Rebirth Of The Urban Immortal - Chapter 120

Chapter 120

"Old man Luo, pay the money!"

At this moment, there were five people standing outside the door, the leading one was someone who looked fierce and evil, with a scar on his neck spreading into his clothes, shaved his head, and his eyes were full of fierceness.

And there was a very wealthy man standing beside him, with a big belly, wearing gold-framed glasses, and his eyes flashed from time to time.

And everyone, or say that except for Luo Dafu and his son plus Luo Chen, the other people's expressions changed suddenly when they saw the bald head.

That bald head is no one else, but Yang Ergou, a famous rogue in Yongji County.

Three years ago, because of stabbing a person to death and wounding one in the street, he is still a wanted criminal. How could he be here now?

This is a murderer!

The fat man with glasses next to him was Fatty Yuan who gave Luo's father a loan shark.

Fatty Yuan sneered and pushed his glasses, then spoke.

"Old man Luo, you have to pay the money today."

"Aren't we talking about three months?" Father Luo asked.

When they borrowed the money, they said that the time limit was three months. How long has it passed now?

"Don't tell me anything for three months, I'm worried that you have no money to pay." Fatty Yuan sneered.

"We have a dinner with relatives today, in front of so many people, isn't it appropriate for you?" Luo Chen's father was also a little angry.

After all, so many people are here, so that kind of prevents Father Luo from coming to the stage.

But Fatty Yuan still sneered, and then said unceremoniously.

"If it feels inappropriate, then you can pay it back!"

Fatty Yuan was actually someone Luo Dafu and others found, otherwise he wouldn't behave according to the regulations.

And with Yang Ergou by his side, he obviously intended to threaten Father Luo.

The most important thing is that this is a game in itself. It is only appropriate to wait for Luo's father to ask him if he can't get the money.

Moreover, Luo Dafu and Luo Mingshu had just put together a few sentences, and they had almost covered Luo's father's details, and they certainly couldn't get the money.

Although the father and son couldn't get off the stage just because of the mobile phone, and they were embarrassed in front of everyone, but the father and son are very happy now.

First of all, they didn't believe in how good Luo Chen could be in Tongzhou, and if he went to Tongzhou in such a short period of time, they would be able to vacate something. That is really a **** of heaven.

Then Luo Chen's one million must have been spent for a long time, and even if it wasn't, there was definitely not much left.

After all, the mobile phone bought for Luo's father cost more than two hundred thousand.

Therefore, the father and son felt confident that Luo's father would be forced to submit.

At the moment the father and son saw the embarrassing situation on the surface, but they were happy in their hearts.

"Either repay the money or mortgage the factory to me." Fatty Yuan said again.

"You are also a person everyone knows in Yongji County, so you won't fall for the bill?"

These words suffocated Luo's father. Indeed, in any case, he owes money to others, and this is a matter of loss.

"Okay, Fatty Yuan, don't quarrel, so let me help my third brother pay the money." Luo Dafu stood up and said, because it's time for him to perform.

Moreover, Luo Dafu did a very good performance, and what he said was awe-inspiring. Most people really think that Luo Dafu has a deep affection for Luo's father.

But in fact it was just to set Luo's father.

Sure enough, when Luo Dafu said this, Luo's father immediately spoke.

"Big brother, let me figure it out by myself."

"Hey, it's all a family, what are you doing when you say such a strange thing?"

"Furthermore, when my family was poor and couldn't buy rice, you bought it and sent me to my house. You didn't treat me like a brother when you said this." Luo Dafu's words were touching. Deep.

Upon hearing it suddenly, he would think that Luo Dafu's words were really from the bottom of his heart and wanted to help Luo's father pay back the money.

But Luo Dafu's conversation suddenly changed again.

"But the third brother, you also know that I don't have much money myself. This money is the money Ming Shu plans to marry a wife to buy a new house."

"Not allowed, brother, not allowed." Father Luo waved his hand quickly.

"Listen to me first. Let's pay it back for you first. If you feel really sad, you can give half of your plant's equity to this kid, Ming Shu." Luo Dafu stated his true purpose.

"In this case, the money is also paid back, and the boy Ming Shu is also doing business, so he has the best of both worlds." Luo Dafu persuaded.

But Father Luo hesitated. It was not that he was reluctant to bear the half of the equity, but that the money was the money for the children's wedding.

Father Luo still thought that Luo Dafu really wanted to pay him back.

"Old man Luo, don't you want to bear the notoriety of not repaying debts?" Fatty Yuan reminded again at this time.

After all, the county is not big, almost everyone knows it.

If this spreads, it will be laughed at.

"Oh, all right." Father Luo sighed.

When Luo Mingshu and his son succeeded in the conspiracy, a sneer could not help but crossed the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, a voice stopped Father Luo.

"No, we will pay the money ourselves!" Luo Chen said with a smile.

"Xiao Chen, this time is not a time for arrogance."

"And Xiao Chen, can you come up with that much money?" Luo Dafu persuaded him at this time.

And Luo Mingshu sneered on the side.

"Okay, dad, or let the cousin pay the money by himself, lest we make it as if we are begging them to pay him back."

The reason why Luo Mingshu dared to say this was that he was sure that Luo Chen and Luo's father were still not paid.

"I said, we pay it back ourselves."

"Okay, we are no longer involved in the father's matter." Luo Mingshu mocked at this time.

He wanted to see how Luo Chen paid the money today!

"Yes, let's take the money now?" Fatty Yuan said with a smile.

"We need money now, and it's cash!" Fatty Yuan also sneered.

This is a bit tricky. Who would put half a million cash at home?

And where can I get the money in the middle of the night?

At this time, Luo Dafu and Luo Mingshu were gloating and watching the excitement.

"Yes." Luo Chen said, turning around and entering the room, then walked out carrying a box, opened the box and threw it on the ground.

There are more than a hundred wads of cash, and each wad is 10,000.

Luo Chen had already prepared more than one million in cash.

As soon as the money was thrown out, it was completely cold.

Looking at the red banknotes on the ground, the expressions on Luo Dafu and Luo Mingshu's faces suddenly stopped.

Their conspiracy was to be sure that Luo Chen or Father Luo could not get the money to succeed. At this moment, Luo Chen actually took out the money, so wouldn't their conspiracy be ruined?