Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 276

Chapter 276

At this time, the car is still moving, who dares to open the door and jump out of the car?

But a good-natured man, he disappeared when he said no, and he was so scared that the driver stopped the car and leaned on the side and kept yelling Amitabha, Buddha blessing and so on.

After shouting for a while, the driver realized that there was two hundred dollars missing in the seat behind him.

But this makes the driver feel more terrible.

He even vowed that he would never pull someone who doesn't speak much again.

On the other side, Luo Chen had already checked the ticket at the airport.

The driver talked all the way, forgetting the time, and Luo Chen suddenly left when he saw that the time was too late.

Fortunately, it's not too far, and I'm going to the airport soon.

So Luo Chen finally caught up with the last ticket check.

After getting on the plane, Luo Chen first made a turn and then went directly to Lhasa.

Then Luo Chen called Danba and inquired.

Finally, it was determined that it was going to Laon.

When he arrived in Xigaze, Luo Chen mentioned that he was going to La'angcuo. The driver refused to take Luo Chen with him.

He directly threw Luo Chen halfway.

This made Luo Chen a little embarrassed.

Walking on the side of the road, Luo Chen felt the clean air and could see a yak or two from time to time.

But at this time, a Land Rover suddenly stopped by Luo Chen while honking his horn.

"Brother, do you want to take a ride?" Suddenly a girl with sunglasses rolled down the car window and said.

"I went to Laon wrong." Luo Chen explained the place directly, so as not to wait for others to refuse to go again and again.

"Brother, this is the first time you have come to Tibet?" A man in the car asked.

Seeing Luo Chen showing a puzzled look, the female driver also spoke.

"You get in the car first, the place we go is actually the same."

Luo Chen found out after getting in the car that, apart from the female driver wearing a mask and sunglasses, there was still a man and a woman in the car.

The man is a burly figure, and he is a practising man.

The women were so tightly wrapped, nothing could be seen.

After a brief introduction, Luo Chen knew that this was a group of fellow travellers.

The female driver is Xu Shuiyao, who is only in her twenties. This car belongs to her. It can be seen that her family is in a good family situation. After all, she drives a Land Rover.

The man is called Du Dong, and the tightly-clad girl Feng Huan is Du Haidong's girlfriend.

"Luo Chen, you told people that you will definitely not take you when you go to Laon. That Laon is called a ghost lake. If you look down from the sky, it will look like a spread of human skin." Xu Shuiyao smiled.

"The locals are quite taboo, it's strange if they are willing to take you there." Xu Shuiyao seemed very talkative.

"If you say you go to the holy lake, Mabangyongcuo, you will be taken there. The two places are next to each other." Xu Shuiyao said.

She is actually a star in the port area, but she has always been a little unsuccessful recently. It happened that her best friend Feng Huan asked her to go out to the holy lake, Manpang Yumco, to be baptized with holy water.

In fact, it is very difficult to meet someone who takes you initiatively in Tibetan areas. After all, no one knows if you will encounter bad people in this place.

But Xu Shuiyao was not very worried. Du Dong was a master of fighting, known as the Siberian Tiger, who had won the MMA championship gold belt.

With such a master in the car, the group of them would certainly not be afraid.

"You should also go on a pilgrimage?" Xu Shuiyao asked.

Luo Chen nodded.

"But I heard that there will be a lotus blossom event in Laon's wrong place recently, and we can just go and see it at that time." Xu Shuiyao smiled again.

In fact, Luo Chen went to the Lotus Flower Festival this time. Luo Chen asked Danba to inquire about him. The man who cursed Shen Yuelan was called Labu Yangzong, and he had a very high status and reputation in the entire Tibetan area.

Of course, a large part of it also benefited from his master, the Vajra master.

And this time at the Lotus Flower Festival, Narabu Yangzong would appear there, and Luo Chen was too lazy to find someone in the entire Tibetan area, so he simply went there and waited for the rabbit.

Although Xu Shuiyao is very friendly to Luo Chen, it can be seen that Du Dong's attitude towards Luo Chen is slightly indifferent.

He is an MMA champion and a master in the fighting world. He is very dazzling wherever he goes, and he usually comes into contact with a big boss. After all, boxing is definitely supported by the gold master.

So unless it is a beauty, ordinary people Du Dong will not bother to pay attention.

Not worthy to talk to him.

Moreover, it was uncomfortable for the two beauties to travel together. Luo Chen came out halfway and disturbed his comfortable life. He naturally had no good feelings for Luo Chen.

However, for convenience, Xu Shuiyao finally let Feng Huan sit behind and let Luo Chen sit in the co-pilot.

"Brother Dong, have you killed anyone when you punched?" Xu Shuiyao suddenly asked.

"Killed." When he talked about this, Du Dong showed a trace of pride.

This made the two girls suddenly a little scared.

This is what Du Dong expected.

After all, when a normal person hears of killing someone, it's not the same.

Du Dong deliberately showed off in front of everyone, so he spoke lightly.

"There are two in total. One was the one that was beaten to death by a miss during an official match, and the other was an underground black fist that divided life and death."

Speaking of this, Du Dong also took a special look at Luo Chen.

"Then you are not afraid?" Xu Shuiyao asked.

"What's so scary about?" Du Dong sneered.

"Luo Chen, if it were you, would you kill people when punching?" Xu Shuiyao asked at this time.

However, Luo Chen shook his head. He was just taking a drop-in. There was no need to walk too close to these people, and naturally he would not answer these questions.

But Du Dong sneered.

"Cut, Sister Shuiyao, you are asking the wrong person. Look at him with small arms and legs. It hasn't been long since he entered the society. You might be afraid to let him kill a chicken, let alone murder."

"Du Dong." Feng Huan, who hadn't spoken much, glared at Du Dong.

"Little brother, don't be angry, I'm not running on you, I'm just telling a fact!" Du Dong said with a grin, his tone without apology.

Of course, Luo Chen didn't care, did he tell this group of people that he had killed someone?

But Du Dong didn't think so. He deliberately raised this statement to scare Luo Chen.

That means to be honest along the way, brother, I have killed people.

No one can't afford it.

However, along the way, when Du Dong spoke, he had a thorny feeling towards Luo Chen.

Even Luo Chen didn't speak a lot of times, but Du Dong still took the initiative to provoke.

Feng Huan's attitude is to follow Du Dong, after all, she has a very show-off feeling that she has an MMA champion boyfriend.

After walking for a full day, I finally found a dilapidated hotel at 11 o'clock in the evening.

"Oh, I want to take a good bath, and then sleep comfortably." Xu Shuiyao didn't pay attention to the hotel.

But other people frowned, because this hotel was not only shabby, but also a little bit frightening. "It's better not to live in this house." Luo Chen, who hadn't spoken much, said, and he looked at it. This hotel is a bit evil.