Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 574

Chapter 574

Chapter 574 This is simply a proposition

Chen Jianghai then asked very seriously: "Then I have another question. If someone points a gun at you and asks you to take out 50,000 yuan, you will die if you don't take it. Do you want money or death?"

"This... I'm definitely going to die."

The young man was stunned and replied.

"Then the question is again, will you have the fifty thousand dollars?"

Chen Jianghai asked.

"There must be, little life matters!"

The young man said without hesitation.

"Then what does that say about your desire level?

Want or must? "

Chen Jianghai asked again.


The young man said firmly.

"Then you said that you didn't have money to start a business before. This reason shows that your desire is not strong enough, and it is not necessary!"

Chen Jianghai said leisurely.

After listening to the conversation between the two, there was a round of applause.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen. I understand. Let's find a job first and save some money!"

The young man said with hindsight.

Chen Jianghai turned his eyes to the audience and said word by word: "Actually, lack of money is the biggest excuse. There are many people who use lack of money as an excuse, so 90% of the world is ordinary people."

"You comfort yourself today that you have no money, so you have to miss the opportunity, but think about saving a little in a month, a little in a year, and more in ten years."

"But do you believe it?

The more money you save, the less likely you are to start a business.

"So many people find another excuse for themselves. Starting a business is risky. The money saved after ten years of hard work is likely to fail. Let's forget it!"

"So friends who want to start a business should not use excuses to find no money.

You have to ask if you have to! "

"As long as you have to, you will definitely have a way. When you encounter an opportunity, you will firmly grasp it. If you miss an opportunity, you will not come back."

Chen Jianghai's unpretentious words made many people ponder.

After a while, thunderous applause sounded again.

The people in front of the TV also admired Chen Jianghai's speech.

"Look, this is what the boss should say!"

"It's okay to be Qiuhai's boss, this knowledge is different!"

The young audience bowed and said to Chen Jianghai, "Thank you, Mr. Chen for his guidance."

"you are welcome."

Chen Jianghai replied with a smile.

Seeing this, Xiao Liu hurriedly said, "Are there any questions from the audience?"

Many people raised their hands one after another, and Xiao Liu quickly chose another one.

"Mr. Chen, what is your most unforgettable painful experience?"

The other side throws this question.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, "I forgot."

"Then Mr. Chen, what do you think is the best quality in a man?"


It was obviously a seminar on industry, academia and research, but it was turned into a special session for Chen Jianghai by the enthusiastic audience.

Seeing that he couldn't stop the car, Xiao Liu quickly said: "Okay, the audience has a lot of questions.

But Mr. Chen's time is limited, let us give the opportunity to the entrepreneurs here. "

Compared with the audience's questions, the entrepreneurs' questions are obviously much more reliable.

They asked some questions about industry, university and research, and Chen Jianghai answered them one by one.

Just when Chen Jianghai thought there was no problem, he stood up alone.

Chen Jianghai knew this person, it was Ding Naixing who tore up the contract.

Seeing Ding Naixing, Chen Jianghai's face darkened slightly.

This guy's problem is definitely not a good problem.

"Mr. Chen, I want to ask you a question."

Ding Naixing said seemingly kindly.

"you say."

"I read on the news before that you once donated five million to poor areas, right?"

Chen Jianghai frowned slightly, why did Ding Naixing say this?

"That's right."

"Mr. Chen, you have created so much wealth in Qiuhai, why don't you donate more?

I know five million is nothing to you. "

Ding Naixing followed suit.

As soon as this question came up, everyone present looked at Chen Jianghai, wondering how he would answer.

Except for Zhong Mingtian, the faces of the remaining entrepreneurs were not very good-looking.

Isn't this for demolition?

How can you ask such a question?

The director behind did not expect that Ding Naixing would actually ask such a question.

Once this question is not answered well, not only will Chen Jianghai suffer, but their TV station will not be much better.

"Where did this man come from?"

The headmaster asked angrily.

"He was brought in by Boss Zhong."

"Zhong Mingtian?"

Hearing the name, the headmaster was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, Master."

The director's face was very ugly when he heard it. Zhong Mingtian did this without saying hello to him at all.

At this time, the director even had an urge to stop the live broadcast immediately.

"Zhong Mingtian, you are really going too far!"

But the director is powerless now, and he has nothing to do with Zhong Mingtian.

But this beam is settled.

Ruan Guangming's face is also ugly, doesn't this mean that he is hitting him in the face?

How can you ask such a question?

Wouldn't it make everyone feel better?

The audience looked at Chen Jianghai, and a question appeared in their hearts at this time: Yes, why don't you donate more?

Not only the audience at the scene, but also the audience in front of the TV have this problem.

The entrepreneurs were all looking at Chen Jianghai, wondering how he answered.

Humans are like that, easily influenced by outsiders.

Originally, they all admired Chen Jianghai, but as soon as this question came out, they suddenly felt that Chen Jianghai didn't seem to be so perfect.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is simply a sending proposition.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said by his first name, "Ding Naixing, I have a question for you."

Ding Naixing looked at Chen Jianghai with a fearless expression: "Okay, you ask."

"You're a boss anyway, so how much did you donate?"

Chen Jianghai stopped Ding Naixing in one sentence.

Ding Naixing has indeed made a lot of money over the years, but he has put all this money into his pocket, and it is absolutely impossible for him to donate it.

"This... I'm asking why you don't donate more, how did you get involved with me?"

Ding Naixing said with a bit of dryness on his face.

When Zhong Mingtian heard Ding Naixing say this, he had the heart to beat him.

It really is mud that can't support the wall!

When other people heard Ding Naixing's answer, their eyes couldn't help but look a little bit more contemptuous.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, "Then your double standard is too outrageous, isn't it?

Why, I have to donate more, I can't even ask you here? "

I have to say that Chen Jianghai's words completely blocked Ding Naixing's back path.

Those who originally had opinions on Chen Jianghai now point the finger at Ding Naixing.

"This guy is not a thing, he is simply digging a hole for Chen Jianghai to jump in!"

"Mr. Chen donated 5 million anyway, this guy is so shameless, he is still standing on the moral high ground to criticize others!"

"Just now I thought there was something wrong with this Now it's revealed in one sentence, he really isn't a good person!"

"What happened to the TV station?

Can such a person be invited? "

"That's right, it's just destroying the image of our Xijiang people!"

Ding Naixing never imagined that because of this problem, he would eventually become a street rat.

Of course, the aftermath of this will not be discussed here for the time being.

The people at the scene were very excited and accused Ding Naixing one after another. The scene seemed a little uncontrollable.