Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 159

Chapter 159

"What's the matter?" Xia Xinxin was angry.

She was afraid that someone would see Luo Chen, or she would lose her face today. Seeing that the personnel manager is here at the moment, she suddenly became a little worried.

"Chairman, this **** is beating people in our company!" The security captain pointed at Luo Chen with a baton and cursed.

"Shut up." Xia Xinxin scolded.

Regardless of whether she wants it or not, whether she admits it or not, the company executives knew that Luo Chen was her fianc. At this moment, seeing a security guard speaking rudely to Luo Chen, he naturally wanted to help Luo Chen.

"What the **** is going on?" Xia Xinxin looked at Luo Chen.

She didn't expect Luo Chen to cause trouble here in just ten minutes.

And Lu Fufu was looking at Luo Chen with a sneer. He believed that with Xia Xinxin's character as an overbearing president, Luo Chen was a big deal today.

The security captain also looked at Luo Chen with a sneer.

"They said that the newcomers need to pay protection fees, I gave them, and then they collected the money, but they didn't work for me." Luo Chen shrugged.

"Chairman, he is talking nonsense!"

"Chairman, nothing."

How can they admit this kind of thing?

At exactly this time, a Bentley came again, and an old man got off the car, and this old man was the steward of the Xia family.

"Uncle, how about the first day at work? The old man sent me to bring you breakfast." The old butler got out of the car and carried a bag.

Xia Yuanwu was afraid that his daughter would make trouble when Luo Chen went to the company on the first day, so he sent the old housekeeper.

Xia Xinxin was also black, her father was really ruthless, and she even gave Luo Chen breakfast, she didn't have this treatment.

She has now begun to wonder who is Xia Yuanwu's child?

How can I feel like I was picked up?


Lu Fufu and the security captain were frightened in an instant.

Xia Xinxin saw that these people couldn't hide it, so she spoke with a black face.

"He is my fiance."

"Also my assistant, President Luo."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Lu Fufeng suddenly fell to the ground, and the baton in the hand of the security captain also fell to the ground.

If Luo Chen is someone else, then they can still deny this matter.

But that is the chairman's fianc and the Xia family's uncle, so how can you deny this matter?

Is it useful to deny it?

They were so courageous that they actually collected protection fees from the chairman's fianc.

The cold sweat of a few people shed all of a sudden, and the arrogance of before was no longer.

"I'll take a look at the surveillance." Xia Xinxin is also fair in doing things. Of course, she actually hopes this thing is false.

If so, she can still go to Xia Yuanwu to file a complaint.

But soon, she came out with a black face.

It turns out that Luo Chen did not lie.

In any case, Luo Chen is her fiance in name, and now she has been charged for protection by a few security guards. She can't bear this face anymore.

The most important thing is that this kind of thing happened in the company, even the security guard and a personnel manager are so bold.

"Okay, very good, you are doing very well, and even a security guard dared to collect protection fees."

"Lu Fufu, you are also very good, the personnel manager dare to do this kind of thing."

"No, chairman, you listen to me to explain." Lu Fufu looked panicked, his expression pleading.

And I regretted it to the extreme.

"There is nothing to explain." Xia Xinxin said with a dark face.

"You can go to the Finance Department to check out. In addition, regarding your collection of protection fees, the company will sue you in accordance with the rules and regulations. Wait for the notice from the court." Xia Xinxin's face was already hard to read.

"Uncle Yang, you help me ask the head of the personnel department to wait for me in the office." Xia Xinxin decided to thoroughly investigate the responsibility.

At the same time, I want to distract the housekeeper.

After all, this is not as simple as collecting Luochen protection fees.

The security captain trembled and handed the money to Luo Chen.

"You see, sometimes protection fees are not so easy to collect." Luo Chen smiled.

"Aren't you going to hit me? You can do it, I will definitely not run." Luo Chen sneered at the group of people again.

The security captain didn't dare to say anything. Don't look at this company as the female president Xia Xinxin, but it doesn't mean that they have no relationship in society.

After all, the Xia family was also a wealthy family before, with a somewhat shameful background.

They dare not say anything at all.

And Lu Fufu was also ashamed. Even though Xia Xinxin was just a little girl, but the methods were quite ruthless, otherwise he wouldn't be able to take over the entire company.

This time it's definitely not just expelled, it's definitely going to be prosecuted and filed a lawsuit.

As for going to the finance department to check out?

Not to mention the salary, they would burn the incense if they didn't pay extra, and if the court sued next, they would definitely lose money.

Several people are almost regretful now.

After a few people left, Xia Xinxin said with a straight face.

"Let's go." Xia Xinxin turned around and planned to leave.

But after two steps, he was stunned, because Luo Chen did not follow.


"Where to go? Didn't you say that I should be a security guard?" Luo Chen sneered.

"Are you threatening me?"

"Luo, you have to understand that this is my company." Xia Xinxin snorted coldly.

Luo Chenli ignored her, turned around and walked into the security room, and then took out a set of security uniforms.

"You have to force me?" Xia Xinxin was actually very anxious. There were more and more people waiting to go to work. If Luo Chen was wearing a security uniform.

It didn't take an hour for this matter to spread, and then her face would be lost.

After all, people in the company have to go through the door.

"Okay, don't regret it." Xia Xinxin turned around and left.

But after less than five steps, Xia Xinxin was finally discouraged.

"Luo Chen, what do you want?" Xia Xinxin turned and looked at Luo Chen.

"Don't think so, don't you let me be a security guard? I like it." Luo Chen opened the security uniform and planned to wear it on.

"Uncle Luo, you are my uncle, all right, I beg you, please follow me." Xia Xinxin completely surrendered.

She didn't dare to take risks because a lot of cars were coming in the distance.

She had asked Luo Chen to work as a security guard to fix Luo Chen, but in a blink of an eye she had to beg others not to do it.

This made Xia Xinxin speechless for a while.

"But someone arranged for me to be a security guard today." Luo Chen was reluctant.

"Uncle Luo, I am wrong, can I do it, I am wrong, please, don't stand here, can you go up first?" Xia Xinxin finally felt regret.

Why are you trying to get along with Luo Chen? It's all right now, and it's hard for me to ride a tiger.

But Luo Chenli ignored Xia Xinxin.

In the end, Xia Xinxin finally thought of a way, standing with Luo Chen, and then standing there wearing security uniforms with Luo Chen.

In this way, others would not care that Luo Chen was here as a security guard.

She is here after all.

But this is even more misunderstanding.

"Chairman, who are you?" The employees who came in were stunned.

"Hehe, I will accompany Mr. Luo to get to know the employees." Xia Xinxin smiled stiffly.

Many people in the distance already knew that Luo Chen was Xia Xinxin's fianc, so many people came to say hello.

"Chairman, you were caught off guard by a handful of dog food early in the morning!"

"Yeah, Chairman, we were caught off guard, you kind show."

Xia Xinxin tried to explain, but couldn't speak, itchy with hatred.

Shit show affection, she would hate Luo Chen to death now.

Until noon, Xia Xinxin felt that her legs were soft, and she spoke again.

"Uncle Luo, please, let's go."

"Isn't this attitude all right?" Luo Chen smiled, then took off his security suit and left.

Xia Xinxin looked at Luo Chen bitterly.

There is always a chance to clean up you! The head of the sales department upstairs looked at Luo Chen and Xia Xinxin downstairs bitterly, and then slammed the cup directly on the ground!