Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 1617

Chapter 1617

The alliance failed!

And just because of a trivial matter, Luo Wuji, the Shen family and the Tianshuyuan suddenly turned against each other.

As soon as this news came out, Zhongzhou once again caused a huge wave of waves.

And this time, it was not the same, this time Luo Chen killed the two heirs again!

Almost as soon as the news spread, there was a terrible breath sweeping across the sky in Westland for the first time, like the day, while the bright and obsessed sky lanterns illuminated the entire Central Continent, like a round of sun rising above the sky!

At this moment in Zhongzhou, everyone knew that something serious happened, and it was about to fight.

Because this was the sky lantern of Yue Tianpeng, the overlord of the West, was lit.

The sky lanterns are vast, and the flames rise from the ground, as high as Kunlun!

Rumor has it that Yue Tianpeng, the overlord of the West, can burn the heavens and the earth, and if the lanterns are not extinguished, he will not die!

The age is the largest among all the overlords, even longer than the southern overlord!

And at the same time, there was also a big movement on the side of Yandi. The yellow sand was thousands of miles away, and the sea of sand was floating, like a quadruple Buddha.

The yellow sand flew all over the sky, rolling up a tornado, and even began to cover the sky of the entire Central Continent!

This scene caused many ghost powers to tremble, because the yellow sand had a background, and it was said to be related to the taboo rumor of reincarnation sand sea.

The two overlords are about to make a move for the first time, and there are thousands of lights, and they are coming!

At this moment, Dao Tong sacrificed the Bagua furnace. The Bagua furnace was divine, and trillions of brilliance appeared to shine in the sky. At the same time, the Bagua furnace trembled, and the blue fire hung down, as if it was holding the entire Zhongdu upside down. The whole is frozen.

Because once the overlord-level figure makes a full shot, it will inevitably cause the mountains and rivers to break and the world to collapse!

The vision was so great that the mountains, rivers and mountains were all suppressed by a terrifying force at this moment.

The war is about to break out in advance, this is the consensus of everyone!

At this moment, Hai Ji and the others also frowned slightly and looked at Xidi and Yandi.

The Shen family was also furious, and immediately evacuated from Zhongdu.

On the side of Tianshuyuan, Jin Wen shook his head and looked at the Bajing Palace.

"I thought he was a genius, but he was just a reckless man."



"Fengtian Academy, we sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!" Jin Wen said coldly.

Originally, if an alliance was formed and such an overlord had to make a move, the Heavenly Academy would notify the frontline waiter to come back and settle Luo Wuji.

But today, Luo Wuji is aggressive, shot again and again, and is extremely arrogant, Jin Wen is also very angry.

"I want to see how you, Luo Wuji, can break this mortal situation!"

"The overlord can be called the world, how can it be that simple to be able to sit on one side!"

When this kind of thing happened, Yaochi Rose was also anxious.

Because no one thought that Luo Chen not only failed to form an alliance, but also killed the overlord of Yandi and the son of the overlord of the west.

"What did Qi Di He Changao say over there?" The rose is still making people contact Qi Di Overlord.

Because before, He Changao was supported by Yaochi, and he was regarded as a direct line of Yaochi.

However, since it was reported that Emperor Fu Tai had joined forces with the six overlords, the Yaochi side could no longer contact Qidi overlord He Changao.

"He Changao is crazy?"

"Although he is the overlord, he is the weakest person among the overlords. In the future, my Jade Lake God will be born, and he will be unattended. I am not afraid of my Jade Lake being liquidated. He betrayed him?" Rose obviously couldn't believe it at this moment.

He Changao actually betrayed Yaochi!

"I'm afraid that there is a **** behind He Changao." Xia Jingdie tracked down here for a long time, and found a little eyebrow!

"The Son of God?"

"I'm also here in Central Continent, the son of God has returned?" Rose was suddenly startled, and things were so complicated.

There is actually a **** child involved behind.

"Actually, when the demon **** son was born, my **** son in Zhongzhou returned, but he kept it secret and never showed up."

"Emperor Fu Tai unites the six overlords. This is not only a question of Emperor Fu Tai's identity, but more importantly, there is a **** child behind the scenes!" Xia Jingdi sighed.

This is the news she got from the front line.

"who is it?"

"Prince Changqin?" Rose guessed.

There are only a few people who can make He Changao betray Yaochi with such a handwriting. Rose can't really guess who it is!

"I don't know yet. Not many people know about this news. I just found it just now."

"I'm afraid I don't need to contact me, war has already been declared!" Xia Jingdie sighed.

In fact, I don't need Xia Jingdi to say that the rose is also sensed and noticed.

On the other side of Qi, an overlord's aura shook the world, and a huge snake shadow rushed past the world!

He Changao is related to the ancient **** Teng Snake, and the four northern immortals are generally enshrined in the secular northeast.

One of the great immortals is a snake, but going back to the source, this is actually related to the snake.

And that huge snake shadow, like a flood dragon, rose into the air and took up almost half of the ground. The snake shadow had cold eyes and was hidden in the black mist, responding to the overlord of Yan Di and the West Land!

The three overlords declared war.

At this moment, the storm was surging, everyone in Zhongzhou was shocked.

"Go and inform Mr. Luo!"

Dense drums are struck!

At this moment, there was a war drum in Wudi that was beaten, and a battle flag was only inserted into the sky in an instant.

But it was inserted upside down on the sky. At this moment, the golden armor was clenched, and the battle flag was waving in the wind.

A man in golden armor is extremely majestic, wearing a crown of heaven, holding a long sword, and stepping on a long river!

"Luo Wuji, come out for a fight!"

This is the first person to speak directly, and you can see how domineering and confident this person is!

He seemed to be born like a god, possessed of golden armor, and golden body. Between the openings, the mountains and rivers receded, and the wind and clouds disappeared!

"This is the overlord of Wu Di, Wei Tianyi!"

"It is rumored that he is a **** of golden armor, and a strand of spiritual thought of Vedo was reincarnated." At this moment, Hai Ji slowly explained in the Eight Views Palace.

The Golden Armored God has a great relationship with the Shakya of Mount Xumi. Strictly speaking, he should be regarded as a person of Hezhou, but after his fall, a ray of remnant thoughts came to the land of Wu.

After being reincarnated, he had the cultivation base of the ghost as soon as he was born. Some people even suspected that he was not reincarnated, but seized!

Because under the reincarnation, how can one have a soul-level cultivation base at birth?

The fourth has declared war!

The rose and the others just stepped into the Bajing Palace, the whole thing was shaking, and even the Eight Diagrams furnace was affected.

"Come on, fight!" Fu Taidi's voice sounded, and there was no terrible power, but he had already appeared above the sky in Zhongdu. And beside him, there are not only the overlord, but also several ghost powers and a group of holy monarchs.