Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 156

Chapter 156

"Is that what you said to invite me to eat delicious?" Luo Chen looked at the street nightclub snacks rubbing shoulders.

This made Luo Du slightly surprised. Jiang Tongran didn't look like he had no money. How could he invite him to a place like this.

"Boss, two fried rice noodles, mine with spicy and vinegar, and two more bottles of Qingdao." Jiang Tongran is obviously a frequent visitor here.

"I helped you so much, would you ask me to have fried pho?" Luo Chen smiled a little, Jiang Tongran played a card a bit unreasonably.

However, Luo Chen liked it, because Jiang Tongran always had the temperament of a wealthy lady, but he was very grounded.

Just like a little girl working on an ordinary factory assembly line.

"Hey, look at what you said, I'm not a rich person, aren't you also quite poor?" Jiang Tongran bit open a bottle of Qingdao with his mouth and handed it to Luo Chen.

"Where did you see it?" Luo Chen took the beer and drank.

In all, this is the first time Luo Chen has not resisted drinking with ordinary people.

"First of all, rich people don't bring so much cash now, they are all with cards. Secondly, your two packs of money are reported tightly. Layers of newspapers are too hard to disassemble." Jiang Tongran smiled. Tao.

"Are you just coming to Haidong today?" Jiang Tongran asked the bangs on his forehead, then lowered his head and took a mouthful of Pho.

I have to say that Jiang Tongran is indeed beautiful, even this action almost made the man at the next table unable to hold back.

"Yeah." Luo Chen nodded, ignoring the jealous look at the side table.

"What are you doing here?"

"Go to work." Luo Chen replied, this sentence is actually correct. In Luo Chen's view, going to the Jingnan Military Academy as a chief instructor is not just going to work, it's just that he mentioned it.

"Oh, I'll give you the money first." Jiang Tongran also handed Luo Chen two packets of money wrapped in newspaper.

Luo Chen didn't refuse, but put it away.

"Come on, let's do it, I'll make you a friend." Jiang Tongran pretended to be bold.

After two bottles of beer, Jiang Tongran smiled.

"Thank you at the airport today. I asked a lot of people to borrow money, but none of them were willing to borrow money. I didn't expect you to lend me the money in the end, and then I was afraid that I would not be enough. A good person like you is no longer in this world. too much."

"Aren't you afraid that I am a liar?" Jiang Tongran asked again.

"If you can fool me."

"Don't worry, I can lie to anyone in this life, but I will never lie to you!"

"Boss, add duck legs and eggs to make up for him, see if he is thin." Jiang Tongran shouted at the boss again.

"After talking for a long time, I forgot to introduce it. My name is Jiang Tongran. You can call me Sister Ranran, how about you?"

"Luo Chen." Luo Chen replied simply.

"Then I'll call you brother Xiaochen." Jiang Tongran took a mouthful of brother Xiaochen before Luo Chen agreed.

"Do you have a place to stay?" Jiang Tongran asked after eating.

"Not yet." Luo Chen answered truthfully.

"Why don't you live with me first, the apartment I rented has a room vacant." Jiang Tongran smiled again.

"Okay." Luo Chen did not refuse, because Jiang Tongran made Luo Chen suddenly think of an old person, an old person in the cultivation world.

She shouldn't be one of the four **** dynasties, right?

Luo Chen shook his head suddenly, remembering that beautiful occasion.

"You wait for me." Jiang Tongran asked the boss for a packing box, and then the leftovers and bones on the rest of the table were all packed by Jiang Tongran.

There are quite a few bags.

"Okay, let's go." Jiang Tongran carried the bag and got into the car.

The car drove to a civilian area in Haidong, where there are some hair salons, bars, massage parlors and so on.

After stopping the car, Jiang Tongran led Luo Chen into an alley, and Luo Chen looked at both sides.

"Remember, those salons are not allowed to go. I know the people inside. If you dare to go, you can wait for me." Jiang Tongran threatened with a small fist.

Luo Chen smiled bitterly, and said his heart, which one of your eyes saw that I was going?

There was a massage shop that caught Luo Chen's attention.

There was a person inside who was massaging a person, and a curtain blocked the upper body of the person who was massaging, and he couldn't see his face.

However, Luo Chen could clearly see the massage technique.

It is not a massage to the living, but a massage to the dead.

This made Luo Chen frowned slightly, because if Luo Chen didn't read it wrong, it was the method of driving the corpses in Xiangxi!

"You can go to this shop, it's absolutely formal." Jiang Tongran saw Luo Chen paying attention to the massage shop, so he explained.

"I'm out to eat." Jiang Tongran turned his head, took out the food in the bag, and suddenly a large number of stray cats and dogs surrounded him.

"You are quite caring," Luo Chen said.

"They are poor, living in a world ruled by humans, they have lost the qualifications to live and be free." After Jiang Tongran prepared the food, he took Luo Chen into an old-fashioned building.

Walking up the stairs and walking directly to the fifth floor, Jiang Tongran opened the door with the key and pressed the switch.

Then Jiang Tongran and Luo Chen were stunned.

"Close your eyes, turn your head!" Jiang Tongran screamed suddenly.

Luo Chen was also slightly stunned, and naturally he saw everything with Luo Chen's eyesight.

Disordered clothes were thrown everywhere, as well as underwear, socks, bras, and stockings of various colors!

For a long time, Jiang Tongran blushed and let Luo Chen in. Obviously, those things that shouldn't be seen had been cleaned up.

"You didn't see anything?" Jiang Tongran asked in a demonstration.

"My eyes are very bad at night." Luo Chen obviously opened his eyes and said nonsense, but his face was not red and heartbeat.

"Oh, that's good, usually no one comes, so I didn't do much to clean up." Jiang Tongran said.

"You live in that room, the rent is 700 per month, and the water and electricity are not included." Jiang Tongran is more grounded.

"Also, we have a lot of neighbors here." Jiang Tong suddenly opened another door. Outside that door was a large corridor. At this moment, several men and women were sitting there playing cards.

At first glance, it was Jiang Tongran, and everyone kindly called out sister Ranran.

Luo Chen was slightly surprised. There were actually several practitioners in this group, but their level seemed to be similar to that of Wang Kai in Tongzhou.

"Sister Ranran, how did you bring back a man?" a girl asked.

Her name is Tweet, and she works with her boyfriend, and the shirtless one next to her is his boyfriend.

"The other person is very good, take him in for a period of time, live with me in the same house, in the future everyone will take care of him." Jiang Tongran smiled.

However, Luo Chen found that suddenly a man headed by him was obviously hard to look at his face.

Suddenly there was a gesture of extreme dissatisfaction with Luo Chen.

"Oh, brother, where do you go to work? Do you want to go to the night fire bar to see the venue with me?" The man put down the card in his hand. His name is Han Feiyu, who is the head of these people.

And everyone knows that he has always liked Jiang Tongran. The most important thing is that he is the head of this group and has a few hands on hand. Seeing Han Feiyu's attitude, those people suddenly showed a look at the theater.