Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 2914

Chapter 2914


This changed Fu Yao's face!

She is very clear about what Luo Wuji is, that is to say, do it!

But at this time, they also did not dare to move rashly!

And at this time, the only thing they can invite is the ancient prince!

However, although the ancient prince is in the immortal world, it is more important to track Ali. At this time, he will not rescue Tianze at all.

Because although Tianze was important in the eyes of Fuyao and others, in the eyes of the ancient prince and others, it was not important at all.

The Great God Tianze roared again and again, and was furious. He was the Great God who was struggling to cross the sixth floor, and he was just one step away from stepping into the Heavenly Lord!

But it is not Tianzun!

Moreover, the injuries were extremely serious. At this time, I really felt powerless and about to be killed.

The gods were all messed up by him, but he still couldn't change his difficult situation!

The big brother was too cruel, and Dinghai Shenzhen was used abruptly by him as a high-end crying stick!

If you don't say hello to other places, you will greet the back of Tianze's head. Tianze trembles and feels dizzy, and his head feels like it will explode.

At this time, the blacksmith was resurrected, and the hammer in his hand smashed down one after another, smashing it towards Tianze's forehead.

The hammer at the front and the stick at the back made Tianze almost exhausted to cope, and there was still a tearing pain in his heart.

In this state, coupled with the previous severe injuries, Tianze finally couldn't fight back, and could only fall into a passive beating.

Ants kill elephants, practice punches to kill the master!

At this moment, the secular people swarmed up, almost attacking in turn, and almost every attack was dead.

Tianze staggered back, staggering, covered in blood!

Fu Yao couldn't help it anymore at this moment, she could see that her eyes were all down, and her whole body was trembling!

Her hatred is overwhelming, and there has never been such a hatred!

Tianze's feelings for her are true, but at this moment she has encountered a murderous hand, and she can only watch.


Blood spurted out!

Tianze's eyes are dizzy!

He finally died, and with a click, his shattered godhead was completely shattered.

Huaguang is full of void, even more dazzling and dazzling than the explosion of stars!

His stalwart body fell down, his breath disappeared, his consciousness was lost, and he drifted away into nothingness!

A man who is striving to cross the sixth floor and leading the sky.

Just died like this.

To die stubbornly, I am afraid that he is the first person to have the title of heaven to die so stubbornly.

This once again opened a new prelude and era in the fairy world!

The fairy world is quiet.

Tianze's corpse was directly knocked out by the big brother with a stick, flying directly across countless great realms, and then falling to the side of Bei Dazhou.

The majesty of Dongdazhou!

At this moment, watching the mundane people all over the sky, like gods descending, like all immortals in the same sky!

It's really scary, it's really magnificent!

At this time Hong Zhenxiang woke up too, without thanking him, Hong Zhenxiang was sad and left low-key!

When he left, he glanced at the Palace of Heavenly Kings.

Look at everything in the world!

This made him a little dazed.

King of heaven!

When the Heavenly King was there, Dongdazhou was so strong, and the Heavenly King Palace was also so strong!

Unstoppable heaven and earth!

The Palace of Heavenly Kings at this moment seems to have recovered to that period.

And many people in the fairy world were stunned.

Luo Chen's strength and secular strength make people no longer dare to underestimate it.

Palace of Heavenly Kings!

This is no longer a place where you can walk at will.

As for Beida Zhou, Fu Yao was the first to rush out and hugged Tianze's corpse with a trace of residual heat.

She did not speak, but picked up the corpse, lowered her head, and walked into the dark fog step by step.

The situation in the fairy world has been chaotic.

But on the Peking Universe side, it seems that the army is already beginning to gather.

It seems to be going to battle the fairy world in general.

At this time, the people in the fairy world became more and more nervous, because Luo Chen was obviously strong here, and didn't want to be low-key, and didn't want to back down.

Beida Zhou is ready to go, and it seems that a terrifying battle is about to break out!

On the Nanda Zhou side, Chen Jiagou was also preparing, and it seemed that he was about to prepare for a war.

Including Xi Dazhou, Wang Changjing went back, his injuries were not serious, he was quickly repaired and he was rectifying the army.

Conscription is going on everywhere.

The immortal world is not like the Third Era, and the Third Era does not require conscription.

Because they want to leave the third era, even if they are dead outside, it is better than staying in the third era, unable to survive, or to die.

They naturally long for themselves to be able to fight!

And the fairy world does need conscription here.

The sects in each big world began to issue conscription orders.

"If you really fight, the odds of winning will not be too high." Wu Chi frowned.

He didn't want to hit his own morale, but was making an objective and rational analysis.

After all, the current situation is that the Third Age is relatively strong.

And Tianze was only the first person to come here with the title of Heaven.

"I have already heard about it. Tianze is from a certain God Court in the Third Age. At this moment, everyone from that God Court is here!"

"It is said that Tianze's senior brother is also here!"

"That person was also a ruthless person in the Third Age, a master of detachment!"

"Now the funeral of Tianze is being held in Peking University!"

"Besides, the gods are very excited now, and they are discussing how to avenge!" Wu Chi has spies in here already.

"Vengeance is not terrible, the only thing is that if there really is a fight, the current situation in the fairy world may not be able to stop it!" Grandpa prince frowned.

"There should be people who are more anxious and embarrassed than us!" Luo Chen was very confident.

The people he was talking about were on the side of Undead Mountain at this moment.

"This Luo Wuji is really stupid!"

"Start a fight at this time!" Jiu Da Tianzun is now a little bit guilty.

Because at this time, the Third Age is about to attack aggressively.

Once a major attack is launched, then this matter can be seen as troublesome.

Are they better or not?

What they want is time, give them enough time to resurrect the fate of the ancient ancestor!

Instead of starting the war at this time!

Because small battles on a general scale are acceptable to them, even if the Third Age cannibalize the fairy world a little bit?

That is still under control.

But now if a large-scale war breaks out directly, defeat in the fairy world is doomed!

It's okay that the fairy world is defeated.

But if it is completely defeated immediately, the entire fairy world will be directly and completely occupied by the Third Age.

Then the ancient ancestor's destiny was resurrected, and it was troublesome.

After all, at that time, they must have a way to directly solve the nine heavenly sovereigns.

The most fearful thing is that the ancient ancestor's destiny has not been resurrected, and as a result, the Third Era occupied the Third Era, and then shot them. At that time, they had no time to resurrect the fate of the ancient ancestor!