Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 626

Chapter 626

Chapter 626: Long pain is worse than short pain

"Brother Hai, you went to Xijiang University, why didn't you come to see me?"

Zhu Yinyin asked pitifully.

When Wu Gang and Su Qian heard Zhu Yinyin's question, they both turned their heads tacitly.

Chen Jianghai frowned slightly and said, "I have a lot of things to do recently, and I don't want to disturb your reading with peace of mind."

When Zhu Yinyin heard Chen Jianghai's answer, she looked at him with a hint of resentment in her eyes.

Seeing that both of them seemed to have fallen into silence, Su Qian couldn't help but said, "Brother Jiang Hai, we met so by chance today, why don't you take us to improve the food?"

Originally, Chen Jianghai wanted to say hello and left, but now seeing Zhu Yinyin like this, he was a little bit unbearable, so he took advantage of the situation.

"How about the restaurant last time?"

Su Qian said with a smile, "Brother Jiang Hai, it doesn't matter what you eat, it depends on who you eat with."

The meaning of these words is obvious, but Chen Jianghai seems to have not heard it.

"Then get in the car!"

After hearing this, Su Qian hurriedly pushed Zhu Yinyin to the back, and she opened the co-pilot and sat in,

Seeing this scene, Chen Jianghai was dumbfounded. This Su Qian didn't know what to say about her.

After the car started, the atmosphere in the car was a bit awkward, Chen Jianghai thought about it and asked, "Yin Yin, didn't you change your major?

Can you adapt? "

"There are a lot of things to make up, but I will study hard."

Zhu Yinyin said very seriously.

Su Qian in front provided an assist in a timely manner: "Brother Jiang Hai, you don't know how hard Yin Yin is working now. I read books late every day and wake up very early in the morning."

After hearing this, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but persuade: "Study is important, but you must also pay attention to your body."

When he said this, Chen Jianghai didn't think too much, just let Zhu Yinyin pay attention to rest.

But when Zhu Yinyin heard it, she heard other meanings.

"Brother Hai, do you care about me?"

Hearing this question from Athena Chu, Chen Jianghai was dumbfounded and replied directly, "I'm concerned about you."

Hearing this, Zhu Yinyin's face was filled with joy, but Chen Jianghai's next words made the joy on Zhu Yinyin's face disappear little by little.

"I always treat you as a sister, and it's normal to care about you."

After listening to Chen Jianghai's words, Zhu Yinyin couldn't help pouting, and her voice increased a bit.

"Why do you think of me as your sister?

I don't want you to treat me as your sister! "

Hearing the following dialogue, the two people in front had different reactions.

Wu Gang stared intently at the road ahead, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Su Qian was different. When she heard Zhu Yinyin's words, her ears perked up.

At this time, Su Qian was really curious, how would Chen Jianghai answer?

Su Qian knew very well that Zhu Yinyin really liked Chen Jianghai.

As a roommate, she naturally hoped that Zhu Yinyin's efforts would be rewarded.

Su Qian disagreed with Zhu Yinyin's liking of Chen Jianghe before, thinking it was inappropriate, and persuaded Zhu Yinyin.

But the other party couldn't listen to the words at all, and he still went his own way.

Because of this, there was a dispute between the two.

Later, Zhu Yinyin talked about the whole process of getting to know Chen Jianghai, and also about her family.

In these processes, Zhu Yinyin's feelings for Chen Jianghai are also slowly changing.

At first, she really regarded Chen Jianghai as her brother.

But it was only later that I discovered that this feeling had changed unknowingly.

After listening to Zhu Yinyin's story, Su Qian's views on this matter also changed.

Especially Zhu Yinyin said that she did not expect to marry Chen Jianghai, she only hoped to have a little bit of her place in Chen Jianghai's heart.

Hearing this, Su Qian was very moved, and Zhu Yinyin was so brave.

It is for this reason that Su Qian will take the initiative to help her roommates create conditions.

At this time, Chen Jianghai's answer also reached Su Qian's ears.

"In my eyes, you are my sister, and this will not change."

Hearing this answer, Su Qian secretly screamed bad, can Yin Yin accept this fact?

Sure enough, Chen Jianghai's answer made Zhu Yinyin's eyes sparkle.

Seeing Zhu Yinyin's appearance, Chen Jianghai couldn't bear it, but he didn't say anything and didn't plan to do anything.

Rather than let Athena Chu go deeper and deeper, it is better to make a break between the two.

Long pain is worse than short pain, and this silly girl can't be allowed to be so obsessed anymore.

For the next journey, the atmosphere in the car was a bit dull. Zhu Yingying turned her head to the side of the car window and didn't speak to Chen Jianghe again.

At this time, Zhu Yinyin really wanted to tell Chen Jianghai to stop, and then got off the bus and went back to school.

But she finally got the opportunity to get along with Chen Jianghai, and she was reluctant to part.

With this tangled ambivalence, the group quickly came to the last restaurant.

After getting out of the car, Su Qian held Zhu Yinyin's hand tightly, her eyes full of worry.

However, Chen Jianghai didn't take it to heart, and took them upstairs directly.

This meal was not very pleasant, and Chen Jianghe had no appetite.

Zhu Yinyin was still sad and didn't eat much.

Seeing the two of them like this, Su Qian was embarrassed to eat and drink.

"Come on, I'll take you back to school."

After eating, Chen Jianghai stood up and said.

Zhu Yinyin said a little angrily: "We don't need you to send it, we can go back by ourselves."

Chen Jianghai couldn't help but said solemnly: "Did you forget what happened last time?

You two girls are going back so late, can I rest assured? "

Su Qian quickly pulled Zhu Yinyin, "Brother Jiang Hai, thank you for sending us back."

"Okay, let's go!"

After Chen Jianghai finished speaking, he went out first.

Zhu Yinyin was motionless in her position, she was a little confused now.

Su Qian sat beside Zhu Yinyin, held her hand and said, "Yinyin, don't think too much, go back!"

In fact, Su Qian also saw that Chen Jianghai really had no idea about Zhu Yinyin.

So Athena Chu can only be said to be wishful thinking.

It is because of this that Su Qian is more worried about the other party.

Zhu Yinyin is a very powerful Su Qian is afraid that she cannot accept such a result.

What worries Su Qian even more is whether Zhu Yinyin will not think about it because of this, and thus do something bad.

Su Qian really wanted to persuade Zhu Yinyin to give up early is the best choice.

However, Su Qian also knew that no matter what she said now, Zhu Yinyin would not listen.

Zhu Yinyin sat on the stool for a while, then stood up and said word by word, "I still won't give up."

This seems to be for Su Qian, but in fact, it is more for her.

After Zhu Yinyin finished speaking, she went out directly. Su Qian shook her head and sighed behind her, "What's the matter?"