Rebirth God Of War Lu Bu - Chapter 5332

Chapter 5332

The fierce performance of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield is not comparable to that of ordinary troops. Guishuang's messenger definitely wants to go to the Jin army to see how the Jin army soldiers have changed their offensive methods, but If there is no invitation from the Jin country, could it be said that Guishuang's messenger dared to come directly into the Jin army?

Jin's army has strict discipline. If you trespass into the army without receiving an order, you will be killed.

Regardless of the thoughts in the minds of the envoys of Guishuang and Rome, at this time there are many enmities between the two, the most important thing is to go to the Jin army to watch, when there is more about the situation of the Jin country After understanding, the next step will be much more convenient.

The main reason is that the strength of the Jin army soldiers in the past battles is too strong. When they appear on the battlefield, they can often make you more shocked in the early summer of the enemy army. During the war, the Jin army soldiers get The achievements of Jin can be seen. When the Jin soldiers appear on the battlefield, they will make the enemy feel more shocked, and even make the enemy understand at this time that it is only by virtue of their current combat effectiveness. It is basically impossible to win the battle against the Jin army.

It is precisely because of the glorious record of Jin's soldiers on the battlefield that Jin can occupy more advantages when interacting with other countries, even when facing the provocations of the enemy again and again, when the Jin's soldiers appear, Always be able to defeat the opponent, let the opponent taste the taste of failure at this time.

As the war progressed, what the Jin army officers felt from the war was the hope of victory. Regardless of the strength of the enemy army, when the Jin army officers appeared in a war, victory was inevitable. During the confrontation, Guishuang's army had the advantage in number, but when the Jin army appeared, Guishuang still suffered the price of failure.

No matter what methods the Jin army uses in the war, everything is in vain in the face of defeat in the war.

The strength of Jin's army on the battlefield has gradually spread in neighboring countries.

As for wanting to truly understand the situation of the Jin army, it is not such a simple matter. It can be seen from the discipline of the Jin army.

The fierce combat methods in the Jin army are also the secrets of the Jin army. If you want to understand this situation, you must have corresponding means. How can you get benefits from the Jin army? When the emperors of the country take advantage of more opportunities when interacting, it is also something they need to think about.

However, judging from what happened in the past, it is not such a simple thing to get benefits from the Jin Emperor's hands. The Jin Emperor has his own methods when dealing with some things.

After the war is won, the emperor of Jin will try his best to take advantage of the victory after the victory to obtain more benefits from the opponent. As for the defeat of the war, the Jin army will not consider it because it is a soldier of the Jin army. After appearing on the battlefield, it is possible to win the war.

Not to mention what kind of strength the enemy showed in the battle, when they appeared in front of the generals of the Jin army, it was inevitable to bear the price of defeat in the war.

After the Jin army soldiers who have experienced wars appear on the battlefield, they often bring more shock to the enemy. If you want to win from the hands of the Jin army, you often need to consider more things. In terms of the failure of the frost, we can actually see many things.

When the war started, it was only the impact of the Jin army on the battlefield, but it was not something that ordinary troops could fight against. If you want to win the battle against the Jin army, war is not a simple matter.

Today, the strength of the Jin State is even stronger. The lieutenants and soldiers displayed extremely strong strength in the course of the campaign. The key is that the Jin State's army uses methods and methods in combat that are often unseen by the enemy. In this way, it would not be that easy for the enemy army to win the battle against the Jin Guo army.

Victory from the battle again and again is precisely the persistence of the soldiers of the Jin army in the war. If even the victory in the war cannot be guaranteed, how much significance does the presence of the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield have.

The soldiers of the Jin army cross the battlefield, and they have obtained victory from battle after battle. Such a victory is a great encouragement to the soldiers of the Jin army and will make the soldiers of the Jin army have more confidence in the face of war. .

After the group entered the army, Aldaban was more polite, but Turado's attitude was more indifferent. However, when talking with Guo Jia, Turado showed respect and was able to enter the Jin Dynasty. Observing the situation in the army has a lot to do with Guo Jia. If it weren't for Guo Jia's help in this matter, it would not be such a simple matter to find out more about the Jin army. .

Entering the Jin army to watch it is the most real and effective. What made him dissatisfied was that Huang Zhong appeared in front of them in a uniform. Seeing Huang Zhong's age, he knew that after such a general appeared on the battlefield. , That is to give away the enemy's head.

As if he felt Turado's thoughts, Guo Jia introduced: "Emissary, this is Huang Zhong, General Huang."

"General Huang Huang served his entire life. I don't know how many enemy soldiers died under the sword. When the Sheng Shang attacked Kangju and the Xiongnu before, General Huang was also in the army. Soldiers are the commander-in-chief of the Zen army."

After Guo Jia's introduction, Turado looked at Huang Zhong with a slightly different gaze. It is certainly not a simple one to get so much glory. The most important thing is that Huang Zhong turned out to be the commander of the entourage in the process of enshrining Zen. , Only this point can show that the emperor of the Jin Kingdom attached great importance to the old general in front of him.

With such thoughts in mind, Turado hurriedly stepped forward and said, "It turns out that it is General Huang, who is disrespectful and rude."

From the look of Aldaban, we can see that Aldaban knew the generals of the Jin country. In the process of communicating with the Jin country, the Roman Empire was indeed a step late, but the strength of the Roman Empire was not comparable to that of the Parthian Empire. Yes, if you choose to unite, you will definitely get more benefits if you unite with the Roman Empire.

Although the strength of the Parthian Empire has been improved to a certain extent, after encountering the Roman Empire in the battle, it is not that simple to win the war. It can be seen from previous battles that when Rome After the imperial army appears on the battlefield, it can often bring a great shock to the enemy, and even make it difficult for the enemy to have more responses at this time.

The victory of the Roman Empire on the battlefield is similar to that of Jin's army. What is different is that the Jin's army has a lot of offensive methods.

However, in Ardaban's view, when the army of the Jin Kingdom encounters the army of the Roman Empire on the battlefield, with the current state of the Roman army, wanting to defeat the Jin army is simply a dream, and it will even lose more in the course of the battle. many.

The effect of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield is extremely obvious. After the war, the achievements of the Jin army soldiers are related to the future development of the Jin army.

The achievements of Jin's army on the battlefield have a great influence on the subsequent development of Jin. It is precisely because of the victory of Jin's army on the battlefield that Jin's soldiers have a better chance in the battle. A lot of confidence, from such a war, let the lieutenant soldiers see the hope of victory.

Not to mention how powerful the enemy army is in the course of the battle, when the Jin army soldiers appear on the battlefield, they can always make the enemy army pay the corresponding price.

The success of Jin's soldiers on the battlefield is not comparable to that of ordinary troops. It is precisely because of this aspect that after the emergence of Jin's army, it can always set off a shock on the battlefield.

Today, the achievements of the Jin Kingdom on the battlefield can be seen. It is precisely because the Jin Kingdom's army is invincible and invincible that the Jin Kingdom's army will appear and cause the shock of the war.

If Jin was not strong enough, how could Guishuang, Rome, and Anxi send envoys to Jin?

When the Jin's army can play a huge role on the battlefield, it can often make the enemy more shocked, and let the enemy feel the fierce attack of the Jin's soldiers at this time. After they encountered Jin's army on the battlefield, they did not dare to be slack in the slightest.

The lack of understanding of the situation of the Jin army is Turado's disadvantage. Relatively speaking, Aldaban has much more contacts with the Jin country. Not long after he came to the city, he was able to get the opportunity to enter the Jin army to watch.

The opportunity is now there. The key is what the Jin army soldiers will show in this viewing. If the show is not enough, Turado will still not be satisfied.

Relatively speaking, Aldaban was relatively calm. What kind of effect the Jin Kingdom's army had after the battlefield was assaulted. Aldaban knew clearly, precisely because the Jin Kingdom's army had such destruction on the battlefield. Strength, Guishuang's thoughts of communicating with the Jin country will be more determined.

But when the strength of the Jin country reaches a certain level, just choose to associate with the Jin country, can the Jin country have more satisfaction?

What can be seen from previous wars is the Jin army's aggression. After winning the wars, Jin's army has caused a lot of damage to the enemy on the battlefield.

When such a Jin army appears in a confrontation, it will bring more shock to the enemy, and even in such a process, the enemy will feel the cruelty of the war.

It is precisely because of the achievements of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield that after the Jin's army appears on the battlefield, what can make the enemy feel the fierce attack of the Jin army.

Today, the Jin army has experienced many wars. If the Jin army cannot win more victories from the war, the Jin country will definitely not allow the Jin emperor to continue to lead the lieutenant generals in the war.

When the war progresses and can bring more help to Jin's strength improvement, Jin will not give up easily, even if it is in the process of fighting the enemy, it will endure a lot of danger, but The soldiers of the Jin army did not complain on the battlefield. When they became the soldiers of the Jin army, they would make the enemy feel the fierceness of the soldiers in the battle against the enemy.

There are many wars experienced by Jin army soldiers. If they can't win the battle, they will suffer more losses in the battle.

The progress of the war will allow the lieutenant officers to gain more from Zhanheng.

Of course, if you can't win the war, the consequences are often more serious.

Lu Bu's achievements in the wars are absolutely dazzling. It is precisely because Lu Bu has so many achievements. After Lu Bu leads the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield, they can often bring more to the enemy. The shock.

The outstanding performance of the Jin emperor on the battlefield has brought about the long-term development of the Jin. From the development speed of the Jin, we can actually see how much the Jin emperor has made for the development of the Jin.

If such a thing is put on a general monarch, it will definitely be difficult to accomplish.

The army of the Jin Kingdom crosses the battlefield and can get many victories from the battlefield. When their monarch appears in the army, it can cause a great shock among the lieutenants and soldiers, which can be seen only from these things. It is L Bu's influence in the Jin army.

When the generals in the Jin army have more respect for Lu Bu, they actually brought great help to the war in the Jin Let the army lieutenants feel the victory of the war more. Hope that they will have more confidence when the war comes.

Regardless of the strength of the enemy forces displayed during the battle, when the Jin soldiers appear on the battlefield, they can win the battle.

The victory of the war is extremely important to the soldiers of the Jin army. If they can't get more victories from the battle, it is meaningless for them to fight on the battlefield.

The progress of the war will make the lieutenant soldiers have a lot of losses in the face of the war, but such losses are worthwhile in the face of the victory of the war butterfly.

It is precisely because Jin's army has been able to win the war again and again, so that Jin's influence has been so much improved.

The fierceness of Jin's army is not comparable to that of previous troops. When Jin's army appears on the battlefield, the enemy will bear the price of defeat in the war.

In the face of such things, it is necessary for the opponent to have more prudence. If there is no more prudence in such matters, once a war breaks out, many problems will arise.