Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 2950

Chapter 2950

The strands of divine light are falling, and the dazzling light of the artifact is like the rising sun, slowly revealing it!

At this moment, the army is ready to call out!

It was like a **** in the sky, and it was really too mighty!

It has surpassed the so-called one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals of the ancient heavenly court!

Here is an army of eight million, an army of eight million gods!

All of them are powerful, their breath provokes the catastrophe of the world, like a doomsday legion!

The murderous atmosphere in this place exploded quickly, and they are bound to win the artifact!

In the colorful sacred mountain, a burst of colorful rays of light suddenly burst, and then a huge beam of light bloomed, rushing through everything.

"Into the mountain!" The eight great gods took the lead, directly controlling the horrible aura, as if an ancient **** descended one by one, directly rushing in from eight directions!


There is a **** forbidden on the colorful sacred mountain, it seems that it is not allowed to enter!

That **** forbidden may be able to stop other people, but it can't stop the eight million army, nor can it stop the eight great gods.

I saw an army of 8 million bursting out of momentum, really like the end of the world, the mountains and rivers are forever, everything is withered, the aura is too strong, it is simply unmatched.

And the breath of the eight great gods was equally terrifying. Someone was holding a heavenly sword and slashed down with one sword. The light was born for hundreds of millions of miles, the sword aura enveloped everything, and the sword aura poured down!

That's not human power, that's divine power!

Divine power has always been irresistible and invincible, shocking the world inside and outside!

It was terrible. At this moment, the entire realm could clearly see and feel the power of that divine power!


That **** forbidden was broken by the legion's impact in the first time!

But the moment it broke, suddenly the divine power expanded infinitely!


A huge majesty enveloped the entire world!

"I can't move it!" Many masters in the fairy world, even those close to the big day level, can't move.

Moreover, the far-reaching coercive wave even affected dozens of big worlds next to it!

This coercion is shocking!

This is the edge, the coercion is not so strong yet!

However, all things in the mountains and rivers are solidified, any grass on the grassland, any flying birds in the sky, and any beast on the earth.

Without exception, even the fish in the isolated mountain stream could not move.

The waterfall is solidified, everything is solidifying.

This is the coercion of the artifact!

The spread is too wide, it is hard to believe.

And the coercion on the colorful mountain can be imagined, it's terrifying.

Many people in the immortal world, let alone fighting, almost couldn't bear the coercion in the first place, and fell directly to the ground.

Some people have nose bleeding and trembling all over.

Both Shenxiu frowned slightly, but a green lotus bloomed on his head, blocking everything for him.

After all, there is a king's blood in his body, and he has also seen Luo Chen use this method!

Five thousand years, enough time for him to figure out and guess this spell.

And he actually learned this conquering technique!

Qinglian guarded him so that he would no longer be affected by the pressure of the artifact.

The same goes for the river stream on the side. Although there is no green lotus on the top of his head, there is a lotus leaf guarding it.

Both of them are sacred and unaffected.

But the rest of the immortal world was too miserable. Many people were unable to move. At this moment, they realized that the **** of this artifact had nothing to do with them.

"Go, remember what I said, saving your life at any time is the most important thing!" Shenxiu entrusted.

Jiang Liuer nodded, with a blue lotus leaf on his head, and feet on the lotus flower, walking slowly in the void, unhurriedly and freely, step by step towards the colorful sacred mountain.

Above the colorful sacred mountain, the artifact could not see any shape, and I didn't know what artifact it was.

But the power of the artifact is crowded with the world, and the eight million troops below share the pressure. The central location here is too powerful.

At this moment, although the Eight Great Gods were affected, they were still able to move freely, but those who came here would have greatly reduced their combat power.

And at this moment, Jiang Liu'er stepped into it and was also affected, but the impact on him was not very general, because Qinglian on his head blocked most of the coercion for him.

His situation is much better than that of the Eight Great Gods.

Otherwise, if there is no hole card, Shenxiu will not let him come here.

"Fuck!" The Babu Great God, the **** riding the black tiger, cast a murderous look at Jiang Liuer for the first time.

His eyes are shining, as bright as a magic lamp, and lasing away like an aurora headlight!

It illuminates that side of the world, and also makes Jiang Liu'er's figure invisible!

Jiang Liuer held the Buddha beads and stepped on the green lotus, very calm and not afraid!



Eight great gods spoke, offering an ancient sword!

The divine sword slashed away, and the ocean of sword aura appeared again, covering the world, Jiang Liuer seemed extremely small in it!

He seemed to be wrapped in a sword aura.

And Shenxiu was not nervous at the moment, because a small boat appeared at Jiang Liuer's feet.

That is the third causal boat!

It can be regarded as a treasure of Mount Xumi, once belonged to Emperor Shitian, and later fell into the hands of Tathagata.

But now it has appeared in Jiang Liuer's hands, and it can be seen that Shenxiu has been hiding something!

The line of Mount Xumi pays attention to the past life, this life, and the next life!

Corresponds to the three generations!

Just like the prince, his former emperor Shitian, Nezha in his life, the future body is the prince!

And now it is his future life!

That is cause and effect, and it is also a blessing. Otherwise, most people don't need to think about the blessing of the prince.

Otherwise, why meet Luo Chen in Shicun?

And the three-generation karma boat can gather the three-generation blessings to welcome blessings and avoid disasters.

At this moment, even though Bianzhou was ups and downs in the sword-gas ocean, it seemed to be shaking, and it would fall down at any time.

But let Jiang Liu'er always sail in the ocean of sword energy!

At this moment, Shenxiu sat down cross-legged, and while sitting high for nine days, he took out a bowl!

While knocking on the bowl, while chanting words, there is a clean water in the bowl at the same time!

Jiang Liu'er appeared in the clean water.

That's a job change!

It is also a kind of blessing!

Jiang Liuer set foot on the third-life causal boat, and went across the sky. The sword aura couldn't stop him, and at the same time another eight great gods suddenly spit out a bead!

This bead is extremely mysterious and extremely dark, but it is shrouded in chaos, like a deep pool of chaos.

The bead lased away and slammed towards the river.

Jiang Liuer flicked his sleeve robe, banging!

Jiang Liuer staggered, obviously he underestimated the magical powers of the eight great gods.

But he didn't fall, just a stagger, but the bead struck again, pulling a straight line in the void!

Cang Dang! After hitting it again, Jiang Liuer almost flew out, not because he was not strong enough, but because his opponent was the Eight Great Gods.