Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 271

Chapter 271

"Mr. Chen, this model is very good. I will definitely report to the leaders above. Maybe there will be places where you will be troubled by then."

Ruan Guangming said seriously.

Chen Jianghai could probably guess the mind of this Director Ruan, and of course he would not refuse. He nodded and said, "Relax Director Ruan, just say anything, I will cooperate."

"Okay, let's settle it!"

Ruan Guangming said happily.

Participating in this event this time was originally a pass, but I did not expect that there would be unexpected gains.

As the saying goes, one more friend is one more road.

For Chen Jianghai, it is natural to be happy to have a relationship with Ruan Guangming.

After all, the Provincial Department of Education is for colleges and universities in the whole province, and even colleges outside the province can definitely speak.

After the donation was done, Chen Jianghai sent his parents back and stayed there for one night. After having a good chat with his brother, he hurried back to Linghai early the next morning.

After all, there are still a lot of things in Linghai, and they have to wait for Chen Jianghai to deal with it.

It's already December, and the Chinese New Year is less than two months away, so everything at hand has to be dealt with quickly.

After a busy day in the factory, Chen Jianghai just came home in the evening when he saw Lin Wanqiu sitting in the living room, looking gloomy.

"Wanqiu, what's wrong with you?" Chen Jianghai asked immediately.

Seeing her husband came back, Lin Wanqiu raised her head and forced a smile: "Jiang Hai, I'm fine."

"You look so bad and still say it's fine, are you not feeling well?"

Chen Jianghai frowned, reached out and touched the other's forehead and asked.

Lin Wanqiu shook her head: "No, I'm fine."

"Wanqiu, there must be something wrong with you like this, hurry up and tell me, don't hide it in your heart, everything is mine!"

Chen Jianghai grabbed her hand and said anxiously.

Chen Jianghai, who knew Lin Wanqiu's personality, was most afraid of what grievances she suffered and did not dare to say, and cried alone.

Hearing this, feeling the strength in Chen Jianghai's hand, Lin Wanqiu's eyes reddened, and tears came down directly.

"Wanqiu, don't cry, what happened, tell me?"

Chen Jianghai panicked immediately.

Don't look at his scenery outside, he never panics when something happens, and always looks calm.

But when his wife cried, he was in a mess.

"Wanqiu, tell me quickly, what's the matter!" Chen Jianghai pressed on Lin Wanqiu's shoulder with both hands.

Lin Wanqiu looked at Chen Jianghai eagerly, and said with a bit more pharynx: "Jiang Hai, do you think I can't give birth?"

"What? What?"

"Have a baby!"

Lin Wanqiu said shyly.

After hearing this, Chen Jianghai finally understood what was going on.

He gently hugged Lin Wanqiu into his arms, and said softly, "Silly girl, this kind of thing depends on the chance, it's not something you want to have."

Lin Wanqiu frowned and said with a bit of distress: "But... but we've been pregnant for so long, why haven't we conceived yet?"

"What's weird about this, some people don't get pregnant for several years, and we've only worked hard for a few months."

Chen Jianghai smiled and comforted.

"Really?" Lin Wanqiu blinked, obviously not convinced.

"How can I lie to you?" Chen Jianghai asked rhetorically.


Lin Wanqiu wanted to say something, but Chen Jianghai gently covered her mouth: "Wanqiu, stop thinking about it, if you are really worried, I will accompany you to the hospital tomorrow."

"Go to the hospital?"

Lin Wanqiu hesitated, "Don't go to the hospital for now, then... Let's take a look!"

Chen Jianghai knew what Lin Wanqiu was worried about, and if she really wanted to find out some bad results, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to accept it at all.

So he followed up: "Okay, I heard people say that if you want to conceive a child, you have to pay attention to rest and take care of your body."

Lin Wanqiu pouted, "I haven't done anything right now, it's already very relaxed."

"Okay, okay, don't cry anymore, isn't there "Fengshen Bang" that you like to watch today, I'll turn on the TV for you!"

Chen Jianghai followed suit.

"No, Jiang Hai, let's rest early!"

After speaking, Lin Wanqiu blushed suddenly.

"Okay, I'm going to wash up!"

Chen Jianghai immediately understood what his wife meant and said with a smile.

At night, I have to work hard again.

Early the next morning, the energetic Chen Jianghai drove to the factory.

After Chen Jianghai left, Lin Wanqiu, who was still in bed, got up and made a phone call to go out.

It's not cheap to install a phone right now, and you have to pay the initial installation fee. In the city, you only need 3,000. It's not cheap for your parents. It cost a full 5,000.

Of course, this matter must have been arranged directly by Chen Jianghai, otherwise Lin Wanqiu would be reluctant.

After a short wait, the call was connected.

"Mom, how are you guys feeling lately?"

As soon as they came up, Lin Wanqiu and Xue Chunli chatted about family affairs.

"Okay, my dad and I are fine!"

Xue Chunli said happily.

After chatting for a while, Xue Chunli couldn't help but ask: "Wanqiu, I heard that Jiang Hai is getting along well now, and they are leaders of several factories?"

Lin Wanqiu replied, "Well, he said that there have been a lot of orders recently, and he was too busy with production, so he bought two more factories."

Hearing this, Xue Chunli was very fortunate. Fortunately, she didn't insist on breaking them up, otherwise she would be stomping her feet now.

"Mom..." Lin Wanqiu hesitated.

At this time, Xue Chunli also understood that there must be something wrong with her daughter.

She asked nervously, "Wanqiu, what's the matter? Did Chen Jianghai do something wrong to you?"

It has to be said that Xue Chunli's associative power is really rich.

Lin Wanqiu hurriedly said, "Mom, what are you thinking about? Isn't it what you think?"

Xue Chunli followed and asked, "Then what happened to you? Are you hesitant to speak?"

"Mom, I've never been pregnant, do you think there's something wrong with me?"

Lin Wanqiu bit her lip and said.

Hearing Lin Wanqiu's question, Xue Chunli immediately understood.

She quickly persuaded: "Daughter! You can't worry about this matter, the more anxious you are, the less you will be able to conceive."

"But, didn't you say that if you don't have a child, you can't let a man take care of him!" Lin Wanqiu said worriedly.

Xue Chunli thought for a while and said, "Wanqiu, there is an old Chinese doctor in the village next door. I heard that he has a secret recipe, and he will definitely be able to conceive after using it."

"Really?" Lin Wanqiu questioned.

"How can this be fake? Many people in the village next door have eaten and they are all pregnant!" Xue Chunli said very confidently.

"Is it so magical?" Lin Wanqiu was still a little worried.

Xue Chunli immediately said: "The reputation of this family must be true! What's the matter with you girl? Why don't you believe me?"

"Just like this, I'll go get you a side drug to try it out later."

Lin Wanqiu frowned and thought for a while, and also felt that it was the truth: "Alright, Mom, I'll give you how much money I'll give you when the time comes."

Xue Chunli curled her lips: "Go, go, why mention this?! It won't cost much, and besides, my dad and I are eager to hug the eldest grandson quickly."


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