Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2309

Chapter 2309


When the phone rang, Chen Jianghai was upset, but he quickly adjusted his mentality.


Rose's slightly nervous voice came from the other end of the phone.

Chen Jianghai was not surprised. The purpose of Ross's call may have something to do with Disney.

Now Ross is in charge of the two companies, Pixar and Marvel. He represents Chen Jianghai and has the biggest voice in these two companies.

Now that Disney has compromised with Chen Jianghai, Ross probably received the news.

"Ross, is the account I got you prepared ready?"

Chen Jianghai asked indifferently, Disney is not a problem, but Chen Jianghai intends to attack the U.S. stock market again.

"Boss, I have made preparations according to your instructions. In addition, a person from the Dragon Fund is looking for me recently. He said that it was instructed by you."

Ross hurriedly said that his call was also to confirm this matter with Chen Jianghai.

"Yes, it was instructed by me, you can rest assured and hand over to them."

Chen Jianghai said calmly and continued to listen to Ross' report.

"OK, then I can rest assured to hand over to them." Ross breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still a little surprised by Chen Jianghai's means.

I heard that the Dragon Fund is not small, but I didn't expect that Chen Jianghai was in control behind it.

This time, the U.S. stock market may face a big storm.

"By the way, Michael, the president of Disney, communicated with me recently. He plans to go to Huaxia in person and wants to invite me to accompany him, so I will also go to Huaxia next week."

Ross took a deep breath and said.

He was supposed to be in charge of the positive side of the stock market in the United States, but now because Disney needs a referral, Ross is doing his part.

"Okay, you come to Pingshan, I will arrange everything."

"Ross, you did a good job in the United States. You are managing the two companies Pixar and Marvel very well at present. I have another suggestion for you."

The corners of Chen Jianghai's mouth twitched slightly, he guessed that Michael would look for Ross as a guide.

This is just right, Ross came to China from the United States, and Fang Aiguo went to the United States for layout.

In this way, Ross doesn't have to mix anything, and by the way, he can solve Disney's problems.

"Boss, you said." Ross replied respectfully.

"Then you can look at the stocks of Pixar and Marvel, and I don't want to see a surge in the stocks of these two companies."

Chen Jianghai smiled, he didn't mind giving Ross some leading advice.

As long as Michael agrees to cooperate with Chen Jianghai, then Chen Jianghai will immediately lift the restrictions on Disney, and at the same time help Disney to develop vigorously in the film industry.

In this way, the importance of the two companies Pixar and Marvel is self-evident.

Perhaps soon, these two companies will bring a surprise to Chen Jianghai.

When Ross heard Chen Jianghai's words, his heart skipped a beat.

The last time Chen Jianghai told Ross that he could buy medical equipment stocks, he made a lot of money.

Not long ago, Chen Jianghai told Ross that he could buy Volvo shares, which turned out to be another good opportunity.

Now Chen Jianghai told Ross that he could buy Pixar and Marvel stocks, and Ross would not hesitate at all.

"Haha, my dear boss, I received your news. You can rest assured that I will not leak it. This is our own business."

Ross laughed heartily.

He decided to sell Volvo shares later, and then switch all to Pixar and Marvel stocks.

He is also the nominal manager of these two companies now, so it is not too much to buy more shares of his own company.

Of course, this is not to say that Volvo's stock is dead, but that such a large company in the top 500 in the world, the stock of their company is expected to grow steadily in the whole region.

When it was revealed that Chen Jianghai's Qiuhai Group acquired 30% of Volvo Group's shares, the stock rose sharply. Now it has stabilized in the region. There must be some growth, but it is relatively slow.

Even so, Rose bought at the bottom and can now exit at any time.

He had invested $1 million in Volvo shares, and now he may have $2 million when he exits the market.

It only took a long time for it to double directly.

The terrible gold-making ability of the stock market is really frightening.

Now that Chen Jianghai has revealed another piece of inside information, can Ross still not know what to do?

As long as he listens to Chen Jianghai's words and continues to buy the stocks of Pixar and Marvel, it will definitely make his assets skyrocket again.

Soon Chen Jianghai ended the call.

He doesn't mind revealing some inside information to Ross, and this so-called inside information is actually closely related to Disney.

As long as Disney's president Michael joins Chen Jianghai's scenic spot plan, Disney's development will go further in the future.

Chen Jianghai began to lay out the film industry early, but the domestic media companies of Lotte Entertainment and Zhao Dongling have not yet had much influence in the film industry.

At this time, it is necessary to borrow the film industry of the United States.

Disney may be a good trump card.

Chen Jianghai rubbed his temples, then stood up, walked out of the office and went home.

Enough to worry about today, now we just have to wait for Disney to come.

On September 10th, a passenger plane that was swept down took a guest from the United States to Pingshan Airport. Ross was the first to step down and soon saw a familiar person.

"Secretary Luo, I didn't expect you to come to pick us up in person."

Ross walked up to talk with Luo Hao enthusiastically. The two of them met in the United States and had some good friendships.

This time, when Michael, the president of Disney, came over, Chen Jianghai sent Luo Hao to respond.

"Ross, what about Mr. Michael?"

Luo Hao asked with a smile, and soon he saw a person hurried off the plane.

Not who Michael is.

"Hello, Mr. Michael, I'm Luo Hao, Secretary Chen of Qiuhai Group. We met when we were in the United States."

Seeing Michael, Luo Hao quickly greeted him and reached out his hand.

Michael was slightly taken shook hands with Luo Hao involuntarily.

If it is placed in the United States, I am afraid that Michael will never shake hands with a small secretary.

But now in China, this is Chen Jianghai's territory, no matter how arrogant Michael is, he must restrain himself.

What's more, in the collision with Chen Jianghai before, he had already lost a game at a disadvantage.

Now he doesn't have much arrogance and capital to speak of.

"Hello Secretary Luo, how about you, Mr. Chen?"

Michael stepped off the plane with eight people behind him.

These eight people are Disney professionals who are responsible for the assessment of external amusement parks. They have been to the Magic City before, and they have also been assessed on the Magic City. One of them is a professional translator.

Michael was actually very reluctant to come this time, but there was nothing he could do.

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