Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2324

Chapter 2324

Perhaps it was not the islanders who developed this high-efficiency refrigerant for fluorine-free air conditioners in the last life.

Maybe Zhao Bo's teacher participated in the research and development during this process, and eventually Zhao Bo's teacher also sold the refrigerant patent.

But it's different now. Because of the emergence of Qiuhai Group, Zhao Bo's teacher did not sell the refrigerant patent, but was willing to sell it to Chen Jianghai at a low price.

"Your teacher is really kind. Does he know how much profit this patent can bring?"

Chen Jianghai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, even if the teacher asked for one million dollars, he would take it without hesitation.

What's more, this is only one million Huaxia coins.

"I know, the island country offered our teacher five million dollars, but our teacher didn't sell it."

Zhao Bo said very proudly.

"Let me see your teacher some other day. I admire such a profound and righteous professor. If there is a chance, I would like to invite your teachers to work in our R&D department, even if they are in name."

Chen Jianghai said very solemnly.

"Okay Mr. Chen, I will tell our teacher."

Zhao Bo had a smile on his face, while Liu Gang scratched his head and smiled honestly.

"But having said that, this patent is based on the refrigerant developed by the island country after all. Are there any infringement issues involved? If you have any problems and need help in this area, you can directly contact President Yue and let him handle it for you. ."

Chen Jianghai was keenly aware of the problem.

Perhaps in the previous life, the island country relied on this patent to successfully establish its own fluorine-free air-conditioning system. Now it has been cut off by Chen Jianghai. With the character of the island country, it may cause some trouble.

Panasonic is also Chen Jianghai's old rival, and Chen Jianghai doesn't mind giving them some lessons.

"Yes, if you have any questions, just come to me, we can't let people chill."

Yue Hongsheng also quickly said that as the vice president of Qiuhai Group, Yue Hongsheng must have no problem in life.

They sold the patent to Qiuhai Group at such a low price, and the purpose was also to help the domestic air-conditioning business to develop further. Qiuhai Group took the cause of others, and had to repay the fruit of others.

"Don't worry, President Chen, we will definitely speak to the company if necessary."

Zhao Bo nodded quickly and said.

Chen Jianghai looked at the information report in his hand, and then his eyes turned to Wu Xin.

Wu Xin has never opened his mouth. Obviously, he has his own thoughts on this matter. This kid is more and more calm now. When he was developing the integrated stove, he was still a little frivolous, but now he is quite a general.

"Wu Xin, why don't you speak, what do you want to say about the material of this refrigerant?"

Chen Jianghai said to Wu Xin.

"Mr. Chen, to be honest, I don't know much about material application."

Wu Xin truthfully said that in the research of refrigerants, he is not as good as Zhao Bo and Liu Gang, so he closed his mouth very interestingly.

But now that Chen Jianghai has asked, he also has some immature ideas.

"Mr. Chen, since the refrigerant has been developed, then we will officially set up a project for fluorine-free air conditioners."

"I think it's not enough to just have a refrigerant. At present, there is a big gap between fluorine-free air conditioners and ordinary air conditioners. Because the refrigerants are different, putting this refrigerant as a refrigerant in ordinary air conditioners cannot exert the greatest effect. effect."

Wu Xin said the key point.

Chen Jianghai nodded in approval, this kid is a talent.

"You're right. Having a new refrigerant is just the foundation, and a new air conditioner needs to be designed. Some related technical difficulties are still waiting for you to overcome."

"Although the main problem of the refrigerant has been solved now, I still give you enough time and do not limit the use of your funds. I hope to be able to come up with a CFC-free air conditioner before next summer."

The expression on Chen Jianghai's face became more serious, and his heart was a little heavier at this moment.

The island country has already produced a small fluorine-free air conditioner. Although this product has not caused much trouble in the domestic market due to its high price, it is obviously a signal, a signal enough to make Chen Jianghai vigilant.

What's more, Qiuhai Group's products are not necessarily focused on domestic sales, they also need to be sold overseas.

For air conditioners, the European side has extremely high requirements. In the future, the air conditioners sold in the past must be non-fluorine air conditioners.

"Don't worry, President Chen, we will be able to complete the task on time!"

Zhao Bo is now very confident in this new product.

"By the way, Zhao Bo, you can communicate more with Grena. In the future, our Qiuhai Group will carry out in-depth cooperation with Gree in terms of fluorine-free air conditioners, and this aspect will mainly be handed over to them for production."

"However, our Qiuhai Group intends to produce fluorine-free refrigerators, and you can also develop in this direction."

Chen Jianghai looked at Zhao Bo, Gerry was their partner, and they would be responsible for the air-conditioning in the future.

But for the refrigerator, Qiuhai is still very ambitious.

At the entrance of the engineering department, a well-dressed islander looked frustrated.

Out of the school gate, he then came to a Crown sedan.

"Kudou-kun, have you negotiated with Professor Li Boming?"

The person sitting in this car is Ichiro Yamamoto from the Panasonic Group. At this moment, Yamamoto frowned and looked at Taka Kudo a little unhappily.

This is the third time that the Panasonic Group has visited Professor Li Boming at the University of Engineering, but without exception, this Professor Li Boming refused to meet them.

Professor Li Boming is not a fool. When he went to the island country, Professor Li Boming helped Panasonic Group to develop a new refrigerant, and successfully let Panasonic Group develop a fluorine-free air conditioner.

It's just that the cost of this refrigerant is so that the price of their Panasonic Group's fluorine-free air conditioner is also rising.

At present, Panasonic Group, under the slogan of new environmental protection and new air conditioners in the island country, has forcibly attracted a wave of attention for its products, but this product fell into disrepair as soon as it hit the Chinese market.

Not to mention that this air conditioner itself is expensive, and this air conditioner is still a small air conditioner, which cannot meet the needs of consumers.

Therefore, this fluorine-free air conditioner, which was highly expected, has now failed more completely.

But the Panasonic Group did not give up. They heard that Professor Li Boming has been developing lower-cost refrigerants, so they came to the door and wanted to seek cooperation.

Last time Kudo Taka asked that Professor Li Boming had developed a new type of refrigerant, and the cost had been controlled within a reasonable range.

The news immediately shocked the Panasonic Group.

That's why Panasonic Group dispatched Ichiro Yamamoto to the University of Technology to try to buy this patent.