his head and sighed.

"If I can't kill you, then I will kill you myself!" Taboo said. "You are destined to be blood relatives, so do you know your destiny?" Luo Chen suddenly sneered.