Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 482

Chapter 482

Chapter 482 The Power of Capital

You must know that every time he purchased goods before, the quantity on his side was basically around 100,000.

This number is already the maximum limit Qiuhai can bear.

Chen Jianghai said that today, has the problem of output been solved?

Thinking of this, Smith raised one or three fingers and asked tentatively, "Chen, how about 300,000 units?"

Without any hesitation, Chen Jianghai nodded directly: "There is no problem at all, I can arrange it today, and it will be shipped tomorrow!"

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Smith can be sure that the production problem has been resolved.

"Wow, Chen, you're like a magician, I'm so surprised!"

Smith said with a gesture of his hands.

Chen Jianghai did not continue to talk nonsense on the issue of production capacity, and instead asked: "Smith, you said that this batch of goods arrived abroad, will it have a certain impact on imitation products?"

"It's natural!"

Smith shook his fist affirmatively, "These **** speculators, it's time to be punished!"

Chen Jianghai stepped forward and said, "Okay man, I'll go to Fuchun in the evening to pick up the wind and clean the dust for you. You can rest first."

Smith waved his hand and said, "Chen, I think I'll eat it in your factory. The food made by your cook is really delicious!"

Chen Jianghai laughed: "ok, there is no problem with this!"

Smith came with an uneasy mood and went to the hotel with a happy mood.

"Lao Liang, how do you feel about this function?"

Chen Jianghai asked.

Liang Haoyang said without hesitation: "Mr. Chen, it's great, I have to sing a few lines every day when I go back, and I feel very comfortable."

"By the way, Lao Liang, I have something else to tell you."

Chen Jianghai immediately put away his smile again, with a serious expression.

"you say."

Liang Haoyang said quickly.

Chen Jianghai said: "I am going to arrange training for our management."


Training what? "

Liang Haoyang asked with some doubts.

"In terms of business management, the first step I will find a professional teacher to talk to you about.

What kind of business management model does a large foreign company have? The second step is to let you go abroad to study and study in batches! "

"Mr. Chen, you said you want to go abroad for inspection?"

Hearing this, Liang Haoyang's face was full of surprise.

He even thought he had heard it wrong.

It's really because of going abroad that ordinary people don't even dare to think about it.

Now Chen Jianghai actually said to let them go abroad in batches!


Can't you? "

Chen Jianghai squinted and asked.

After a brief absence, Liang Haoyang shook his head and said, "Mr. Chen, I have been to junior high school, how can I go abroad?"

Chen Jianghai certainly knows what it means for the Chinese to go abroad.

Although Liang Haoyang said so, he definitely wanted to go abroad to see it.

Foreign moons are relatively round.

This is the general idea of the people today.

"Don't worry about this, I will find a good translator for you at that time."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said disapprovingly.

"Mr. Chen, I..."

Liang Haoyang wanted to say something a little less confident, but Chen Jianghai waved his hand impatiently and continued: "This is the second step to go abroad for inspection, you can take the first step first!"

"Then... President Chen, I'm so old..."

Liang Haoyang was still a little worried.

Chen Jianghai couldn't help laughing and said: "Live until you are old and learn when you are old, haven't you heard of it?

Manager Liang, you are still young, don't slack off! "

Chen Jianghai could see that Liang Haoyang was quite resistant to learning.

But if you don't study, you will fall behind, and if you fall behind, you will be beaten and eliminated.

Chen Jianghai naturally didn't want him to be eliminated.

In fact, it's not just Liang Haoyang, other old people such as Yin Chaoyang Fang Aiguo, Chen Jianghai doesn't want to give up on them.

That's why they thought of doing such a training to give them a chance to improve themselves.

Seeing that Chen Jianghai said so, Liang Haoyang could only agree.

He was able to reach the position he is today, and he also cherishes it very much, and naturally he does not want to stop here.

Because he can already feel that the future of both Chen Jianghai and Qiuhai is limitless.

Perhaps his own life can follow Chen Jianghai to a new height.

"You implement this matter as soon as possible, and I will solve the teacher's matter."

Chen Jianghai said firmly.

"Okay, Mr. Chen."

Liang Haoyang adjusted his mind and nodded quickly.

Not long after Liang Haoyang left, the phone on Chen Jianghai's desk rang.

"Jiang Hai, it's me, Feng Zongxian."

Feng Zongxian's slightly excited voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

"Fengxian, hello, do you have anything to do with me?"

Chen Jianghai asked directly.

"That's right, there is a battery company called Nanfu in Min Province, and they want to cooperate with you."


Hearing this name, Chen Jianghai was very surprised.

Why did this famous battery brand in the previous life suddenly come so far to find him?

Chen Jianghai makes electrical appliances, so it doesn't seem to have anything to do with batteries, right?

The only thing that matters is the remote control on the vcd.

Speaking of Nanfu, the previous life is definitely the most well-known battery company in China.

At its peak, its products were exported to dozens of countries, and it was also well-known abroad.

But in 2003, it was suddenly announced to be acquired by rival Gillette.

The reason is simple, that is, Nanfu's decision-making mistakes.

Before 1999, Nanfu was almost a monopoly in China.

Even those foreign companies are no match for Nanfu in the domestic market.

At this time, in order to get further development, Nanfu made a decision to bring it into a doomsday, that is, to introduce foreign capital.

From 1999 to 2002, foreign parties successively acquired 72% of Nanfu's shares through various means.

So far, Nanfu has changed hands.

In a few years, Nanfu, which used to be the domestic hegemon, has become Duracell's domestic distribution channel and processing base.

Chen Jianghai was also very embarrassed about Nanfu's experience.

Once the capital is introduced, as a leader of the enterprise, there are too many places to pay attention to.

Because of the introduction of foreign capital, Nanfu is not the only company that finally went from prosperity to decline.

Dabao, Meijiajing, South Beauty, Auntie Dumplings... These are all local enterprises that have been completely destroyed by foreign capital.

Therefore, Chen Jianghai has no idea of external financing at all.

Capital is But Qiuhai is not short of money now.

Since there is no shortage of money, there is no need to find an unstable bomb for yourself.

If the bomb exploded that day, Qiuhai's situation would be bad.

After all, how powerful is capital, Chen Jianghai, who came from later generations, has seen a lot.

Now that Nanfu has come to the door, Chen Jianghai doesn't mind helping it.

After all, this is a national brand that was once famous in the world. There is no reason for its fate to repeat itself according to the tragedy of the previous life.


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