Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 223

Chapter 223

This exclamation sounded, and Wei Ziqing felt the strong wind behind him.

But just when he was about to avoid, everything suddenly stopped.

When Wei Ziqing turned around, he suddenly discovered that Wang Zhuozheng was planning to punch him on his vest.

It was just that this punch did not fall, but was blocked by Luo Chen's hand.

"Do you **** want to point your face?" Blood Tiger rushed up and shouted.

"You have already lost, and people let you go, so you still sneak attack?"

"I didn't lose, I was just beaten by him. I didn't say that I lost, nor did I say that this competition was over." Wang Zhuo said unconvinced.

He had just turned into anger, and he really wanted to sneak in.

After all, he was bragging before, but now he loses, when he is very shameless.

Luo Chen snorted coldly, did not act on Wang Zhuo, but spoke calmly to Wang Zhuo.

"Stop your hands."

"Want me to sever my hands?" Wang Zhuo smiled angrily when he heard it.

Behind him is not only Sister Yang, but also the head of his master Xingyimen.

Now Luo Chen actually wants him to cut his hands?

It's just a dream.

"I advise you to do it now before I change my mind." Luo Chen sneered.

"Young man, can you be crazy?"

"Do you know who you are talking to?" Wang Zhuo sneered again and again.

"Want to move out of your master again, right?" Luo Chen shook his head.

"Okay, you call your master immediately, I see what he said today." Luo Chen didn't do it directly either.

"Okay, Sister Yang, you heard it too. This is not what I want to cause trouble. If my master comes later, it will be a big trouble." Wang Zhuo took out his cell phone.

Su Lingchu wanted to stop, but Sister Yang waved her hand.

"Too pretentious, teach him a lesson."

"Wang Zhuo, just do what you want. Lao Su and I won't interfere." Sister Yang shouted to Wang Zhuo.

This is equivalent to saying that you can do it boldly, don't worry about Su Lingchu, I will block you.

"Hey~" Su Lingchu sighed.

Yeah, if this matter has reached this point today, someone must be unlucky, otherwise no one will be able to step down.

Su Lingchu simply didn't intervene.

It was Sister Yang who was embarrassed anyway, not him.

Wang Zhuo dialed the phone, and the head of Xingyimen was actually on his way.

"Who wants my apprentice to sever his hands?"

As soon as he heard this on the other end of the phone, an old man's angry voice rang.

"Tell him to wait for me, I'll be there soon!" The old man on the other end of the phone was obviously angry too.

He is the head of the dignified Xingyi family who doesn't want face?

Someone dared to ask his apprentice to judge his hands?

And Wang Zhuo also sneered, and said to Luo Chen.

"Young man, I want to see, how did you end today?"

"Okay, then I will give you a few more minutes and wait for your master to come." Luo Chen looked at Wang Zhuo with interest.

Soon a car drove over, obviously the head of Xingyimen was here.

But Wang Zhuo showed ridicule in his eyes, as if a good show was about to begin.

Sister Yang also had a look of sarcasm.

That is the head of the dignified Xingyi Sect, a generation of master-level figures, and today this matter must be said to be so easy to be kind.

There should be a profound lesson from this arrogant young man.

But the Blood Tiger and others were slightly worried.

"Who? Who actually asked my apprentice to cut his hands?" Before getting out of the car, the head of Xingyimen yelled.

"I, do you have an opinion?" Luo Chen said coldly.

The head of Xingyimen pushed the car door. He was about to get out of the car and speak cruelly, but suddenly he saw Luo Chen.

Then he heard Luo Chen's voice, and his complexion suddenly changed with fright, his feet softened and he fell directly to the ground.

Naturally, Wang Zhuo didn't know what had happened, and planned to go up and help his master.

But when the head of Xingyi Sect saw Wang Zhuo coming, he immediately pushed Wang Zhuo away, then quickly got up and ran to Luo Chen.

"Do you have an opinion?" Luo Chen said again.

Wang Zhuo didn't figure it out. He thought that his master accidentally fell down. At this moment, the monkey got up anxiously and planned to attack Luo Chen.

But the next moment, everyone was stunned.

"No, no, no!" The head of Xingyimen quickly waved his hand.


What opinion does he dare to have?

You are kidding!

He was almost scared just now, so what would he dare to say?

"No, Master, he wants me to cut my hands." Wang Zhuo was stunned, and then reminded, is his master getting older and having trouble with his ears?

"Then you still **** keep going? What are you waiting for?"

The head of Xingyimen suddenly turned his head and cursed at Wang Zhuo.

Not to mention self-determination of his hands, he didn't dare to be dissatisfied even if he wanted Wang Zhuo to commit suicide.

And he knew that Luo Chen was here, he knew that Wang Zhuo had provoke Luo Chen, and he didn't dare to come over.

Now he suddenly felt ashamed by his apprentice.

Who the **** are you messing with, you messing with Luo Wuji?

I don't even know where to choose if I'm looking for death.

"Master, how do you help"

"I will help your mother?" The head of Xingyimen walked over and slapped Wang Zhuo on the face.

Then he kicked Wang Zhuo's leg and kicked Wang Zhuo to the ground.

Wang Zhuo was completely dumbfounded. He was thinking about how to clean up Luo Chen after his master came, and then how to taunt Luo Chen.

But I didn't expect that my master would come, and it would be such a result, he would directly help Luo Chen speak.

"If you want to survive, do it quickly!"

"Master Him"

"Keep your dog eyes open and see clearly, this is Grandmaster Luo, Luo Wuji!"

As soon as he said this, Wang Zhuo's face changed completely.

Maybe Xue Sha or others don't know because of not paying much attention.

But he already knew on the phone.

His master personally told him on the phone the detailed process of the battle.

How about Fengtianlei?

How about Taiji Master Chen Bojiao?

It's all a slap.

Even his master had confessed to him personally that he was a slap in the face.

Master Luo, the six words Luo Wuji can now be spread throughout East China between martial arts and Taoism.

I didn't expect that I was so immortal that I would provoke others.

Think about Luo Chen's sentence, your master is here, and you may not dare to follow me.

This is not falsehood, this is the truth!

Wang Zhuo was completely panicked.

"Master Luo, I'm sorry, I, I didn't know it was you just now..."

"Break it off." Xingyimen said.

Wang Zhuo also has nothing to say, there is a saying that the master must not be insulted!

What's more, is it still a character like Master Luo?

"Add another leg." Luo Chen said lightly.

But these words suddenly changed Wang Zhuo's expression.

"I reminded you that before I changed my attention, you had better do it. Now I have changed my mind."

Seeing Wang Zhuo's look for help, the head of Xingyi Sect still couldn't help but speak. "Master Luo, can you look at my face?"