Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2292

Chapter 2292

This Wang Yuanshan is indeed a talent, but it is precisely because of this that he has a wide range of contacts.

When he was in the previous air-conditioning company, he was suspected of taking kickbacks.

The last company was investigating Wang Yuanshan because he had a relationship with others.

But at that time, Qiuhai Group was digging people, and Wang Yuanshan was dug over.

In this way, Chen Jianghai immediately understood the reason why Wang Yuanshan opposed his own implementation of fluorine-free air conditioners.

The refrigerant R22 is Freon refrigerant, and its emission has a great damaging effect on the ozone layer, but this kind of thing is still legal and compliant for China.

Now that Chen Jianghai wants to promote fluorine-free air conditioners, it must be hurting Wang Yuanshan and the interests behind him.

Thinking of this, Chen Jianghai's eyes became sharp.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Chen, just do it if you want. I won't say anything. Since our ideas are different, I don't have anything to say."

Wang Yuanshan was obviously a little flustered, but he still pretended to be calm.

"Mr. Chen, I'm a researcher. I don't understand your businessman's methods. You don't have to say it yourself today. I'm resigning myself. I'm quitting!"

The righteous words that Wang Yuanshan said, those researchers obviously did not know the inside story, so they also stood firmly beside Wang Yuanshan.

"Mr. Chen, I also resign, I want to go with Wang Gong."

"Yes, we can't accept your eloquent style."

"You are a dictator!"

These people stood up abruptly, and this meeting turned into a huge storm.

Yue Hongsheng suddenly became anxious, and he planned to keep it. After all, if so many talents were lost like this, it would definitely have an impact on Qiuhai Group's next plan to develop and produce air conditioners.

"Okay, I approve all of them, let's go."

Who is Chen Jianghai, he doesn't eat this at all, of course he waved his hands to fulfill these people.


The corners of Wang Yuanshan's mouth twitched. He never expected that he would resign himself to force the palace, but Chen Jianghai was indifferent?

This guy is so determined!

"Mr. Chen!"

Yue Hongsheng was very anxious, how could Chen Jianghai cause chaos at this time.

If all these technicians left, wouldn't they have to recruit a new batch of technicians?

Don't waste your time, if these people leave, they might say something bad about Qiuhai Group.

At that time, it will be a very troublesome matter, which makes Yue Hongsheng, the chief butler of Qiuhai Group, anxious.

However, Chen Jianghai still went his own way, waved his hand and said, "My Qiuhai Group is not a prison. If you want to come, I welcome you. If you want to leave, I will also say goodbye."

"Now you want to leave. I won't keep you. You can leave with confidence. President Yue, they will settle their salary this month."

Chen Jianghai said indifferently.

Everyone was stunned when they heard Chen Jianghai's words.

"Chen Jianghai, you are killing the donkey!"

Wang Yuanshan said angrily, he obviously wanted to force the palace, but he didn't want to leave the Qiuhai Group.

The rest of the researchers also looked surprised.

They really didn't expect Chen Jianghai to have such great courage to dare to let them all leave.

Air conditioners are not developed or produced?

"If you want to go, I won't stop you, but I don't want you to go in a confused way."

Chen Jianghai ignored Wang Yuanshan. He just looked at the R&D personnel lightly, then took a sip of tea and said, "Our Qiuhai Group will conduct background checks on R&D personnel. This information is Wang Yuanshan's background check."

Chen Jianghai threw out the information he had just read, and then let everyone circulate it.

"According to our knowledge, Mr. Wang Yuanshan was suspected of taking kickbacks when he was in the previous company, and had a relationship with the R22 refrigerant production company."

"I don't know how big this amount is, but this thing should explain why Wang Yuanshan opposed my fluorine-free air conditioner research and development plan."

Chen Jianghai's words aroused the curiosity of these people, and they looked at this document.

Sure enough, as Chen Jianghai said, the above information is true.

As a result, everyone looked at Wang Yuanshan with some contempt.

Just now Wang Yuanshan boasted that he was a researcher and disdain to associate with businessmen like Chen Jianghai.

But he himself is not a clean white lotus.

"Don't believe it, it's all fake, it's all slander!"

Wang Yuanshan was in a hurry, grabbed the document and tore it to shreds.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jianghai was not in a hurry, and said indifferently: "Mr. Wang Yuanshan, you have been with our Qiuhai Group for a while. Our Qiuhai Group is going to plan the production of air conditioners and must have purchased a lot of R22 materials. I think if our Qiuhai Group investigates carefully, we should find some clues."

Chen Jianghai gave Yue Hongsheng a look, and the latter immediately understood what Chen Jianghai meant.

Since this Wang Yuanshan's hands and feet are not clean, he may still maintain this style after coming to Qiuhai Group.

It only takes a little research to understand this.

"Why do you oppose my research and development of fluorine-free air conditioners? It turns out that my idea will hurt your interests." Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

Wang Yuanshan was silent, his hands were already shaking.

The researchers who had supported him just now moved away, as if Wang Yuanshan was a **** of plague, avoiding him.

Yue Hongsheng stood up at the right time and said, "Our Qiuhai Group will not just let it go like your last company."

"Wang Yuanshan, if you are really suspected of taking advantage of your position to take kickbacks and have a relationship with others, then our Qiuhai Group will definitely sue you."

"Trust me, with the size of our Qiuhai Group, it is enough to make your family go bankrupt, and we will not rule out sending you in for ten or eight years."

Yue Hongsheng's remarks were very deterrent, and suddenly Wang Yuanshan fell to the ground softly.

To put it bluntly, he is still a researcher. How strong can his psychological quality be?

In front of people like Chen Jianghai and Yue Hongsheng who have experienced the ups and downs of the business world, Wang Yuanshan is just a young child.

Seeing Wang Yuanshan falling down softly, the people here still don't know what's going on?

Emotions really made Chen Jianghai right. Wang Yuanshan did these things in order to continue to eat the kickbacks and smash the wool of the Qiuhai Group.

At this point, basically everyone saw Wang Yuanshan's true face clearly.

"Okay, you can go now, Wang Yuanshan, go back and wait for the news, our Qiuhai Group will sue you in the court after the investigation is clear."

Chen Jianghai said lightly.

"Mr. Chen... we just..."

"We were fooled by Wang Yuanshan and fainted for a while, that's why we did this."

"Yes, Mr. Chen, we were all deceived."

The group of researchers who just got up to leave immediately sat back in their seats, and one was extremely well behaved.