Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 430

Chapter 430

Chapter 433 Within three days, I must see them

Putting down the phone, Chen Jianghai's face was a little solemn.

He never imagined that the sales department would have such a serious problem.

Fang Aiguo is still too young, and he doesn't have enough experience or experience. It's okay to run the business, but it's still a little tender to control a department.

Liu Jianming's mind is not on this.

Both leaders are like this, no wonder there will be problems.

Since this is the case, the sales department must be replaced this time.

No, not just a replacement, but a big purge!

A stern look appeared on Chen Jianghai's face.

At half past nine in the evening, Jin Changan and Li Detian came to Chen Jianghai's house.

The two of them had been busy all the way, and their faces were also a bit tired.

"The food is ready for you, let's eat first!"

Chen Jianghai didn't talk nonsense, and said hello first.

"Jiang Hai, we're not hungry, let's get down to business first!"

Jin Changan waved his hand.

Chen Jianghai pulled out his chair and said, "Everyone is back, it's not too late, let's eat first!"

Jin Changan wanted to say something, but was stopped by Li Detian.

So he had to nod his head: "Okay, listen to you."

In the living room, the two were also really hungry, and a large bowl of rice was quickly dried up.

Chen Jianghai has been silently looking out the window and said nothing.

The two looked at each other, then put down the bowls and chopsticks at the same time.


Chen Jianghai turned around and asked.

"Well, I'm full."

Li Detian forced a smile.

Although he was eating, he was actually paying attention to Chen Jianghai's expression.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the house was really depressing.

Chen Jianghai poured two glasses of water, put it on the table and said, "Then let's get down to business!"

The two nodded quickly and said in unison, "Okay!"

Next, the two told Chen Jianghai everything they had learned.

The three places that Chen Jianghai mentioned before, the two of them went all over.

They did not reveal their identities, but used the mode of unannounced visits to carefully understand the situation.

Therefore, it took a lot of time for the two people to find out the tricks.

In fact, it is very simple to say, that is, the agents and the people in the sales department are in unison, and they collude with each other.

People in the sales department used the preferential policies at hand to give local agents ultrlow purchase prices, and some even directly falsely reported the number of damaged and defective products.

After the goods were sold, the extra part was privately divided between the two groups.

Chen Jianghai nodded and said, "So that's what happened... Who is the mastermind?"

Jin Changan smiled bitterly: "Actually, there is no mastermind, they are just a gang."

Li Detian followed up and said, "Yes, if I really want to say the mastermind, Sun Heping from the Demon Capital should be the leader of this matter."

"Where did he come from?"

Chen Jianghai asked immediately.

He recalled the name carefully, and felt that it was very strange, as if he had never heard of it at all.

Jin Changan followed up and said, "He was recruited from the Demon Capital. It is said that he did not do things very cleanly before."

Chen Jianghai's eyes widened and he couldn't help scolding: "Why is this **** being recruited into Qiuhai?

What exactly is this guy Fang Aiguo doing?

Jin Changan and Li Detian exchanged glances, and the former said cautiously, "I think Patriotic may have failed to investigate this person, or he was deceived.

As far as we know, this guy is not simple, the city is very deep. "

Chen Jianghai sighed secretly, and said with a stern expression: "Don't plead for Fang Aiguo, he is to blame for what happened this time."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, the two of them closed their mouths wisely.

Chen Jianghai said so, but the two knew that Fang Aiguo would not be punished too severely.

It's probably just thunder and rain.

Of course, they just thought about it in their hearts and wouldn't say it stupidly.

Chen Jianghai said in a cold voice: "Call all the sales department back, within three days, I must see them, and they are not allowed to ask for leave!"

Jin Changan nodded quickly: "Okay, we will inform you tomorrow!"

Chen Jianghai rubbed his eyebrows a little tiredly, and then put away the icy expression he had before, and said to Jin Changan and Li Detian: "Brother Jin, Brother Li, you have worked hard these days, it's getting late, hurry back and rest. Bar!"

"Okay, Jiang Hai, let's go first!"

The two stood up after speaking.

Chen Jianghai also stood up and said with a smile, "I'll send you off."

"No, we can go back by ourselves."

Jin Changan quickly refused.

"Yes, we can just go by ourselves."

Li Detian also quickly echoed the road.

Chen Jianghai insisted: "It's okay, I'll see you off, it's just a few steps away."

Seeing that Chen Jianghai said this, the two of them no longer objected.

"Jiang Hai, what are you going to do with this matter?"

After going out, Jin Changan, who was quietly pushed by Li Detian, couldn't help but ask.

After hearing this, Chen Jianghai narrowed his eyes slightly.

He has never been able to rub the sand in his eyes.

Now that such a thing has happened, it is natural to clear it all out, as an example.

But now that Jin Changan asked, he asked back: "What do you think?"

"Jiang Hai, I think this matter, the ones who took the lead, must be won, and must not be tolerated."

This point, Chen Jianghai agrees very much.

The culprit is absolutely not allowed to stay, otherwise it will breed evil spirits.

"As for those who follow, do you think it will give them a chance to reform themselves?

After all, if all of them are removed, our sales department will become an empty shell. "

Jin Changan followed suit.

"Of course, it's up to you to decide how to deal with it. We all support it!"

Jin Changan added.

"Yes, yes, Jiang Hai, if there is anything we need to do anyway, just speak up."

Li Detian followed suit.

Chen Jianghai glanced at him, and understood that this was because the other party was afraid that he was over-hearted.

"Well, I know what you said, and I will consider it."

Chen Jianghai nodded.

Although Jin Changan was right, if he only grabbed the leader and let others go easily, it would not have any deterrent effect at all, and it would be impossible to guarantee that he would not do it again in the future.

This seems to be going on in many ways.

Just when Chen Jianghai was thinking about it, the three of them had already walked dozens of meters.

Jin Changan stopped and said, "Jiang Hai, you don't need to give it away, go back and take care of your younger siblings!"

"Okay, please slow down."

Chen Jianghai was no longer polite, and waved his hand in response.

Back in the room, Chen Jianghai's face was still very solemn.

Lin Wanqiu said softly, "Jiang Hai, what's wrong?"

Chen Jianghai shook his head: "Something happened in the Consider how to deal with it."

"Is it troublesome?"

Lin Wanqiu frowned and asked.

Chen Jianghai nodded and replied, "A little bit."

Lin Wanqiu looked at Chen Jianghai who frowned, secretly feeling a little distressed.

She rarely sees Chen Jianghai showing such an expression.

Obviously, this time his own man really encountered a problem.


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