Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 260

Chapter 260

"Yin Yin, don't cry, be strong, don't worry, we will definitely help you."

Lin Wanqiu comforted in a low voice.

After a while, Zhu Yinyin's mood seemed to stabilize. She wiped her eyes and said pitifully, "Brother Hai, Sister Wanqiu, I..."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said, "Stop talking about this, how much does the operation cost?"

Hearing this question, Zhu Yinyin seemed to have hope again in her eyes, but it soon dissipated.

"The doctor said that not only surgery, but also imported drugs, at least... ten... one hundred thousand..."

If it was 10,000 or 20,000 yuan, Zhu Yinyin felt that if she asked Chen Jianghai, he would definitely help.

But 100,000 is an astronomical number, and their family may not be able to save it if they don't eat for ten years.

Will Chen Jianghai help her?

Empathy, Zhu Yinyin felt that she might not be able to do it.

No one's money comes from the wind!

Chen Jianghai was silent for a moment, then said, "Yinyin, you don't have to go to the store today. I'll pay you the salary later."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Lin Wanqiu's eyes widened and she couldn't believe it.

Is this what Chen Jianghai, the boss, should say?

Zhu Yinyin's face was pale, and the last glimmer of hope was completely dashed.

"Thank...Xie Hai...Brother."

Zhu Yinyin used her last strength to say such a sentence.

Chen Jianghai has cast a ray of light in her life.

Even in her dreams, she can become her happiest sunshine.

Now, he is going to take it back mercilessly.

Lin Wanqiu wanted to say something, but was stopped by Chen Jianghai's glares.

"Take good care of auntie, I'll ask Rongxin to deliver the salary."

After speaking, Chen Jianghai left with an unbearable Lin Wanqiu.

The people in the ward all looked at Zhu Yinyin sympathetically. It's a pity that such a good girl has not met a good person.

"Jiang Hai, why don't you help Yin Yin? After all, she has also worked in our store for so long, and she has always been conscientious and hardworking."

After leaving the hospital, Lin Wanqiu couldn't bear it any longer, and asked Chen Jianghai by the arm.

Chen Jianghai said lightly: "You wait until you go back, take 120,000 yuan on the account, and send it to her!"

Lin Wanqiu didn't quite understand it, and looked at Chen Jianghai suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

Chen Jianghai replied, "Pay people's wages!"

Lin Wanqiu was silent for a while, and then she understood Chen Jianghai's intention.

As an employee under Chen Jianghai, Chen Jianghai will naturally not die.

However, Chen Jianghai knew that Zhu Yinyin was about to take the exam, so he used this method.

If Chen Jianghai really wanted to give the money directly to Zhu Yinyin, the other party would definitely have to work in the repair shop for a lifetime to compensate.

If so, it will delay her.

But now, Chen Jianghai said that the money is Zhu Yinyin's salary, which means that the two are cleared.

Not only helped Zhu Yinyin, but also let her not have such a heavy burden.

At the very least, I can take the exam first and strive for a better future.

Lin Wanqiu looked at Chen Jianghai, and couldn't help thinking, what the **** was in his mind, why can he think so thoroughly?

"Wanqiu, why are you looking at me? Hurry up and do it!" Chen Jianghai urged with a smile.

Lin Wanqiu pursed her lips and looked left and right. Seeing that there was no one around, she suddenly made a bold move.

She suddenly stood on tiptoe, kissed Chen Jianghai on the face, and then ran away in a hurry.

After Lin Wanqiu ran for a while, Chen Jianghai realized it.

"Ha ha."

Standing in the same place, Chen Jianghai couldn't help laughing.

My own wife is really interesting!

Early the next morning, Chen Jianghai was still sleeping when he heard Lin Wanqiu, who had just opened the door, suddenly exclaimed.

"What's wrong!"

Chen Jianghai suddenly lost sleepiness, and rushed out to check what was going on.

When he came to the door, Chen Jianghai saw Lin Wanqiu covering her mouth and Zhu Yinyin with a haggard face standing next to her.

"Yinyin, what are you doing, don't take good care of your mother in the hospital?"

Chen Jianghai asked with a frown.

Zhu Yinyin said excitedly, "Brother Hai, Sister Wanqiu, your kindness will never end in my life."

"What hasn't been paid yet?"

Chen Jianghai waved his hand: "I told you very clearly yesterday, that's your salary, you don't owe us anything."

Lin Wanqiu also followed: "Yin Yin, treat your mother well, and then try to get into a good school, don't let your hard work for so long."

Zhu Yinyin shook her head vigorously and said stubbornly, "I've made up my mind. If I don't go to study, I will work in your store for the rest of my life!"


Chen Jianghai suddenly said angrily: "Do you know what you are talking about? Is there a shortage of migrant workers like you in my store?"

If Zhu Yinyin really did this, she would have failed his hard work.

Lin Wanqiu saw that there were tears in Zhu Yinyin's eyes, so she turned her head and said to Chen Jianghai, "Jianghai, go to the factory first, I'll tell her about it."

Chen Jianghai said angrily: "Okay, you'd better let her put aside the thoughts just now. I don't know what to think every Do you look stupid?"

After he finished speaking, he went back to the house, changed his clothes, and drove the car straight out.

As soon as he arrived at the factory, Liang Haoyang rushed over to look for him.

"Old Liang, what are you doing in such a hurry?" Chen Jianghai asked with a frown.

Liang Haoyang said anxiously: "No, some workers are injured!"

"what happened?"

Chen Jianghai immediately got up and asked.

Safety is no small matter!

Liang Haoyang sighed: "I'm crazy if I want to make money!"

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and urged, "Take me there first, and tell me slowly on the way."

On the way to the workshop, Chen Jianghai also understood the situation.

Because of the overtime system implemented by Qiuhai, many workers have made money.

Especially after the increase in the number of personnel in the plastic factory, three shifts were implemented in the factory.

In order to make more money, some workers work overtime in the factory every day, regardless of whether their body can endure it or not.

Just this morning, when the shift was changed, a worker froze and his index finger was bitten by the machine.

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai's face suddenly became very ugly.

"How is the overtime plan in the factory formulated?"

"Overtime plans are generally made after asking the workers for their opinions."

The speaker was Yin Chaoyang, who came in a hurry.

Chen Jianghai scolded his head and face: "Are you pigs? The workers will work overtime if they say they work overtime. What do I want you to do?"

Yin Chaoyang was ashamed, and he had to quickly say: "Mr. Chen, the person was simply bandaged in the medical room of the factory, so let's go to the hospital first!"

Chen Jianghai was annoyed by Zhu Yinyin in the morning, and after being annoyed by Yin Chaoyang, he realized it a little later.

After regaining his senses, he immediately said, "Old Liang, bring someone to help the worker into the car, and I'll drive over OK."

Liang Haoyang nodded quickly, and then went to say hello.

Chen Jianghai turned around again and instructed Yin Chaoyang: "Chaoyang, you must properly arrange the production in the factory. If you work overtime for more than two hours now, let them go home to me."

Yin Chaoyang nodded quickly: "Got it, President Chen."

The injured got into the car, Chen Jianghai whistled all the way, and soon came to the hospital.

After taking the person to the hospital, Chen Jianghai was a little upset, what happened in the past two days.


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