Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 893

Chapter 893

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The next day, as soon as Chen Jianghai arrived at the company, he received a call from Wang Yadi.

Two or three months passed, and Wang Yadi finally made the first call to Chen Jianghai.

"Mr. Chen, according to what you said last time, we have developed a product and the factory has officially started!"

It can be heard that Wang Yadi is very excited and excited at this time.

Chen Jianghai asked calmly, "Okay, what are your plans next?"

"Mr. Chen, I've taken some orders now, and I'm going to see the market response first."

Wang Yadi quickly replied.

For Wang Yadi's strategy, Chen Jianghai thinks there is no problem.

Steady and steady is actually a good thing.

"Yadi, have you ever wanted to go to Hong Kong and Taiwan to try it?" Chen Jianghai said suddenly.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's proposal, Wang Yadi was a little surprised and couldn't help asking, "Mr. Chen, isn't the domestic market enough?"

Regarding Wang Yadi's question, Chen Jianghai couldn't help raising the corner of his mouth.

At present, the domestic market for batteries is not very good.

More importantly, most Chinese people still believe in foreign brands for their needs in batteries.

If Wang Yadi wants to develop in China, it is not an ordinary difficulty.

"The domestic market is huge, but the timing is not right." Chen Jianghai said directly.

After listening to Chen Jianghai's explanation, Wang Yadi nodded slightly.

Before that, he also did some related market research.

He still agrees with what Chen Jianghai just said.

"Mr. Chen, then I will go to Hong Kong and Taiwan to test the water." Wang Yadi thought for a while.

Chen Jianghai reminded: "You can go to Xiangjiang to find Daba first. They mainly produce cordless phones and attach great importance to batteries."

About Daba, Wang Yadi, who is an industry insider, naturally knows it.

Precisely because he knew, Wang Yadi was a little worried.

Can he get an order from such a big company?

"Mr. Chen, can Daba see our batteries?" Wang Yadi naturally didn't hide it in front of Chen Jianghai, and directly expressed his concerns.

Chen Jianghai said confidently: "Don't forget one thing, our batteries are good enough and cheap enough."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Wang Yadi has confidence.

In the previous life, Wang Yadi directly gave the battery to Da Ba for trial. After the trial, Da Ba became very interested in the battery in Wang Yadi's hands.

In this way, Da Ba transferred all the battery orders from the island country Sanyang to Wang Yadi.

BYD in the hands of Wang Yadi has risen directly in the battery industry with this order.

In the next two years, BYD developed steadily and became a medium-sized company with annual sales of nearly 100 million.

The Asian financial turmoil in 1997 affected countless industries, but both dangers and opportunities coexisted, with some exceptions.

BYD is clearly one of them.

The development of BYD has picked up speed again as competitors suffer an unprecedented blow.

But these are later stories.

Chen Jianghai believes that in this lifetime, knowing his general direction, Wang Yadi will definitely develop earlier.

When the financial turmoil comes, we can seize the opportunity, occupy and control more markets, and achieve absolute industry dominance.

At that time, with the future of the two major fields of battery and communication in hand, Chen Jianghai can be proud of the crowd.

Wang Yadi is a person with great executive ability. Once he makes a decision, he can't wait to put it into practice.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I understand what you mean, I will leave for Xiangjiang tomorrow."

He said very simply.

"Okay, if there is any problem, we will communicate in time."

Chen Jianghai just likes Wang Yadi's enthusiasm.

After chatting for a while, Chen Jianghai said some details and encouraged a few words before hanging up.

In mid-August, the last floors of Qiuhai Building were all renovated.

Now the Qiuhai Building can be put into use as a whole.

Yue Hongsheng, as usual, took people to conduct quality inspection.

The first few floors were fine, but when they got to the back floor, Yue Hongsheng found that the layout here didn't look like an office at all, but a bit like a canteen.

Yue Hongsheng couldn't help but ask his assistant, "What's going on here? Is this still the office building of our Qiuhai Building?"

The assistant quickly took out the design drawings, "Mr. Yue, this was specially explained by President Chen before, and asked for this design."

Hearing this, Yue Hongsheng was confused.

Chen Jianghai didn't tell him about this at all.

At this time, Yue Hongsheng naturally knew that he couldn't say that.

"Oh, I remembered, Mr. Chen explained to me."

Hearing Yue Hongsheng say this, the assistant is not surprised, Mr. Yue is really responsible for too many things.

"For the rest of the inspection work, you can keep an eye on it, and give me a report when the time comes." Yue Hongsheng ordered.

The assistant didn't say anything else, and continued to check with someone.

When Yue Hongsheng saw his assistant leave, he turned around and went to Chen Jianghai.

When I came to Chen Jianghai's office, Chen Jiahai was reading the newspaper.

"Mr. Chen, this is a plan for building an employee community, please take a look."

I have to say that Yue Hongsheng's work efficiency is quite fast, and it took only a few days to sort out this matter.

Chen Jianghai glanced at it a little, then returned the document to Yue Hongsheng and explained:

"You are responsible for this project. I have only two requirements: one is not to be afraid of spending money, the quality must be good, and the other is to build more houses. After all, we will have more and more employees in Qiuhai in the future. Top management should take it into consideration.

After speaking, Chen Jianghai picked up the newspaper and continued to read it.

"Mr. Chen, there is something else I want to ask you." Yue Hongsheng followed.

Chen Jianghai pressed his hand: "Hongsheng, you sit first."

Yue Hongsheng nodded and sat on the sofa.

After reading the last few lines, Chen Jianghai put the newspaper on the desk, then raised his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Chen, what are you going to use the eighth and ninth floors of Qiuhai Building?"

Yue Hongsheng asked cautiously.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly: "There, I plan to use it as a canteen and a rest area for employees. What? Is there a problem?"

Some large companies in later generations will provide employees with rest areas.

In these rest areas there are game areas, coffee areas, fitness areas, etc., in order to allow employees to combine work and rest and improve work efficiency.

Yue Hongsheng was dumbfounded.

This is because these things are too impactful for him, and he has not even thought about it at all.

"Mr. Chen, I can understand the establishment of a cafeteria, but if this rest area is established, can the employees still go to work in peace?"

Yue Hongsheng asked a little worriedly.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and said lightly: "Qiuhai needs self-conscious employees, and also needs employees with strong self-control. If you can't even control rest and work, there is no need to stay in Qiuhai."