Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2337

Chapter 2337

Although it is already night, the venue is well arranged. Under the gathering of many lights, this area is no different from the daytime.

Because Feng Zongxian was invited to this press conference, as usual, the parent official went up to give a speech.

Feng Zongxian was honest, and directly pointed out the theme of this press conference.

The first core content of this press conference is that Biyati and Volvo Group will settle down in Pingshan and establish an automobile industrial park.

Feng Zongxian really understands the truth of attracting investment, and mentioned the relevant content at the press conference.

He bluntly said that Pingshan will build an automobile industrial park in the future, and its purpose is also to attract more automobile-related industries to settle in Pingshan.

After he went down, it was Wang Yadi's turn to play.

Wang Yadi also announced some of his own plans step by step. He intends to leave the topic of building new energy vehicles to Handy to explain.

After Wang Yadi went down, Handy walked to the podium in front of everyone's eyes.

"Friends from the media, thank you for being here today."

Handy spoke in fluent English, and Luo Hao was standing beside him while translating in Mandarin in real time.

"We are very happy to be able to build our own overseas factory on the land of Huaxia. At the same time, we have a very clear goal to settle in Pingshan this time. We have established a close cooperative relationship with Biyati and have already achieved initial results. "

"Next, please allow me to introduce to you the first new energy vehicle jointly launched by Volvo Group and Biyati: Han."

Handy stretched out his hand, and suddenly a car slowly drove over to the press conference venue.

The shape of this car is relatively novel. It is different from some mainstream car styles now, and the shape is more futuristic. However, in Chen Jianghai's eyes, this car is just a very common new energy vehicle in later generations.

However, this car has the shape of a sports car, and the whole body is silver and white, and the texture is very good under the spotlight.

The most surprising thing is that when the car drove over, it did not hear the roar of the car's engine, but was extremely quiet.

All the shots give this freshly styled car.

Everyone looked over in surprise.

The audience sitting in front of the TV watching the press conference also stood up one after another.

This car is the first generation of new energy vehicles jointly launched by BYATI and Volvo Group, and it is probably the first new energy vehicle that can be driven in the world.

When the car appeared, everyone was shocked by it.

When the car came to the center, Yue Hongsheng opened the door and walked down from above.

Chen Jianghai raised his brows involuntarily: Good guy, Yue Hongsheng is quite good at finding opportunities to show his face.

"Quick, take a picture."

"This is the first new energy vehicle!"

"It's still domestically produced. I rely on it. Our auto industry is so developed?"

In an instant, reporters swarmed.

Perhaps no one thought that the press conference between Volvo Group and Biyati was actually playing a real game.

They actually drove out a new energy vehicle.

This is certainly a blow to anyone who is following this press conference!

Countless spotlights were given to the car, and instead Handy was left out on the podium.

"Everyone, this new energy car is the first new energy concept car jointly launched by Volvo Group and Biyati. His name is Han."

Handy doesn't care, this press conference is to let the world see their achievements.

The appearance of this car will greatly stimulate global auto companies. After all, this may be the first new energy vehicle.

With the introduction of Handy, many media reporters also began to record it.

"Mr. Handy, does this car have cross-generational significance?"

Soon, a reporter asked a question.

Everyone present looked at Handy, and they waited for his answer.

"It will be 2000 soon. Before entering this new era, we Volvo Group are honored to be able to carry out the research and development of new energy vehicles with Biyati. I think whether this car has cross-generational significance should not be up to me. Evaluation, but should be evaluated by everyone.

Handy said very thiefly, the reporter was also very satisfied with this answer, and then sat down.

Soon, many reporters raised their hands, and they had countless questions in their minds to ask.

The appearance of this car is really amazing. No one could have imagined that the Volvo Group would release this big move today. This news will have a direct impact on the automotive field in the future.

I am afraid that starting tomorrow, Volvo Group's share price will skyrocket.

As one of the luxury car brands in Europe, Volvo Group has always been known for its safety. Although the level of luxury in the automotive field is not as good as that of bba, their reputation is not low.

Now led by Volvo Group, the first new energy vehicle has been developed, which may directly make Volvo Group a super giant in the field of new energy vehicles.

No wonder the Volvo Group chose to partner with a battery company this time around.

It turns out that they have long targeted the new energy vehicle market.

Such a vision suddenly made Volvo's rejection of Ford's acquisition not long ago a matter of course.

In the field of automobiles, since Ford broke out that the acquisition of Volvo Group failed, some car people have made some comments, they believe that Volvo Group is cutting its own way.

In terms of the Volvo Group's current car sales, it seems like the best option for them to be acquired by Ford.

But the Volvo Group refused.

Therefore, everyone felt that Handy, the president of Volvo Group, had a problem with his mind. He quit the business with a steady profit, but chose to cooperate with a battery company in Huaxia.

This is not a brain water is what?

But now, all doubts have vanished.

The cooperation with Biyati is to develop new energy vehicles, which is simply a blockbuster.

The key is that people have come up with real Mr. Handy, let me first ask you what is your motivation for cooperating with Biyati, does this mean that Huaxia's battery technology has reached the The world's top level. "

At this moment, a reporter from CCTV stood up and asked.

This question is relatively sharp, and everyone present is waiting for Handy's answer.

At this moment, Handy laughed. He looked at Chen Jianghai and then at Wang Yadi.

"The reporter friend's question is very good, and I will answer your second question first."

Handy thought about it for a while, and then said with great certainty, "If you are talking about the level of battery technology, then I can say with certainty that in my mind, Biatie's battery technology is the best, especially if they have mastered the technology. new energy fuel cell technology, and they have applied for a patent in this regard.

"I think on a global scale, if there was any battery company that was more advanced than them, they'd already be partnering with other car companies, wouldn't they?"

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