Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 414

Chapter 414

Chapter 414 You... You are amazing!

On Monday, Yue Hongsheng, who had been in Qiuhai for a while, came to the office with a sorted document.

"Mr. Chen!"

Gently knocking on the door, Yue Hongsheng said respectfully.

"Oh, Hongsheng is here, what's the matter, come in and sit!"

Chen Jianghai beckoned.

"Mr. Chen, I think there is still a lot of work that is not clearly divided between the departments of our factory, the responsibilities are unclear, and the responsibilities are unclear. This is my report on the division of work between departments. Please take a moment to read it."

Yue Hongsheng said as he handed over the information in his hand.

"it is good!"

Chen Jianghai nodded, took the report and read it carefully.

Undoubtedly, this is a very detailed and highly feasible report, which should have cost Yue Hongsheng a lot of energy.

In the report, it is proposed that all departments be changed from divisions to divisions, in order to better align with foreign companies.

At the same time, the warehousing department and the purchasing department were merged by Yue Hongsheng.

These two departments seem to be independent, but many places need to work together.

Rather than complicating them, it is better to merge them together so that they can be managed and deployed uniformly in the future.

The rest is to sort out all the functions of each department, and redistribute the job responsibilities and work priorities of each department.

After Chen Jianghai read it, he nodded with satisfaction.

It is indeed a professional talent from a foreign company.

Many things that Chen Jianghai had not considered before, Yue Hongsheng put forward in this report.

At the same time, the positions of factory director and deputy factory director were also abolished, and they were all changed to manager positions.

As for the position of general manager, it naturally falls on the big boss, Chen Jianghai.

"This report is good."

This is Chen Jianghai's opinion, and it is also an affirmation of Yue Hongsheng's first answer sheet.

Yue Hongsheng said humbly: "Mr. Chen, in fact, the structural framework of Qiuhai itself is perfect, I just improved some small areas."

"As the saying goes, if you see the true chapter in the details, this is the real kung fu!"

Chen Jianghai praised with a smile.

Yue Hongsheng asked curiously: "Mr. Chen, I want to know who established these functional departments in Qiuhai?"


Chen Jianghai pointed to himself.

Yue Hongsheng was taken aback, he really didn't expect this person to be Chen Jianghai.

"Mr. Chen, are amazing!"

Yue Hongsheng held back for a long time, and finally came out this sentence.

After Yue Hongsheng came to Qiuhai, he wanted to do a big thing to show his ability.

As for this first major event, Yue Hongsheng thought very clearly, that is Qiuhai's functional department structure.

After all, he had just arrived in Qiuhai, and it was a bit unrealistic to want to start elsewhere.

Yue Hongsheng believes that with his work experience in foreign companies, this matter can be done quite well.

But the reality made his wishful thinking come to nothing.

At this time, Qiuhai already has a fairly complete departmental structure system, but some detailed adjustments need to be made.

Seeing this situation, Yue Hongsheng couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration.

He did not expect to see such an advanced enterprise management model in a small state-owned enterprise.

Not only that, this system was established by the boss Chen Jianghai himself.

In this way, Yue Hongsheng felt a little embarrassed.

I used to brag about Haikou in front of others, but now it seems that they are also great people.

Whether it is vision or planning, whether it is production operation or internal control management, its level is definitely much higher than his own.

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said, "Hongsheng, you can make such a detailed report not long after you arrived in Qiuhai, which has proved your level."

Seeing Yue Hongsheng's face, Chen Jianghai could probably guess what he was thinking.

Regardless, he still has the ability.

As long as he continues to work down-to-earth, he will surely do better at his work.

"Mr. Chen, you have passed the prize."

Yue Hongsheng quickly replied respectfully.

"As for the reform of various departments, just follow your report. You will take the lead and be responsible. Is there any problem?"

Chen Jianghai asked.

"No no, I promise it will be done as soon as possible."

Yue Hongsheng hurriedly straightened his chest and made a guarantee.

This was the first task that Chen Jianghai gave him. He naturally did not dare to take it lightly, and he was confident to do it well.

"Okay, I'll wait to see your grades."

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly.

After Yue Hongsheng left, Chen Jianghai came to the window and happened to see two people at the gate of the factory.

One is Chen Xiaolong and the other is Chen Jiangong. The two are saying goodbye.

Chen Jianghai just remembered that Chen Xiaolong has now been transferred to the Marketing Department and will be leaving today.

The first target is Changxi, where Chen Jiangshan is located.

Although Chen Jianghai wanted to exercise Chen Xiaolong, he would not throw Chen Xiaolong into an unfamiliar environment at once.

There are parents and Chen Jiangshan in Changxi, so Chen Xiaolong will be able to get used to it soon.

The master leads the door, and the practice is personal.

As for what it can be like in the future, it depends on Chen Xiaolong himself.

While thinking about this, Yin Chaoyang walked in from the outside.

"Mr. Chen, there is something I want to discuss with you."

Yin Chaoyang hesitated and said hesitantly.

Chen Jianghai glanced at him and asked lightly, "Chaoyang, what's the matter?"

"It's about you... um, about Chen Jiangong."

Yin Chaoyang quickly replied.

"Chen Jiangong?

What's up with him? "

Chen Jianghai frowned slightly.

Yin Chaoyang followed up: "Mr. Chen, Chen Jiangong has done a good job, but he usually doesn't talk much and doesn't communicate much with people, so he's a little withdrawn."

"Are you worried that after he ascends, it will not be conducive to his work?"

Chen Jianghai said what Yin Chaoyang wanted to say.

Yin Chaoyang quickly nodded and said, "That's almost what it means.

His work attitude is very serious, but if he is promoted to be a leader in the future, communication is essential. "

Chen Jianghai knew that what Yin Chaoyang was worried about was not unreasonable, and that being good at communication is indeed a must-have ability as a leader.

"Then what do you think?"

Chen Jianghai then asked.

He thought that since Yin Chaoyang asked himself to report this matter, he must have thought of a suitable method.

"Mr. Chen, I think it's better to change his job position, maybe this will be better."

Yin Chaoyang said while considering the words.

Chen Jianghai nodded: "Then where do you think it would be more appropriate to change to?"

Yin Chaoyang raised his hand and pointed: "The nature of the work in the warehouse is relatively simple, as long as the quantity of goods can be figured out, Chen Jiangong's personality is just right."

Chen Jianghai thought about it for a while, and it seemed to make and then decided directly: "Okay, just follow what you said, but don't be too obvious, lest my uncle be too worried."

"Mr. Chen, don't worry, I know what to do."

Yin Chaoyang breathed a sigh of relief and quickly assured.

No wonder he was so obsessed.

This is Chen Jianghai's elder, and it seems that Chen Jianghai also attaches great importance to it, and must not be neglected.

"Well, then go get busy."

After Yin Chaoyang left, Chen Jianghai packed up the work at hand, signed a bunch of words, and was ready to go home to accompany his wife.


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