Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 463

Chapter 463

Chapter 463 Do you believe what I said?

"Boss Chen is really an infatuated person, I really admire him!"

Ren Hongtu said calmly.

"Stop talking nonsense, how will the money be given to you, and when will it be released?"

Hearing Chen Jianghai's eager voice, Ren Hongtu became more and more proud.

Aren't you Chen Jianghai amazing?

Forcing Lao Tzu to hide in Tibet, is it still like the ants on the hot pot?

"Go and raise money first, I just need cash and I'll call you at six!"

Before Chen Jianghai could answer, Ren Hongtu hung up the phone.

Chen Jianghai looked very ugly when he heard the busy tone on the phone.

Liang Haoyang on the side asked, "Mr. Chen, how is it?"

"How much liquidity do we have on Qiuhai's books?"

"More than 20 million!"

"Contact the bank immediately, I want to raise 10 million!"

"Okay, I'll do it now!"

Liang Haoyang left in a hurry.

After Liang Haoyang left, Chen Jianghai sat alone in the office, staring at the phone on the table, like a stubborn stone.

Half an hour later, Liang Haoyang trotted all the way back to the office: "Mr. Chen, it has been connected with the bank, 10 million in cash, they will transfer it from the central bank, Xiao Wu has passed, it is estimated that he can get it in two hours. return."

Chen Jianghai did not say a word, but nodded to show that he understood.

Time passed by minute by minute, and after a long wait of several hours, at six o'clock, the phone rang on time.

With just one ring, Chen Jianghai immediately picked up the phone.

"Ten million, I'm ready!"

"Tsk tsk, Boss Chen is really arrogant, I thought it would take a day, don't worry, as long as the money is in hand, we will let him go immediately."

"Where are you and how can I give it to you?"

"It's very simple. You go out of Qiuhai and drive east with the money alone. Remember, don't take the police, and don't take anyone else, or don't blame me for being cruel."

"Okay, where are you going?"

"I remember you have a big brother, right?"

"Give me the number and I'll let you know when the time comes."

"My number is"

Remember the phone, the call was hung up by the other party.

Chen Jianghai put down the phone, turned his head and asked, "Is the money ready?"

"Ready, the money is in your car, two travel bags."

Liang Haoyang nodded.

"Okay, I'll pay the money now, and contact me in time if anything happens."

Chen Jianghai got up and said.

"Mr. Chen, it's not safe for you to go alone. Let's inform the police together!"

Liang Haoyang couldn't help but persuade.

"Brother Hai, let me go with you!"

"Yes, Mr. Chen, let me drive!"

Zhao Changgui and Wu Gang also persuaded each other.

"No, I can't let Wanqiu be in any danger, I'll go alone!"

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said resolutely.

And just like that, he was alone, driving on the road.

After ten minutes of driving, the big brother beside him rang loudly.

Chen Jianghai immediately connected: "I've already come out, where should I go?"

"Boss Chen, have you brought the money?"

"Bring it!"

"Are you alone?"

"Stop talking nonsense and say the address quickly!"

"You drive all the way east first, and I'll call you in ten minutes."

In this way, every ten minutes, the other party will call and tell Chen Jianghai how to go.

After going back and forth five times, the other party finally said an address.

Next to the abandoned ancient temple outside Huangjia Village.

"Boss Chen, don't think about calling the police."

Ren Hongtu said gloomily, "Now the people are in the hands of my little brother. If I can't go back in time, I can't guarantee the safety of your wife."

Chen Jianghai hung up the phone directly, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed over with a whimper.

Stopping the car next to the ancient temple, Chen Jianghai went out and looked around, but saw no one.

Chen Jianghai was very anxious and kept staring at Big Brother, but no call came in.

Ren Hongtu, who was hiding in the dark, silently inquired with a telescope to see if Chen Jianghai had brought anyone.

In fact, the safest way is to let Chen Jianghai put the money somewhere.

He took the money and was able to leave.

But Ren Hongtu couldn't hold his breath, he couldn't help wanting to see Chen Jianghai's face now.

Out of this mentality, he would choose to take the money face to face.

After watching quietly for a long time and confirming that only Chen Jianghai came alone, Ren Hongtu came out.

At this time, he was wearing a hood, and Chen Jianghai did not recognize it.

"Boss Chen, you really keep your word!"

Ren Hongtu stepped forward and said with a smile.

Chen Jianghai said in a deep voice, "I brought the money, when will I release it?"

"Boss Chen, what you say is unfounded, why should I check it?"

Ren Hongtu said calmly.

Chen Jianghai didn't talk nonsense, he opened the trunk and took out the two travel bags from inside.

"The money is here!"

Ren Hongtu was about to take it, but found that Chen Jianghai didn't let go, he couldn't help frowning and shouting, "Put down the bag and stay away!"

"Where's my wife?"

"You let go first, I want to see the money!"

"Where is my wife now?"

"Hurry up and let go. If you don't give me the money again, I will let your wife and children all go on the road!"

Ren Hongtu shouted slightly annoyed.

"Listen to me, I can give the money, but if my wife is damaged in the slightest, then even if I go bankrupt, I will make all of you unable to survive or die for the rest of your life!"

"I, Chen Jianghai, will definitely do what I say!"

Chen Jianghai, who was touched by the inverse scale, stared at Ren Hongtu with sharp eyes like falcons, and spat out every word from his teeth.

These remarks made Ren Hongtu feel a little hairy, and felt a little remorse in his heart.

If an ordinary person said that, he would only be a fart and would not care at all, but the other party is Chen Jianghai, with his status, ability and means today, he can really do it.

But he didn't turn his head when he opened the bow, and the matter had come to this point, he could only forcefully say calmly, "We're just asking for money. If you have enough money, you won't hurt your wife."

"Okay, remember what you said!"

Abandoning these words, Chen Jianghai let go of his hand and took a few steps back.

Ren Hongtu quickly opened the bag.

Seeing the stacks of hundred-yuan bills emitting the scent of ink, Ren Hongtu felt his blood boil, and his soul seemed to float.

Ten million, a whole ten million, you don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life!

"It's over, let it go!"

When Ren Hongtu stood up, Chen Jianghai immediately took a few steps forward and said in a deep voice.

Right now, he only has one request, and that is to see Lin Wanqiu safe and sound as soon as possible.

"Boss Chen, don't worry, you can see your wife when I'm safe."

Chen Jianghai didn't speak, his scarlet eyes stared at Ren Hongtu, full of invisible shock.

Seeing the other party's momentum, Ren Hongtu knew that he was not wronged.

This kind of person is not something he can offend at all!

But I won't see it again, it doesn't matter.

Ren Hongtu looked at Chen Jianghai slightly warily, then stretched out his hand and said, "Brother, give me a call!"

Chen Jianghai didn't say a word and handed his eldest brother over.

He took his big brother and walked to the After Ren Hongtu made a phone call, he turned around and said, "Have you asked someone to pick you up under the Jiulong Bridge in Linghai in half an hour."

Following, he ran to the back of the ancient temple, drove out in a van, threw two large bags of money into the car, and waved at Chen Jianghai: "Boss Chen, thank you, we will have an indefinite future!"

"I know who you are. For this money, I said you can't spend a cent, do you believe it?"

Chen Jianghai looked at Ren Hongtu and said coldly.

"Hey, then you don't have to worry about it, remember, don't chase after me, or you won't blame me if your wife has an accident!"

Ren Hongtu grinned, kicked the accelerator, and roared away.


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