Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2340

Chapter 2340

"Mr. Chen, we finally meet."

"Mr. Liang, welcome to Qiuhai Group. Let me introduce to you. This is the president of Volvo Group, Mr. Handy."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

"Mr. Handy, it's better to meet you. I watched the press conference yesterday. Congratulations to Volvo Group."

Liang Jianjian smiled and also reached out and shook hands with Handy.

"Hello, Mr. Liang."

Handy spoke in lame Mandarin, Liang Jianjian was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"Let's all sit down. Although it's our first time meeting, we don't have to be restrained."

Chen Jianghai greeted everyone to sit down. He sat between the two of them. After all, this is his place, and he is also the owner of the place. This time, he is the middleman and will not take the initiative to intervene in the conversation between the two of them.

"This time, I would like to thank Mr. Chen. If Mr. Chen hadn't contacted him for help, I'm afraid we would not have the opportunity to meet Mr. Handy."

Liang Jianwen said very politely.

Usually, Liang Jianjian and Handy are not familiar with this kind of situation, so they still need to communicate through Chen Jianghai, and at the same time, it can be regarded as expressing gratitude to Chen Jianghai.

If it wasn't for Chen Jianghai's matchmaking, there was no such opportunity at Sanhei.

"Mr. Liang is very polite, we are all from China, and we can't talk about helping or not. Besides, I didn't do anything. The most important thing is that Mr. Handy also has the intention to cooperate with you three heavy industries."

Chen Jianghai also said politely.

Although Handy doesn't know how to get along with Chinese people, he is happy to learn while watching.

After all, the Volvo Group represented by Handy will definitely focus on China in the future.

"Mr. Handy, I don't know if you have any knowledge of our triple industry. This is some information about our triple industry. Please take a look."

Liang Wenjian waved to a secretary behind him, and then sent some materials about the three-level labor.

Mutual understanding is the prerequisite for cooperation.

At the same time, Liang Jianjian also gave Chen Jianghai a piece of information.

In fact, Handy had already learned about the triple industry before he came, and also admired Liang Jianwen.

Like Chen Jianghai, this Liang Jianjian grew up from a small welder, and finally achieved his current size.

The strong-willed and indomitable Chinese people are always able to accomplish these miracles.

In fact, Handy has long known about triple work.

It's hard not to notice this behemoth, and in recent years, it seems that the three heavy industry has also begun to participate in some international heavy industry projects, and they are very competitive in themselves.

In addition, through the contact of Qiuhai Group, Handy already knew the news that Sanzhong Industrial wanted to cooperate with them in advance.

"Mr. Liang, I actually know a lot about your triple work, because when Mr. Chen informed me, I made a detailed investigation on your triple work."

"According to the research of relevant personnel of our Volvo Group, we actually still have some cooperation possibilities with Sanhe Industry. So Mr. Liang, we Volvo Group are very happy to cooperate with you, but we don't know which one you want to cooperate with us. In terms of."

Handy smiled, he was a businessman at the moment, and there was no personal emotion mixed in it.

To sit on the throne of Volvo Group President, Handy himself is a very capable person.

Although he said these words, he expressed his intention to cooperate with the three heavy industry.

But in fact the last sentence is the key.

Which aspect of the three heavy industry would like to cooperate with Volvo Group!

This is the most crucial question.

Chen Jianghai looked at Handy and Liang Jianwen with great interest, and didn't say anything more.

This is a normal business relationship between the two parties, and Chen Jianghai really does not know much about heavy industry.

However, if it is possible, Chen Jianghai hopes to help Liang Jianwen say a few words.

The Volvo Group has some of the world's leading heavy industry technologies, if it can get these things in its hands.

This is actually very helpful for the development of Huaxia.

Coupled with Chen Jianghai's understanding of the three heavy industry, it seems that there are some departments at the national level of China behind the three heavy industry.

They are the ones who really want to facilitate this cooperation with the Volvo Group!

After all, they have only one purpose!

That is heavy industry technology!

"Mr. Handy, at present we have the ability to develop large-scale machinery and equipment, but you should also know that the core point of these large-scale machinery lies in his engine, and our research in this area is insufficient."

Liang Jianjian honestly stated the shortcomings of the three heavy industry, and Handy nodded in approval.

Chen Jianghai remembered something.

In the memory of his previous life, he actually knew that the Volvo Group had invested in projects in the field of construction machinery in Huaxia, but their main partner was another machinery company in Huaxia.

But their strategy is acquisitions, not partnerships.

Now that Liang Jian from Sanhei Industry has come over, he can choose to cooperate with them.

Judging from the current situation of the Volvo Group, they are unable to acquire San Heavy Industry, and San Heavy Industry will not buy it for them.

So the two sides only have the option of cooperation.

Now we mainly want to carry out technical cooperation with Volvo Group on loaders and excavators. We are willing to help Volvo Group to open up this market in China. Of course, we also need technical help from Volvo Group. ."

Liang Jianjian is a very sincere businessman, and he bluntly pointed out the direction of cooperation.

In fact, Handy took this aspect into consideration when he was studying the triple industry, and also expected that the key cooperation aspect of the triple industry would be this layer.

However, the Volvo Group is a sweet pastry after all, and they may not only have the choice of three heavy industries.

Looking at Handy, he seemed to be a little Chen Jianghai said slowly at this time, "Mr. Handy, in cooperation with Sanhe, may be able to continue to help Volvo Group expand its business scope in China."

Chen Jianghai's words made Handy very recognized.

This aspect is indeed very helpful. During the investigation of the three heavy industry, Handy easily found that there is someone behind the three heavy industry with a Chinese official background.

With this relationship, it will significantly improve both Volvo's overall business in China and the auto business.

The official background of the three heavy industry can save the Volvo Group from some troubles in many ways.

Just some taxes, and some other matters, there is a lot of room for negotiation.

The most important thing.

Handy intends to make a desperate attempt, so he puts all the auto business in Huaxia.

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