Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 420

Chapter 420

Chapter four hundred and twentieth uncomfortable, very uncomfortable

Even Chen Jianghai's point of view sometimes made Duan Yongping bewildered.

Although he couldn't understand it, he could judge that it was absolutely reasonable.

Chatting and chatting, Chen Jianghai turned the topic to the red and white machine.

When it came to the red and white machine, Duan Yongping suddenly became excited.

You must know that the little bully he is doing now is the red and white machine he learned from the island country.

It's just that the copyright awareness in mainland China is very weak now, and there are not many channels to receive information.

In this case, many people think that Xiaobawang is a domestic original game console.

"Mr. Chen, you seem to know a lot about red and white machines?"

After listening to Chen Jianghai's explanation, Duan Yongping was quite amazed.

Chen Jianghai smiled and nodded: "It's alright, but I dare to assert that the red and white machine is about to be eliminated, and its good days will not be long."

If it was said that Chen Jianghai had a hidden edge in the past, what he said now is that he is very sharp and domineering.

"Mr. Chen, where did you start?"

Duan Yongping was also shocked and couldn't help asking.

If Chen Jianghai said that at the beginning, Duan Yongping would definitely think that he was running the train with his mouth full.

But after some conversation just now, Chen Jianghai's knowledge and broad insights have already impressed Duan Yongping.

It is precisely because of this that Duan Yongping pays attention to what Chen Jianghai said at the moment.

Chen Jianghai smiled lightly: "Because of the iterative upgrade of the product, something new will come out soon to replace the red and white machine."

"Don't know what it is?"

Duan Yongping asked impatiently.

After hearing this question, Chen Jianghai didn't speak, just looked at each other with a smile on his face.

Duan Yongping also reacted at this time, and said a little embarrassedly: "Mr. Chen, I took the liberty!"

Chen Jianghai said unhurriedly: "Actually, it's okay to tell President Duan, because this matter will soon be known by more people."

"Why didn't I get any wind at all?"

Duan Yongping couldn't help frowning.

To know that the decline of the red and white machine is equivalent to the decline of the little bully.

In Duan Yongping's view, this point must be prevented in advance, otherwise it will be too late.

Chen Jianghai smiled lightly and said something compelling: "Because now no one knows about this except me."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's answer, Duan Yongping was stunned at the time, obviously not expecting Chen Jianghai to give such an answer.

Seeing Duan Yongping's reaction, Chen Jianghai didn't feel any surprise at all.

Duan Yongping hesitated for a moment, then said, "Mr. Chen, it's really what you said, and I can't accept it."

After all, Chen Jianghai's statement is equivalent to completely vetoing the future of the red and white machine.

"It seems that Duan still thinks I am exaggerating!"

Chen Jianghai said lightly.

Duan Yongping was very euphemistic: "Mr. Chen, your words are a bit groundbreaking, and most people probably won't believe it."

"Then Mr. Duan, are you an ordinary person?"

Chen Jianghai glanced at the other party and asked with a bit of compulsion.

Duan Yongping glanced at Chen Jianghai, he seemed a little unable to understand Chen Jianghai in front of him.

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Chen Jianghai continued talking to himself.

"Mr. Duan, you are right, this product that will replace the red and white machine is in my hands at this time."

"Mr. Chen, are you serious?"

Duan Yongping asked with his eyes wide open.

Chen Jianghai nodded firmly: "It's absolutely true!"

Duan Yongping looked at Chen Jianghai in shock, wondering if he should believe the news.

If this is the case, then the two are in a competitive relationship and are rivals!

In that case, why did Chen Jianghai tell him this news?

"Mr. Duan, don't you understand?"

Chen Jianghai said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Duan Yongping nodded and replied calmly: "Yes, I don't quite understand."

After saying this, he frowned.

He suddenly realized that the rhythm of the chat had been completely controlled by Chen Jianghai unknowingly.

In other words, Duan Yongping has lost his initiative.

Since the creation of Xiaobawang, Duan Yongping has also chatted with many people at different levels.

Among them, there are many well-known bigwigs and some high-ranking dignitaries.

But Chen Jianghai was the first to make him lose his initiative like this.

"Actually, it's useless to say too much about the product. Let's talk about other things! For example, Mr. Duan, you."

Chen Jianghai suddenly changed the topic, which made Duan Yongping feel very uncomfortable.

It's like when a stunning beauty stood naked in front of her and teased him so horny, she put on her clothes and left.

Duan Yongping is feeling this way now.

Suffering, very uncomfortable.

"Mr. Chen, why don't we talk about you?"

Duan Yongping knew that he had to regain the initiative.

Chen Jianghai spread his hands and said, "Actually, I don't have anything to talk about. After all, Mr. Duan, you know too little about me."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Duan Yongping's brows wrinkled directly.

Chen Jianghai was right, but there was a subtle flaw in his words.

"Look at what President Chen means, do you know me well?"

Duan Yongping asked.

Chen Jianghai nodded: "If you say birthday hobbies, I certainly don't understand.

However, I can still make a little speculation about your future path, Mr. Duan. "

As a prophet, it is very simple to fool someone.

Take Duan Yongping as an example, Chen Jianghai knows exactly how he will go in the future.


Then I would like to hear Mr. Chen's high opinion. "

Duan Yongping had a look of disbelief.

His own way, others will know better than him?

It's like talking about the Arabian Nights!

"Mr. Duan, since Xiaobawang has developed to this point, I guess what you need to do next is... a shareholding restructuring."

After Chen Jianghai finished speaking, he looked at Duan Yongping with a smile, as if he had seen through him.

At this time, Duan Yongping looked at Chen Jianghai in shock.

How did he know he wanted to do this?

Xiaobawang has developed to this point, and what Duan Yongping thinks next is indeed the matter of shareholding reform.

But now it's just an idea of Duan Yongping.

This idea, even his wife does not know.

How did Chen Jianghai know about this?

Duan Yongping stared straight at Chen Jianghai, and asked in a deep voice, "Mr. Chen, how did you know?"

"It's simple."

Chen Jianghai raised his hand and said, "You are in a business, and so am I.

Xiaobawang has achieved this level, and the next step must be shareholding reform, otherwise there will be very little room for progress. "

After listening to Chen Jianghai's words, Duan Yongping seemed to have met a bosom friend.

"Mr. Chen, I didn't expect your thoughts to be so similar to mine!"

Duan Yongping looked very Chen Jianghai nodded and said, "Mr. Duan, don't be too happy, I'm sure your idea will definitely fail."


Duan Yongping asked with a little doubt.

He felt that this idea of his own could promote the better development of the enterprise. Why did it fail?

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly: "Because Little Overlord is not yours alone."

This is a very real problem.


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