Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain - Chapter 552

Chapter 552

Chapter 552

Facing Zoros request, was silent for a while, and finally sighed deeply, If you attack me again, I will be the one who will not hold back.

Hearing this, Zoro couldnt help but heaved a sigh of relief, I am so grateful.

Turning around, turned around and grabbed Luffy who was unconscious on the ground, Trust me I wont kill the Straw Hat Boy, I will keep the promise, but I want you to try some h.e.l.lish pain.

Lifting Luffy with one hand, stretched out his palm and patted Luffy lightly, and saw a light red bear paw-shaped air ma.s.s shot out from Luffys body by

Pointing to the air ma.s.s suspended in the sky in front of him, explained: This is what I ejected from the body of the straw hat kid. All the damage he suffered in this battle, as well as the fatigue of body and mind are all inside. According to your will, you will bear this pain next. suddenly said after changing the subject, But you cant bear this pain in your current state, so you are likely to die.

Nodding his head, Zoro accepted the condition, not only because it was about Luffys life, but also because Zoro wanted to experience what kind of pain Luffy was enduring.

A small amount of fatigue and pain popped out gently, and slowly flew in front of Zoro, and then merged into Zoros body.


In the next moment, even as strong as Zoro, he couldnt help screaming in pain, his body trembled uncontrollably, and he fell to the ground.

The body waited for dozens of seconds before Zoro reacted from the pain just now, turned around, spouted several mouthfuls of blood from his mouth, and lay dying on the ground.

At that moment, Zoro realized, realized what kind of pain Luffy endured every time he fought to exhaustion, just as said, this is h.e.l.lish pain.

Nami, who was hiding in the dark, saw Zoro screaming, and fell into Lin Tians arms, covering her mouth and looking at everything that happened in front of her in disbelief.

Although everyone knows that the dying Luffy suffers great pain after each battle, but it is unexpected that Luffy actually suffers beyond all expectations.

You must know that Zoro was a man who would not yell in pain after being slashed by Hawk Eyes, but now he was yelling in pain.

Every time they see Luffy waking up, they feel happy as if nothing had happened, but who would have thought that Luffy would suffer such pain in secret, if they didnt see this scene today, they wouldnt have discovered it.

I see! Whispering out, Zoro took a deep look at Luffy lying beside him, stood up, clenched his fists and said, Lets change places.

Hearing Zoros voice, Nami hurriedly said to Lin Tian: Lin Tian, stop Zoro! Even Zoro will scream like that from just a little bit, if Zoro bears all these, Zoro will die.

Lin Tian didnt answer, but quickly stretched out his hand and hand chopped at Namis neck, knocking Nami unconscious.

Looking at Zoro in the field, Lin Tian sighed lightly and said: How can I go out and stop at this time, for Zoro, this is an opportunity to experience the pain of his partner, if I go out, it will only trample on Zoros dignity.


The ruins of a remote castle, the surrounding ground was stained blood red, the ground, the gravel, and everything that could be seen was covered in blood.

And the source of these blood all came from the figure standing in the center, his whole body was covered in blood, like Zoro who had just come out of the pool of blood.

Zoro with his upper body naked, his eyes were extremely red, and his trembling body seemed to fall down at any time if it was blown by the wind, and pieces of rags stained red with blood were scattered around his feet.

In the surrounding void, Lin Tian walked out of a gate holding the unconscious Nami, looking at Zoro who was covered in blood at this time, Lin Tian couldnt help frowning.

This kind of injury, even if I havent suffered it a few times,, let alone be merciful, completely reaped Zoros life, but fortunately, Zoro held on.

Hearing the footsteps coming from behind, Zoro called out tremblingly, Lin Tian, youre here

Everyone on the entire island was stunned by, except for Lin Tian who disappeared, who would come here.

Lin Tian, who was walking behind, calmly asked: How does it feel, that kind of pain?

With a trembling body and a weak breathing sound from his mouth, it took more than a minute to calm down before Zoro had the strength and energy to say the next sentence.

Experienced pain like h.e.l.l

It can be seen that at this time, Zoros body is already so weak that it takes a minute to recover his strength even for a small sentence.


After Zoro finished speaking, Lin Tian behind him stretched out his hand chopped at Zoros neck. Zoro, who was already dying, pa.s.sed out immediately without even the slightest reaction.

Stretching out his hand to catch Zoro who was falling towards him, Lin Tian gently placed Zoro on the flat ground not far away without blood, and at the same time gently put Nami down.

His eyes glanced slightly, and his whole body was covered with large and small scars, and the blood had coagulated with dark red blood clots, covering his whole body.

Seeing Zoro in such a state, Lin Tian couldnt help sighing, the matter has developed to this point, it has already exceeded his expectations, everyone is fine, although they suffered serious injuries, but fortunately there is no danger of their lives, that guy still keeps his promise on holding back.

However, in the end, Zoro replaced Luffy in his h.e.l.lish pain, and Lin Tian doesnt know what changes will be made to Zoro. He is the only one who feels Luffys pain.

Shaking his head, now he can only take one step at a time, but Lin Tian has already made up his mind that they are not suitable for that stage yet.

Lin Tian raised his hand slightly, and countless stones and gravels around his body were suspended in the air. As Lin Tian flipped his palm down, the floating stones launched towards the blood-stained land in front of him.

Two very lucky guys who were buried under the stones but not injured appeared.

Looking at the man standing there in front of him, who seemed to be in the center of heaven and earth, their faces were full of admiration and fear.

Swallowing their saliva, they seemed to be able to suppress the fear in their heart, just standing there, as if there was an invisible pressure in the void.

One of them said with a trembling voice: This this person is the legendary killer Lin Tian, the Killing G.o.d, we have heard something we shouldnt hear, will he kill us?

You asked me? How would I know? The other person trembled uncontrollably, his forehead was full of nervous sweat.

Its not that the two are too timid, but that the name Lin Tian is a demonic existence to most pirates, and theres no difference in committing suicide when encountering Lin Tian. This is the evaluation of many pirates on Lin Tian.

Therefore, the shadow of the tree and the name of the person, the moment they saw Lin Tian, the two of them couldnt help trembling in their hearts. Facing the Moria of Seven Warlords, everyone would resist, but facing Lin Tian, the two of them couldnt help but tremble. It is difficult to raise the heart of resistance.

Hey! You two! at this moment, Lin Tian suddenly spoke.

The sound came, but the two fell to the ground in shock, then quickly got up from the ground and came behind Lin Tian.

They looked at each other, and in the end it was the thin pirate who asked cautiously, Master Lin Tian, what do you tell me to do?

Nonsense, I have nothing to ask you two to do. Lin Tian scolded as he glanced at the two of them as if looking at nothing.

But they jumped, thinking that they didnt know when Lin Tian was offended and wanted to kill them both.

Regarding the performance of the two, Lin Tian couldnt help thinking to himself, could it be that he was so terrible, just scolding, and they become so scared?

But Lin Tian didnt think that what he did back then was not a terrifying existence for pirates. In those years, he was on the road to suppress the Grand Line.

He doesnt know himself how many powerful pirates act as his steppingstones. Even if Lin Tian betrayed the marine, it is still a nightmare for many pirates.

Looking away from the two little people, Lin Tian confessed: What happened just now, you cant say it okay?

The fat pirate quickly got up from the ground and said respectfully, Lord Lin Tian, what happened just now? We dont know anything about it.

Thats right, we dont know at all, we dont know. another pirate quickly got up and a.s.sured.

As long as you understand.

Slightly squatting at the two people behind him, Lin Tian looked at the huge blurry figure in the distance which disappeared on the island.

The time pa.s.sed slowly like this, until the sun in the sky had reached the sky above, directly hitting everyones faces.

Everyone who was stunned by attack also woke up. Even Luffy, who was the most injured, jumped up and down under Choppers puzzled eyes.

Hey, whats going on here, although Luffys resilience is strong, the injury wont heal so quickly. Chopper touched Luffys arm, his face full of surprise and confusion.

Usopp couldnt believe it either, How is it possible, Luffy, stop pretending, how could it be possible to recover so quickly?

The sound of people talking finally woke up Sanji, who was seriously injured. When Sanji woke up suddenly, the first thought came to his mind, and he quickly scanned the surroundings, looking for Zoros figure.

Its a pity that Zoro was not among the people who woke up. Sanji hurriedly jumped up, very worried about finding the missing Zoro.

At the last moment, he was attacked by the moss-head and fell into a coma. Now Luffy and everyone are alive, but Zoro is gone. Could it be that I was telling that Zoro exchanged his life for everyone to survive.

Sanji ran quickly and scanned the surroundings, looking for the figure of Zoro, until he finally crossed a boulder, and finally found Lin Tian, and Nami who was helping Zoro to treat the wound.

Seeing that Zoro hadnt disappeared, Sanjis hanging heart finally fell, and he walked towards the three of them and shouted: Moss-head, you dare to deceive me, seriously- But when he saw the injury on Zoros body, Sanjis voice stopped abruptly, with a shocked expression on his face, he asked anxiously: Hey, moss-head, whats wrong with you?