Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 269

Chapter 269

"By the way, how is the operation of the discipline inspection department of the factory recently?"

Chen Jianghai asked casually.

Liang Haoyang quickly replied, "Mr. Chen, Boss Jin and Boss Li come to see the factory almost every day, but they found a lot of problems."

"Big problem?" Chen Jianghai raised his brows.

Liang Haoyang shook his head: "That's not true, it's just a small problem."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said, "You can just deal with minor issues."

Liang Haoyang followed up: "Mr. Chen, I don't need to worry about this. The two bosses' handling is more appropriate than I thought."

Speaking of this, Chen Jianghai suddenly had an idea in his heart and said, "Lao Liang, how about adjusting and improving the department settings in the factory?"

Liang Haoyang asked with some doubts: "Improve the department setup? President Chen, do you think there is any problem?"

Chen Jianghai saw Liang Haoyang's nervousness and asked in a casual manner, "Then let me ask you, what departments are there in the factory now?"

Liang Haoyang thought for a while, then said with his fingers, "Production, sales, discipline inspection, research and development, and a finance."

Chen Jianghai nodded: "The general framework is there, but it's still not enough."

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean?" Liang Haoyang asked.

Chen Jianghai pondered silently for a moment, and then told Liang Haoyang the general framework of the factory of later generations.

With the development of the times, large enterprises will have many departments. If Chen Jianghai moves in one by one, it will make Qiuhai look a bit bloated, and it is not realistic given the current conditions.

In fact, the departments Liang Haoyang just mentioned are enough.

The changes Chen Jianghai made actually added four departments, the Quality Inspection Department, the Personnel Department, the Warehousing Department and the Purchasing Department.

Among them, the warehousing department and the purchasing department are managed by Liang Haoyang.

As for who will be the leader of these two departments, Chen Jianghai directly delegated power to Liang Haoyang, the factory director, to choose.

The Quality Inspection Department and the Disciplinary Inspection Department are respectively responsible for Li Detian and Jin Changan.

The heads of the R&D Department, Sales Department and Production Department are Qian Da, Fang Aiguo and Yin Chaoyang respectively.

As for the personnel department, Chen Jianghai is going to hand over to Qi Liangan to take charge, and he will be in charge of the personnel department and the production department.

The most important financial department was naturally captured by the big boss Chen Jianghai.

After listening to Chen Jianghai's idea, Liang Haoyang couldn't help but exclaim: "Mr. Chen, are you good at business management?"

Chen Jianghai said calmly: "I know a little bit, let's run this mode for a while to see the effect."

"Then...what if there is a problem?" Liang Haoyang couldn't help asking.

Chen Jianghai patted Liang Haoyang on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Lao Liang, you must know that any system will have problems, and it is impossible to cure all diseases. It is suitable for every enterprise."

"What we have to do is to remove the turbidity and keep the clearness, find the problem in time, and then find a way to solve it, and build a management model that suits us little by little."

Liang Haoyang nodded heavily: "Mr. Chen, I understand."

Chen Jianghai added: "After this model is perfected, it must be extended to other factories as soon as possible. Of course, we must pay attention to the details."

Liang Haoyang nodded again: "I know, don't worry!"

After sending Liang Haoyang back to the factory, Chen Jianghai went home and prepared to eat with the old man and his wife.

"Jiang Hai, I have something to tell you."

At the dinner table, Chen Liye suddenly put down his chopsticks and said.

Chen Jianghai asked disapprovingly, "Dad, what's the matter?"

"We've been here for a while, and we want to go back in two days."

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai couldn't help frowning and asked, "Go back? Why don't you stay for a while?"

"Dad, Mom, isn't there something wrong with us?"

Lin Wanqiu asked nervously from the side.

Chen Liye quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, no, Wanqiu, it's none of your business, it's my fault. It's time to go back to work after taking such a long vacation."

"Dad, what kind of work do you still work? You can enjoy yourself at home with your mother, and everything is up to me." Chen Jianghai said immediately.

Chen Liye shook his head: "I can't say this. Although I'm a little older, I haven't reached retirement age yet, so I can still work for a few more years."

Wang Shuying also spoke at this time: "Jiang Hai, it's been so long since you've been out, and your brother is alone there, we're not worried, it's time to go back."

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai knew that the second old man was going back, and he couldn't stop it.

Chen Jianghai simply nodded: "That's fine, but you wait a few more days, and I will send you back after I finish my work."

"Don't bother, it's convenient for us to go back by car."

Chen Liye hesitated for a while and said.

"You have a car, why do you still take the car, Dad, don't worry, I will take you back in three days at most." Chen Jianghai added.

He also wanted to see how the elder brother was doing, and whether he had won the elder sister-in-law.

Chen Liye nodded: "Okay, listen to you, listen to you."

The next day, Chen Jianghai went to the factory as usual, and when he was checking the production and operation, a guest came outside.

"Hey, Principal Yan, why are you here?"

Chen Jianghai smiled and welcomed Yan Hua into the office.

"Mr. Chen, I'm rushing to visit, so I won't disturb you, right?"

Yan Hua said with a smile.

Chen Jianghai laughed: "Look at what Principal Yan said, it's too late for me to welcome you!"

Yan Hua said cheerfully, "Haha, Mr. Chen is Mr. Chen, and he speaks nicely."

"Where, this is the truth." Chen Jianghai greeted and poured a glass of water.

After Yan Hua took a sip from the water glass, he spoke his intentions unhurriedly.

"Actually, I came to Mr. Chen today because I have something to tell you in advance."

"What's up?"

"It's about donations."

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai raised his eyebrows slightly, did something change happen?

Seeing Chen Jianghai like this, Yan Hua knew that he might be thinking wrong, and quickly said, "Mr. Chen, this is good news."

"How?" Chen Jianghai asked immediately.

Yan Hua explained: "I reported your donation to our school to the Municipal Education Bureau. They will send someone to interview you when they say it."

Hearing this news, Chen Jianghai was a little stunned: what is this?

"Principal Yan, I think you misunderstood me?"

Yan Hua couldn't help but be stunned, and asked hesitantly, "Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

"I want to promote Qiuhai, not myself!"

Chen Jianghai raised his hand and said. .

"Mr. Chen, this influence shouldn't be too big, right? You'd better talk more about Qiuhai then."

Yan Hua, who knew that he was flattering wrongly, quickly remedied.

Chen Jianghai nodded and that's all.

"Does the time need to be adjusted?" Chen Jianghai immediately asked again.

Yan Hua shook his head: "No, no, the people from the Education Bureau can arrive before the day after tomorrow, so we can hold it as scheduled."

"By the way, Mr. Chen, when you need to speak on stage, you'd better prepare a manuscript."

Yan Hua reminded.

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai was stunned again.

Still preparing a speech?


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