Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 2738

Chapter 2738

Chapter 2738 Da Sun Valley

Twenty big sun turtles shrank there, their auras were amazing, and they mixed together, making the place shining brightly, and it seemed that the stingers couldn't open their eyes.

Such a group of people, released on weekdays, is definitely a terrible torrent that stuns the immortal world and sweeps the world.

After all, they are all big days and there are still so many people.

But at this moment they were huddled there, even if they were so arrogant, they were still lost to the indifferent man who appeared in the void holding a longbow.

At this moment, they are more like a flock of sheep, and they have met a tiger!

Even though it was twenty days old, it was still only a Chinese meal, and it was the subject of slaughter.

Although they are arrogant, they are all silver guns and wax heads.

Luo Chen was approaching, and these twenty big days were horrified again, some of them were very angry, after all, they were too aggrieved.

They are big days, dignified days, high on the top during weekdays, who dare to invade easily?

But now they are treated as prey by a person who is not a big day, and want to hunt them.

Not even prey, it's more like a livestock, let it be slaughtered!

Buluo Shenchao has never had a Destiny-level master to make a move, and always keeps quiet, it seems that he really intends to give up these big days.

This is also the use of Luo Chen's hand to clean up a wave of people, after all, these people have never been obedient, and do not abide by the rules of the sect!

For twenty days, many people looked at the approaching figure of Luo Chen and the long bow in his hand in horror.

The deterrence brought by the longbow is too strong, and the sense of oppression it gives people is too full.

The longbow is not bloody, but it has been swallowed for nearly a hundred days!

And Luo Chen could clearly feel that the Fallen Sun Divine Bow seemed extremely bloodthirsty and excited, especially the bowstring, which was Wang Jin!

At this moment, the longbow trembled lightly, as if it had its own breathing, and the rhythm gave people an extremely mysterious feeling.

"Luo Wuji, are you really going to kill them all?"

"If you do such a thing that exterminates humanity, you will surely encounter retribution in the future!" Yu Dari is still very indignant.

They have forgotten that this war was provoked by themselves!

"Rather than waiting to die like this, it's better to give it a go!" There was also Da Ri wrapped up the monstrous power, and took the initiative at this moment.


call out!

Arrow penetrated him mercilessly, and he didn't give him a chance to kill him completely!

Next, the bright fireworks exploded without fail!



Twenty dazzling fireworks shocked the world, dazzling, and Ye Ye was shining, shining everywhere!


Eighty-seven big suns have fallen!

Bloody, cruel, cruel, and ruthless!

At this moment, the people in the fairy world once again saw the consequences of provoking Luo Wuji!

"This is a big day killer!"

"This is also a catastrophe!"

Many people in the immortal world are deeply disturbed, because this kind of large-scale massacre, especially the massacre of Da Ri, will definitely cause huge waves.

Even though the Nine Great Sacred Grounds are silent at this time, there will definitely be greater waves afterwards.

How long hasn't this kind of war between immortals happened or been unfolded in the immortal world?

How many years hasn't this kind of turbulent struggle occurred?

This is in the world of cholera!

However, Luo Chen remained silent all the time, without saying a word, only the longbow in his hand gathered a beam of light that reached the sky, shining everywhere!

At this moment, Luo Chen seemed to have conquered the entire fairy world, causing the entire fairy world to crawl under his feet.

And Luo Chen didn't seem to give up yet!

Luo Chen moved, straddling heaven and earth, heading straight to Tianji Pavilion!

At the moment, the woman sitting in the Tianji Pavilion opened her eyes!

That was a big day for a group of women!

There are not many of them, only more than twenty!

But there are actually seven seven-color big days!

The appearance of the headed woman is amazing, and her figure is the best in the world, which can be called the golden ratio!

At the moment, she is wearing a golden armor!

The golden battle armor covered the body, exposing patches of white skin, and the body was radiant.

Her willow-leaf eyebrows were raised, and her fierce momentum unfolded.

The seven-color big sun shines through the sky forever!

And there are still seven seven-color big days, at this moment the brilliance shines in the mountains and rivers, reflecting the stars.

Everything around seemed to be gasifying, their expressions were gloomy, and there was a fierce look in their eyes.

In the eyes of the headed seven-color big day woman, the murderous intent at this moment was already full of extremes.

With a wave of her bare hand, she concealed the secret of heaven and covered the universe in all directions, with a gesture of isolating everything.

Twenty women formed a large array, and also formed a shocking momentum!

Luo Chen's goal is very simple, kill Da Ri!

These twenty people had already gathered. They just planned to attack the Palace of the Heavenly King, but they were shocked by Luo Chen's longbow and never had a chance to make a move.

As a result, after Luo Chen released his hand, he directly killed him!

"You want to kill?"


"Luo Wou-ki is planning to slaughter the great sun in the fairy world?"

This is of course impossible, because many people in the Nine Great Sacred Grounds are also at the level of Da Ri.

It's just that they are different from the big days of Ohitani, they didn't join the big day alliance.

And Luo Chen's goal seems obvious!

"Luo Wuji, are you really going to commit extinction?" The woman sneered.

But Luo Chen did not answer, only cold murderous aura!

At the next moment, the eighty big suns of the Eclipse Holy Land came.

This Qi machine shakes the four fields, shocking the world!

There are too many big days in the eclipse holy land, and this background seems to be enough to subvert everything!

And the Fifty Days of the Immortal Supreme also flew out at this moment.

too terrifying.

Now there are more big days!

There are a hundred and fifty big days!

"Luo Wuji, do you really think you are invincible in the world?"

The world is shaking!

The next moment, Ohitani finally dispatched.

There are more big days there, two hundred and ten!

All the way out!

Three hundred and sixty great suns, it can be said that this force really occupies at least half of the entire fairy realm great suns, or even more.

It may even have reached the seventh or eighth floor!

This is Ohitani!

This is the power of the immortal emperor's seal, the power left by the immortal emperor for future generations!

This is why, at the beginning of the Ninth Day, the Immortal Holy Land would not be valued at all!

And at this moment, on the side of Origu, or in the entire fairy world, that is a huge sun.

He seems to be as big as a big world.

It's too big, once it appears, it directly illuminates the entire fairy world!

There is a huge palace on the sun, with terrible breath and power surging.

This power is infinitely close to the destiny, but it is not the destiny!

This is a strange state.

That is an old sun.

In that palace, there is a huge hibiscus tree!

It's just that the hibiscus sacred tree seems to have dried up!