Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 411

Chapter 411

Chapter 411 The conditions are too rich

Chen Jianghai ate fast and waited quietly.

I don't know why, Zhu Yinyin ate for a long time, and Chen Jianghai didn't rush her.

About an hour later, Zhu Yinyin put down the tableware and chopsticks in her hand.

"Brother Hai, I'm done eating."

Chen Jianghai nodded, got up and said, "Then I'll take you back."


Zhu Yinyin usually doesn't eat much, but today, in order to stay with Chen Jianghai for a while, she ate a bit too much.

But she thought it was worth it.

After Chen Jianghai sent Zhu Yinyin to the school gate, he turned around and left.

Looking at the tiger head running away, Zhu Yinyin's face suddenly became ugly.

With a wow, she couldn't help but spit it out.

Zhu Yinyin is very uncomfortable now, but she is very satisfied.

She knew that she was poisoned too deeply, but she was willing to taste it all the time.

After leaving the school, Chen Jianghai was not in a hurry to go back. He still had things to do in Pingshan.

After arriving at the hotel, he called Ruan Guangming and agreed to visit him tomorrow.

For the arrival of Chen Jianghai, the latter also raised his hands to welcome.

Then, he called Lin Wanqiu again.

The two of you hung up after a while.

The next morning, Chen Jianghai came to the education hall.

As soon as I got off the bus, I saw Ruan Guangming waiting outside.

"Brother Ruan, please come out to meet me in person!"

Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

"Jiang Hai, you are here, I have to pick up another classmate, just kill two birds with one stone."

Ruan Guangming smiled, then pointed to the side and said, "He's here too!"

Chen Jianghai followed the direction of his fingers and saw a tall, thin man with eyes walking over quickly.

After a few words of greetings, Ruan Guangming took the two back to the office.

Entering the room, Ruan Guangming first gave an introduction to both parties.

The tall and thin man is Yue Hongsheng, who also graduated from a famous university and studied business administration.

I just jumped out of a management position in a foreign company recently and I am looking for a job.

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but sigh, isn't this a pillow for dozing off?

If this person has real material, he must take it!

It seems that Yue Hongsheng is only one person, but he has a social circle!

Once Yue Hongsheng arrives in Qiuhai, he may bring himself several suitable executives.

Chen Jianghai glanced at Ruan Guangming and found that he was looking at him with a smile.

Seeing this, Chen Jianghai didn't understand why this was a great gift from Ruan Guangming!

"Hongsheng, aren't you looking for a job?

You can chat with President Chen. "

Ruan Guangming said with a smile.

Yue Hongsheng was a little curious and asked politely, "I don't know what industry Chen always does?"

"I'm doing electrical appliances now, and I'll be involved in other industries in the future."

When Yue Hongsheng heard Chen Jianghai's words, he felt that he was a business layman.

"I don't know what brand of electrical appliances Mr. Chen makes?"

He asked again.

"Qiuhai Electric."

Chen Jianghai replied lightly.

Yue Hongsheng was stunned and asked, "Which Qiuhai is it?

"The autumn of autumn, the sea of the ocean, the autumn sea of Linghai."

Chen Jianghai responded calmly.

Yue Hongsheng was suddenly surprised.

I didn't expect to meet Qiuhai's boss here today.

To say which electrical appliance company is the most famous in China this year, it must be Qiuhai.

From a state-owned enterprise that is about to go bankrupt, it can only be said to be a miracle that it can reach the point where it is today.

When Yue Hongsheng was still working in a foreign company, he was already paying attention to Qiuhai.

He sometimes wonders, if he had been asked to take over such a state-owned enterprise, would he be able to achieve the scale of Qiuhai today?

No matter what method Yue Hongsheng thinks of, there is only one result in the end - Qiuhai will face bankruptcy, and it is impossible to prosper and rise strongly like now, and become a dazzling star in the industry.

What kind of person can do such a miracle?

Today, the real person finally appeared in front of Yue Hongsheng's eyes.

And still so young, it's incredible!

"Mr. Chen, I've admired your name for a long time!"

After knowing Chen Jianghai's identity, Yue Hongsheng's attitude also changed 360 degrees.

Chen Jianghai said straight to the point: "Brother Ruan said you are looking for a job, how is it, are you interested in coming to Qiuhai?"

"Of course there is!"

Yue Hongsheng said quickly.

Chen Jianghai then asked, "What are the requirements for salary?"

"The annual salary is 100,000!"

Yue Hongsheng thought about it and said.

Chen Jianghai glanced at Yue Hongsheng and asked with a smile, "Do you think you are worth this price?"

"Will it be worth it at the end of the year?"

Yue Hongsheng is very confident: "Otherwise I will pay the monthly salary."

Chen Jianghai did not expect that the other party was so confident.

"In this way, the monthly salary is 2,000. If you can prove your ability at the end of the year, how about a bonus of 150,000?"

Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

For talents, Chen Jianghai has always been willing to spend money.

"Not only that, if you can work under me for five years, you can choose from the whole country, and I will send you a duplex housing. If you can get the company listed, you can also get shares."

Such generous treatment not only frightened Yue Hongsheng, but even Ruan Guangming was envious.

"Mr. Chen, do you still need someone there?

I think I can go too. "

Ruan Guangming said jokingly.

Chen Jianghai nodded: "Brother Ruan, if you want to come, I will welcome you at any time."

"Mr. Chen, is what you just said true?"

Yue Hongsheng still couldn't believe it, the conditions offered by Chen Jianghai were too generous.

Chen Jianghai pointed to the side and said, "In front of Brother Ruan, can I open my mouth, but if you want to get these things, you must show enough strength."

You must know that such wages and benefits are definitely first-class in China at the moment, and you need corresponding abilities to get them.

Now Qiuhai is really short of talents. As long as Yue Hongsheng's treatment spreads, it will definitely attract the attention of other talents.

"Mr. Chen, okay, just do as you say!"

Yue Hongsheng seemed a little excited.

It is definitely a lucky thing for him to meet a boss like Chen Jianghai.

"Well, if you have nothing to do, pack up and go back to Linghai with me tomorrow."

Chen Jianghai followed suit.

"Okay, no problem!"

Yue Hongsheng answered without saying a word.

That night, Chen Jianghai invited Ruan Guangming and Yue Hongsheng to dinner.

This meal also made Yue Hongsheng admire Chen Jianghai even more.

Hearing that Chen Jianghai didn't graduate from junior high school, Yue Hongsheng had an incredible feeling.

It is true that Chen Jianghai knows too many Some of the views and opinions he put forward make him a little confused.

Even if you don't understand it, the key point is that it makes sense. It seems to be the trend of future development.

At this moment, in Yue Hongsheng's view, Chen Jianghai seemed to have a mysterious aura.

He also became more and more convinced that his decision this time was definitely not wrong.

The next day, Chen Jianghai took Yue Hongsheng back to Linghai.

When he returned to the factory, he called all the three people with the highest positions in the factory to the office.


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