Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 577

Chapter 577

Chapter 577 The pride of Xijiang people

That night, Chen Jianghai deliberately rushed home early, and both parents came, and this meal must be eaten together.

When Chen Liye and the others came back from Chenjia Village, Xue Chunli had already prepared dinner.

Originally, Chen Jianghai planned to go out to eat, but Xue Chunli did not agree, saying that eating at home would be enough.

In Xue Chunli's opinion, it is more convenient to go out to eat. The taste of the dishes is not as good as that at home. The key is to waste money.

After a meal out, I can buy several meals at home.

"My dear, you've worked hard!"

Wang Shufen took Xue Chunli's hand and said.

"Hey, it's just cooking, what's the hard work?"

Xue Chunli said with a smile.

"Mom and Dad, Wan Qiu, it's time to eat!"

Chen Jianghai took out the tableware from the kitchen and shouted.

"I'm coming!"

Chen Liye walked out with his granddaughter in his arms.

This meal, the old, middle and small generations gathered together, and it was natural to eat happily.

After dinner, the family sat watching TV, and happened to see the industry-university-research program.

"Jiang Hai, is this the show you went to Pingshan last time?"

Lin Wanqiu pointed to the TV and said.

Chen Jianghai nodded and said, "Yes, this is it."

Watching Chen Jianghai's performance on TV, father Chen Liye nodded with satisfaction.

"Jiang Hai, your answer is very good, really good!"

"My dear, when I see that this surnamed Wang is not a good thing, I still want to dig a hole for Jiang Hai!"

Seeing the scene of the question, Lin Jianguo said angrily.

"Son, does this person have any holiday with you?"

Wang Shufen asked.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and said, "Yes, last time they tore up the OEM contract, which almost prevented us from delivering in time."

"How can there be such a dishonest person?

Didn't you make him pay? "

Lin Jianguo couldn't help asking.

"The court has already sentenced it once, but they've been dragging on it and want to continue to appeal!

"Chen Jianghai asked calmly.

"The court sentenced it well!"

Wang Shufen clapped her hands and said, "This kind of person cannot be allowed to go unpunished, he should be punished severely!"

Chen Jianghai said indifferently, "Mom, don't worry, even if the law can't punish him, I can still make him go bankrupt."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, everyone present didn't know what to say.

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said, "Alright, alright, let's not talk about these unhappy things, Dad, how to arrange this affair?"

"Jiang Hai, I think it's good for these relatives in the family to get together for a meal, don't make it too complicated."

Chen Liye expressed his thoughts.

He also knew that if this cheating was done outside, according to the current contacts of the younger son, there would definitely be many people coming.

Chen Liye had already seen it once during the last Huanhuan Full Moon Wine.

In this way, it is indeed very face, but it will also owe a debt of favor.

Therefore, he felt that it was better to keep a low profile when it came to dealing with each other.

Chen Jianghai didn't think too much, and replied directly: "Okay, Dad, then do as you want!"

"Yes! What a lively family!"

Wang Shufen also agrees, "If you invite outsiders, you will be a little uncomfortable."

"My in-laws are right, my house will be built in the future, and it will be like this!"

Lin Jianguo also agreed.

Chen Jianghai then asked, "By the way, what happened to your parents, brother and sister-in-law?"

"Your brother has a demonic barrier now. He knows that he is busy in the supermarket every day, and he never mentioned it at all!"

Speaking of this, Wang Shufen looked unhappy.

Chen Liye sighed, "Jiangshan really did not do well on this point, so we can't let the girls mention it first.

When he comes back this time, we have to talk about him. "

"My in-laws are right, they all say get married and start a business. This order can't be reversed!"

Lin Jianguo also responded.

"This has to be said, the New Year is a good time."

Wang Shufen followed suit.

After such a discussion, everyone felt that it was necessary to talk about Chen Jiangshan well during the Chinese New Year, and it could not be dragged on like this.

For this matter, Chen Jianghai did not express an opinion.

After all, this is Chen Jiangshan's business. He can care about it. If he interferes too much, it may affect the relationship between the two brothers.

But parents and the others are elders after all, and it would be more appropriate for them to speak.

After the show that Chen Jianghai participated in before was broadcast, it attracted the attention of many people.

To say that what attracts attention is the special group of workers mentioned by Chen Jianghai.

Previously, Chen Jianghai said that it was in the process of acquisition, but it has been a while, and there must have been results.

Xijiang Province also attaches great importance to this matter, and specially sent reporters here to follow up and report on the follow-up.

In this case, someone in the province also greeted Chen Jianghai in advance.

However, Chen Jianghai was not going to show up this time, so he entrusted the power to Yan Qiang.

What he didn't expect was that it was Xia Mingsheng who was finally interviewed.

Xia Mingsheng did not expect that this opportunity to show up would be given to himself.

Unlike Yan Qiang, Xia Mingsheng still likes this kind of appearance.

Looking at Xia Mingsheng's response, it's not surprising, but it's remarkable.

With Yan Qiang and Xia Mingsheng, the production of supporting parts at the component factory will soon be on the right track, and there is no need for Chen Jianghai to worry about it.

Soon, the report was broadcast.

On the TV, everyone can clearly see that the workers sitting in the workshop are more or less physically defective.

To everyone's surprise, there was even a man without hands in the workshop.

To know that this is a workshop, what can a person without hands do?

But the next scene moved everyone.

Directly, the man without hands, sat on a stool that was significantly higher than others, and started his work.

I saw that his feet were as flexible as his hands, and his work speed was no slower than others.

What made everyone even more shocked was that when these workers worked, they were full of seriousness and smiles throughout the whole process, without the slightest pretence.

This scene is so contagious.

Some viewers in front of the TV shed tears inexplicably while watching it.

Life is so difficult and the future is so uncertain, but life has to go on.

These special workers taught everyone a lesson.

Don't complain about how bad your life is, because someone's life will be worse than yours.

"Boss Chen of Qiuhai is a responsible boss!"

"I want to donate to these people!"

"You want to donate?

I think this is an insult to them! "

"That's right, UU reading people are self-sufficient and don't need your mercy at all!"

"Qiuhai is a company that is really socially responsible!"

"When I graduate later, I will also go to work in Qiuhai! I will go there to experience it and understand it up close!"

"Before I thought that Chen Jianghai was exaggerating on the show, and now I apologize for my words."

In short, the broadcast of this report brought Qiuhai's reputation to a new level.

Xijiang people are also proud of Qiuhai, which is the pride of Xijiang people.