Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God - Chapter 2324 Monster

Chapter 2324 Monster

Chapter 2324 Monster

?The skies were torn asunder, causing numerous blazing red eyes as large as stars to peer downward as though observing a group of ants below.

Each of these red eyes had shadows of writhing black surrounding them as though each was a limb with minds of their own.

In an instant, all of these eyes locked onto Dyon, flickering with disdainful glints. What they saw wasn't a human, but a pest who was severely overestimating itself. However, it was at that instant that Dyon, too, looked up.

The shuddering of thousands of void beasts occurred all at once. It was as though they had all seen something that plunged their soul into the depths of h.e.l.l. Their disdain was vanquished, replaced by a will to flee to the furthest reaches of the universe, never to come back to this place again.

However, their wills weren't under their own control.

This was the first instance any of the Immortals had ever seen of void beasts displaying emotion. It was clear that these were no normal void beasts. They had to be of the seventh grade at the very worst, likely even the eighth and ninth. They were ent.i.ties that could cause catastrophes to hundreds of star segments should they appear just once.

Even though they had all splintered the void and appeared above them all, bearing down in such a domineering manner, their fear had somehow become their most standout feature.

It was at that moment that the ma.s.sive red suddenly began to vibrate. It wasn't something under their control at all. Rather, it became very obvious, very quickly that something much larger was descending.


A rain of blood fell from the skies as hundreds upon thousands of these red-eyed void beasts burst into a storm of crimson.

Dyon calmly looked into the skies, allowing the droplets of blood to fall along the contours of his handsome face. From start to finish, his face had always maintained this calm appearance. If it wasn't for the b.l.o.o.d.y ma.s.sacre all around him, it would be difficult to tell that he was completely enraged.

Cries of agony filled the battlefield around him. To even the Sapientia, the blood of void beasts was like a toxin, searing against their skin and burning their flesh and bones.

Yet, Dyon stood amidst the rain without a flicker in his expression.

Every time a droplet of crimson rain landed on him, it would burst into a fog of black, searing his skin before disappearing. Like an endless cycle, he was continually melted away. Soon, his handsome features had become grotesque to the extreme.


Alauna cried out from the other side of the battlefield. She wanted to rush forward, but Ri and Luna held her back with all their might, restraining the little girl.

"I have to go!"

She struggled more fiercely, but what could she do when even Nazaire began to help in restraining her?

"Little Sister, just watch." Nazaire said softly.

"But dad!"

"Let him vent." Nazaire replied.

"You call this venting?! He's going to die!"

Nazaire looked toward his junior brothers and they burst into a fit of laughter all at once, causing Alauna to grow even more infuriated.

There was a hint of sadness in their laughter. But that sadness was overwhelmed by a madness that maybe only the disciples of the Nameless Immortal G.o.d could have.

"Master is invincible!"

Nazaire, Pjisel, Bahaman and Bowaye spoke in unison, their battle intent soaring into the skies.

They didn't believe that anything could defeat their master. He was the one and only constant in all of existence. His victory was always ensured.

As for what was happening now? They were even more certain. Their master was just venting.

That was right. Who were these people to dare lay a hand on their Mistress? To make her suffer such pain, they would have to suffer a thousand-fold. No, a million-fold.

Alauna felt her heart aching more and more the longer they laughed. It was as though the four had descended into madness, deluding themselves to the point of entering an illusion of their own choosing. What illusion could be better than one of their master coming out victorious?

Yet, was that really what would happen?

The enemies he was facing were too numerous. Even when those that appeared feared him, an even greater ent.i.ty appeared, sacrificing those cowards and even using their lifeblood to a.s.sault their Master.

The rain was so vast and all consuming it wasn't even possible to dodge. It covered millions of miles, painting the void in a vast swath of red.

Each pellet that formed seemed to reap another life.

This would have been a good thing, watering down the remainder of the enemies Dyon had to face, but that was when another astounding change occurred.

The Sapientia that had fallen, screaming out in agony, suddenly rose up once more, their bodies radiating a crimson fog. Their eyes gained a dull red l.u.s.ter as their auras skyrocketed. It was as though they had all decided to burn their blood essence at once, having no other wish than to see Dyon fall along with them.

At that moment, the ent.i.ty that was a cause for all of this finally appeared.

It once again manifested as an eye. But, this time, it was golden.

A singular reptilian pupil stretched from its top to its bottom like a ma.s.sive sword scar, radiating a violent aura that caused the bursting rain of void beasts to exponentially increase.

Its size alone was enough to dwarf a galaxy, the countless sparkling lights within its golden irises acting like the twinkling stars in the night sky.

By now, there was nothing left of Dyon's face. It had corroded completely, leaving behind nothing but a skull of black bone. His eyes were two flickering black flames that pierced into the sky above, meeting the gaze of the golden-eyed void beast without the slightest hint of fear.

As though feeling provoked, the eye suddenly squinted.


It was a grand sight beyond compare.

A pillar of gold qi shot down. Every 100 miles it crossed left concentric circles of shattered s.p.a.ce, building up layers of volatile qi as though

it was smas.h.i.+ng through the floors of a heavenly palace.


The qi completely enveloped Dyon, sending him flying downward through an expanse of blackness. With the mortal plane's structure completely destroyed, It had become too difficult to tell up from down and left from right. All they could see was that the mighty Nameless Immortal G.o.d who had just been wantonly slaughtering was getting put in his place.

Those who had defected to the side of the First White Mother and Abraxus felt the weight on their hearts lessening just the slightest bit. After watching Ysabell lose her life in such a pitiful manner, even they as elites amongst elites found it difficult to not think that they just might be next. Would they be able to put up a better fight? If he really was before them, wouldn't they die just as easily?

Dyon weakly blocked the pillar of light with a forearm, lifting his arm over his head as though trying to block the rays of the sun.

Every time he gained a footing in the air, the pillar would shatter another floor of s.p.a.ce, sending him flying once more. It was like the purpose of the attack wasn't to kill him, but rather to knock him down beat him to the ground so severely that he couldn't even raise his head anymore.

The abyss of blackness that hung in his eye sockets continued to look up dully. Even though there wasn't a shred of skin left on his face, it was incomparably easy to see the uncaring demeanor he exuded. It was difficult to tell whether this was arrogance, or that he truly didn't care whether or not he lived or died anymore.

By the time the light came to a stop, Dyon had been blown several light years away. Fractures ran across his black bones, snaking through what remained of his body as though tiny serpents racing through him.

Maybe if he had any flesh left, he would be coughing up blood. But his current state looked no less sorry.

His bony hand held Reaper in one hand, a rainbow chain wrapping around his other arm. The rags of what remained of his clothing hung from his body, giving him the appearance of a corpse that had just risen from the dead.

He took a step into the skies, his gait exceptionally slow. Yet, he seemed to cross impossible distances each and every time.

However, just when he was about to reach the golden eye once more, another pillar of gold slammed him back downward. Crackling bits of s.p.a.ce and void qi fluttered about in his wake as though fluttering b.u.t.terflies witnessing his demise.

The First White Mother watched on with an expressionless visage. Seeing the situation, she nodded faintly.

"Leave it to the supreme. Kill the rest of them."

"I wouldn't advise that just yet." Abraxus suddenly spoke.

The First White Mother frowned, but Abraxus continued unhurriedly.

"Your current reincarnation is still too young. You weren't yet alive when he had already become famous. By the time you became my disciple, he had already lost much of his sharpness.. No, it is more accurate to say that he had already sheathed much of it.

"If you want to win this, you'd better be prepared to sacrifice a hundred times this amount."

Hearing Abraxus' words, those around shuddered involuntarily. Who knew Dyon better than his own master? Since he said things were as such then, they were as such

But, when they looked toward Dyon, no matter how they saw it he was finished. He didn't even have a bit of flesh left on his body, if it wasn't for his Death G.o.d const.i.tution, even as an Immortal his only path left would be death. On top of that, it seemed that his bones might give out at any moment too. If even the flesh built by the t.i.tan Diamond Body could be blasted to oblivion, what more was there to say about the bones of the Death G.o.d Body?

However, Abraxus knew the truth.

His flesh? Dyon had already stepped into the Fate Silk Realm. The meaning of the realm couldn't be described in just a few words. It could only be said that if he had wanted flesh on his body right now, he could have it.

So, why hadn't he regained his appearance? Why had he allowed his skin to melt away under the corrosive rain? Why had he allowed what remained of his flesh to be blasted away by the eye of the golden void beast?

The answer was simple.

He wanted to become a monster. He wanted to sever his humanity. He wanted them to look toward him with fear in their hearts, coldness in their blood, pain in their souls


Wild Black Flames danced around Dyon's body. Like a potent venom, it corroded the pillar of gold, snaking up its body at inconceivable speeds. As fast as the pillar of gold fell downward, the black flames seemed to double its speed upward, reaching the golden pupil in the blink of an eye.



A b.l.o.o.d.y hole was torn through the golden pupil.

Dyon shot into the skies, appearing within the of flesh left behind by his attack. Flickering black flames danced about within the body of the void beast, its life force quickly weakening. But, even so near its death, Dyon didn't seem intent on letting it off in the slightest.

He threw Reaper to the side, grabbing hold of two pieces of burning flesh and ripping them apart with his black, bony hands.

The sight was one those that survived this day would never forget.

It was akin to watching a galaxy being torn in two by the hands of a mortal man. A beast that could ravage the star segments of even the Immortal Plane found itself no st.u.r.dier than a piece of paper, its horrid cries filling the skies.

Golden blood fell, covering the battlefield in rivers, oceans and lakes of gold. Without gravity to command them, they floated aimlessly, giving this penultimate battle a level of scenic beauty it didn't deserve.

As though he wasn't satisfied with this level of destruction, Dyon grabbed Reaper from out of the air. His aura towered into the skies, blasting

the two halves of the void beast's corpse away from him.

With a flash, he had already sent out several thousand strikes, slicing the carca.s.s into tiny bits of flesh that emitted a horrid stench.


Dyon descended into the army below. At that moment, it was hard to tell whether it was he who had been mutated by the rain of blood or the Sapientia before him.

He completely forewent Reaper, allowing it to enter the hands of one of his corpse puppets. He wanted to rip these people limb from limb with his own hands.

He lashed out with his chain, stringing along every warrior he killed along an infinitely growing line. Some were pierced from ear to ear, some were pierced from their mouths to the back of their skulls, and still others were pierced from below their jaws and through to the tops of their head.

Whatever weight had been settled in the hearts of the opposing army multiplied several fold.

Who was this monster? Was it worth it to harm his wife?

With the exception of the Sapientia who had been mutated by the blood of void beasts, the rest all s.h.i.+vered uncontrollably. Was this still a man? How could one person bring about such destruction?

"Haven, it might be your turn to step up, don't you think?" Abraxus commented leisurely.

Haven's expression darkened. They were well aware that switching sides wouldn't be such a simple thing. No matter how they looked at it, it was impossible for him to refuse. Their main army had already suffered such losses, and Abraxus would obviously not send his little lover forward first. So, obviously, the only option left was them.

Still, their blood couldn't help but run cold.

Watching Dyon rip apart Immortal G.o.ds with his bare hands as though they were nothing more than sheets of paper made even their blood run cold.

The Sprite Hegemon finally stepped forward, their qi resonating with the atmosphere. They were as much the beloved children of the Heavens as the Celestial Beasts and Heaven's Children were. They would not fall as easily as the Elves had.

"I knew that you would be a scourge, but Abraxus truly raised such an evil incarnation. For the sake of the Heavens, I, Haven, will lay you to rest."

The imposing aura of a Supreme Ancestor blazed forward. Haven's sword soul and four elements whirled around his body as he flickered from corporeal to incorporeal.

At the same time, more red-eyed void beasts split open the skies, learning the lesson from their predecessors and not daring to show the same cowardice. That said what was more shocking was that even more golden-eyed void beasts had appeared as their backers, descending from the clouds with infuriated gazes.

On the side of the Mortal Empire, it was hard not to find someone with tears streaming down their face. This was especially for Alauna who had been practically restrained by the others. Even with her cultivation, her voice had already grown hoa.r.s.e from all the yelling and screaming.

To one side, the 25th White Mother stood with her hands clasped to her chest. To her side, there was a tall man who stood well over 2 meters. He exuded a demonic aura and even had two dragon horns curving out from his head. It was obvious that this man was her husband and the father of Dyon's little brother, Zaire.

Since Dyon came back, she had already felt that her disciple had changed. It was an inborn womanly intuition she couldn't shake off. As a result, she didn't even dare to continue to view herself as Dyon's master.

How could she not feel inferior seeing his strength? How could she not feel inferior seeing how strong Abraxus was? Even her Ancestor was only Dyon's Third Sister

But, even though she knew she should accept things as they were, she couldn't stop her heart from pounding with pain. Even though she knew that Dyon had grown too distant from her, she couldn't just stop viewing him no differently from her own son.

Now that she was watching the man she thought was more worthy of being Dyon's master betray him, and even seeing her own Ancestor backstab her First Brother in this way how could she not be infuriated?

The t.i.tle 25th White Mother was something she had carried with such pride her whole life. She cherished it with all her being There was nothing she wanted more than to see the day her Celestial Beast Clan rose up once again

Somehow she felt that she was guilty in all of this.

This t.i.tle of 25th White Mother She truly didn't want it anymore

A tear fell from her lovely white eyes.

When the White Mother wept, so too did the Heavens.