Rebirth Of The Heavenly Demon - Chapter 27: My Beginning Is (2)

Chapter 27: My Beginning Is (2)

Chapter 27: My Beginning Is (2)

Translator: Hwarang

Editor: Kidyeon

I was even more surprised, asId just beenthinking about himon my wayhere.

Hasthe owner changed?

Hearing my shaky voice,Baek Pyo repliedto me witha smile,Indeed. I took over this place a couple of days ago, and todayhappens to bethe opening day. Youre my first customer.


Nowthen, please take a seat wherever you find comfortable.

Isat down whereI always sat, causingBaek Pyotosaywith a chuckle,Thatsmyfavorite spot too. Ha Ha Ha.

If you dont mind me asking,why isthisyour favorite spot?

Theres no particularreason.

He gave an awkward laugh.

WhatcanI get you to drink?

Idecided toordersomewine and the snack that Idalways orderhere. WhenBaek Pyoheard my order, hewas truly surprised.

These both happen toalsobemy favorites. I never expected my first guestto not onlytake a seat here, but to alsoorder these specific things.

I truly wanted tojusttell himthat I was the Strongest UndertheHeavens. Since it was Baek Pyo,theone whod beenin charge of protecting me,, there were many ways to prove to him that I was the previous Mengju.Therehad beenmany private conversationsbetween the two of usthat no oneelseknows about.

If I did, hedmore thanlikelychoose toleave this place to follow me

But I wont tell him. The Strongest UndertheHeavens hasalready passed on.Hes alreadypassed on from both his life andthis one.As of now,Im Byuk Lee Dan. If there ever comesa timethatI have to help him,Ill help him as Byuk Lee Dan,not as the Strongest UndertheHeavens.

At that moment,a new guest arrived.

Heres my grand opening gift to you.

The new guest, amiddle aged man, gaveBaek Pyo a small pot.

I almost droppedmywine glasswhen I saw who it was. I was even more surprised than when I saw Baek Pyo.

The person whodjust entered was Kal Sa Ryang.

Worried that I might be seen,I quickly turned my head away.However,my heart was still racing.

Idneverevendreamed of meeting Kal Sa Ryung here.

Whatwere the odds of meetingbothKal Sa Ryang and Baek Pyo,here,at the same time?


Baek Pyo greeted him with aface full of emotions. It seems that hehadntexpected Kal Sa Ryung to personally visithim.

The atmospherehereseems very cozy.

I was just lucky, thats all. The previous owner sold theplace and went back to the countryside.

Ah,so thats how it is.

What can I get you?

Whatever you feel like.

Baek Pyoproceeded tooffer him a drink.

Kal Sa Ryang looked my wayacouple of times,but didnt mind mein the end.

Helooked tired.

I wanted to gooverto him; toask him whathadhappened.I wanted to ask him why he was in such a state.

Kal Sa Ryang went out the back door.

Letsget some fresh air.

All right then.

Baek Pyo followed him.

I heightened my sense of hearing,and wasbarelyable tomake outtheir conversation.

This was the place that hedoccasionally visit,right?

So you already knew.

He told me many times that there was a placehe knew with agood atmosphere.He said that he was going totakeme here with him next time why was he in such a rush to go?

Kal Sa Ryanglet outa sigh.

I also regretted what had happened. Idwanted to spendmore sincere time with him.

Dont you want to stay in the Alliance?

Im sorry.I dont plantoguard the new Mengju,ashe isnt worthy.

No, it should be me who shouold besayingsorry.

You did your best. Its just thattheMoonlight Sect and the Iron Cavalry Sect betrayed us. There was no way for you stopthem.

When I heardwhat Baek Pyohadsaid,my heart sunk. The Moonlight Sect and the Iron Cavalry Secthadbetrayed them?

ThisI couldnt believe this. If it was from somerandom passerby,I wouldve never believed them,andwouldveshoutedat them stop with your nonsense.

But these wordshadcome from the people I trustedthe most.

I rememberedthatthe leaders of those two sects werent people whod easily betray anyone.

Kal Sa Ryung spoke ina disappointed tone.

Technically speaking,they didntbetrayus, considering the fact thatthey were only loyal to theMengju.

No, this was betrayal. How could theyjust abandonthe people that I cared about because I was dead?And howcould anybodyin their right mind allow someone like Ma Bong Gi to succeed me?

So,Chancellor Kal,what are your plans now?

I plan on sticking around a bit longer. Even though I know thatquite a few peoplewant me gone.

...will you be all right?

They wont be able to do much to me, as there will be people watching. Illprobably be demoted from my position,but Ill hold out as long as I can.

Thats not what Im saying

I knowwhat youre thinking. You dont have to worry about me,Ill take care of myself.

I hope so,but...

I knew what kind of person Kal Sa Ryung was. Hecould be fooled once,but hewasnt the type of person whocould be fooled a second time. If hedsaid something like this, ithave meantthathe hadsome sort of lifeline.

It mightbe rudeof meto ask,but why arent you leaving?

The Alliance is his home.

I feel bad when you say that.

You shouldnt feel that way. You left your position as the head of security because of him.To be honest,I feel ashamedforstaying behind.


Whether itsme or you hesstillthe reasonthatwererespectivelystaying behind and leaving the alliance. In the end,our reasonisthe same.

Ireally domiss the previousMengju.

I also miss him.However,wehave tomove on. Now,wehave tolive our livesour way. Ill be off now.

Please take care of yourself.

Just take care of your own business. Ill visit occasionally.

Youre welcome anytime.

After saying that,Kal Sa Ryang left. Since he leftimmediatelyafter his conversation with Baek Pyo,Iwasntable tosee him before he left.However,I knew that he wasnt depressed about the recent events.

Sa Ryung-Ah...please be strong.

Baek Pyo came backinto the store, tryingto hide his disappointment with a smile. He proceeded toask me,How was it?

To whichI answered with a smile,It was very good.

I emptied the bottle and left the shop.


On my waybackto the inn,I was deep in thought.

I couldnt get over the fact theboththeMoonlightSect and theIronCavalrySecthadbetrayed me. Thinking about itmade my blood boil.

But whyhadtheydone it?

When I entered the inn,I calmed myself down,and decided to head back home. I wasnt going to makeanyrash decisions due to my emotions.

Ill go back home and raise my strength. Ill become strong enoughthatI can back up my word,andprotect everyone.

Sa Ryang-Ah, Baek Pyo-Ya

Youguys have to stayalive until that day.

I returned home.

How did it go?

He mustve been curiousaboutwhat happened.

Were you able toaccomplishwhat you wanted?

I shook my head.

Kwang Du burst out laughing.

Why are you laughing?

You'd be inhuman to accomplish everything you set out to do.

I knew that Kwang Du was trying to comfort me.

Train hard, so that you can dothe things I can't, and accomplish everything I tell you to do."

Ho ho!So you want to trust me with the things that you cant solve huh. It seems like thisinhuman personhasbecome normalonceagain.

Ha Ha.

You must be tired. Go and rest,young master. Illhavethe cooks prepare your favorite dishes.

Seeing Kwang Du walk away,I felt the comfort of being back homeonce again.

I decided not to pay much attention to the Murim Alliance anymore.Not toKal Sa Ryung and Baek Pyo,not toMa Gi Bong,not evenmy death.

Nothing was going to change even if Ijustthought about it.

The first thing that Ineededto do was raise up the Byuk Clan.

Thus,I made my decision. I was going to take an active role in raising my clan.

Something about Kang Ho made me suspicious. Someone who shouldnt have becomea Mengjuhadbecome one.There were bound to be some disturbances soon,and I wanted our clans strength to behigh enough to be ableto overcomeanything thathappens in the future.

My plan was to be preparedfor whatever stormsmightcome.

Andastorm is coming.

Idecided toraise mypersonaltraining regime.

The most important thingto dowas raisemy strength.

Even though I mightnot have toreveal my full strength, there maycomea time whereI haveto unleash all of my strength to wipe the enemy out.

The most important thing wasmyinternal energy. It would be best if I could obtain some profound elixirs or medicine,but that would depend onbothmy luck and money.

Thus, there was only one thingthatI could do at the moment:Cut back on my sleep and cultivate while raising my external strength.

I was preparing for when Idneed to fight while conserving my energy. The most importantfactor ofusing the least amount of energy whilstutilizing my sword artis myexternal strength.

And Ihad reached a bottleneck.

I remembered one ofthe things thatKal Sa Ryanghadsaid.

You cant doeverything alone.

Yep, he was right.

I couldnt just make a hundred clonesof me.Thus,I needed my own personal organization. Onethatwill listen to my every command. But organizationslike thisarent made overnight. It takes years of investment to make an organization like this.

Thus, my idealed toyetanother surprise for my parents.

I want to have my own Sword Sect.

Both my father and mothers mouthsopened at the same time. I think this was the biggest surpriseId given themyet.

Do youevenknow what it means to have your own Sword Sect?

Of course I know,father.

Do you also know whatitmeans to lead one?


My motherproceeded to askme carefully,Dont we already have one?

Yes, we have anexcellent Sword Sect. You can considerthis onea subsidiary Sword Sect.

I said it like this so thatitwouldnt be in conflict with the main branch.

I will callit theLesser Sword Sect, tohonor the main one.

My father agreed with me after hearing that Idthoughtit through thismuch.

If you truly want todo this,I wont stop you. However,youll have to provide forboththeir housing andtheirfoodyourself.

Thank you, father.

How many people do you plan on picking?

At first,Iplanto start with around twenty men.

My mother gave me a light smile. It was a smile that made meinstantlywant to repay her for everything sheddone for me.

You can do it,right son?

I answered her with a bright smile.


Before I started recruiting,I met with Seo Junganddiscussed the situationwith him.

Even though I mighthave more experience,andbemore proficient,at running an organization, he was still better than me at running a Sword Sect.

I took Kwang Du with me andhad him teach us bothtogether.

How to train the men. How to set up the hierarchy. Who to appoint as the chief. The dignity and pride that eachandeveryone hastowardsthe Sword Sect.

He left after saying one last thing,Themostimportant thing about a Sword Sect isitspeople.

He said the same thing Idsaid to Kwang Du.

In Martial Arts,the most important thing is people.

After Seo Junghadleft,I wasleftalone with Kwang Du.

What didelder Seos last sentance mean?

Why dont you ask himyourself?

Thats its hard to talk to elder Seo.

And Im not?

Youre more friendly,young master.

How could I come to hate someone like him?

The most important about any Murim organization istheirskill. Not anyone can become your subordinate. Will you take in someone whos strong,yethave a bad personality? Or, as another example,what would happen if itwasfull of people like Yang Gi Kang?

I dontevenwant to think aboutthat.

Thats what elder Seo meant bywhat he said. Sword Secy is a place where people gather.Thus,the most important thingis to know what they think,and what kind of character they have.

Im sure that everyone will be loyal to someone like you.

You can never expect anyone to be loyalto youfrom the beginning. Loyalty takesbothample time and experience to build. The most important thing is to give them a sense of belonging.

How are you so knowledgeableabout this?

Jealous? You can also

...become like me with time and age. Youllprobablybe able to have more profound thoughtsthan me,who was encaged in the Murim Headquarter.

Can I also join this Sword Sect?


Why? Please include me!

You still have ways to go.

Not only that, butI have greater plans for you.

If I get better,youhave toinclude me.

Well see when the time comes.

However,young master,why are you making yourownSword Sect?

He asked with a curious look.

To make money,you need an organization.

The bigger your organization,the easier it is to make money. Strength is money,and moneyispower.

But why do you need to make money?

To increase our strength.

What about after that?

I want to make the Byuk clan the number one clan in all of the Central Plains.

It seems that Kwang Du was surprisedto hearme say number one clanin allof the Central Plains.

However, this was my resolution. Even though I mightonly be sayingitto Kwang Du,I also meant for the whole world to hear me.

TheByuk Clan will become thestrongestclan. Ill make it suchthat no one will be able toeven touchus.

Kwang Durepliedwith a shaky voice,Is this for real?

Yes.Im serious. This is just the beginning of my dream.

Kwang Dusfacebecamefull of determination.

Im sure that youll be able toachieve it. Ill help you achieve it with all of my strength.

Even though my beginningonlystartedwith twenty people,my goal was to make it thetop of theCentral Plains.

This is where it all begins: Underneath the warm and breezy springtime sunlight.