Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2166

Chapter 2166

Chapter 2166 extreme individualism

"Listen, hurry up and leave!"

George's speaking attitude became extremely tough, and the one who stepped forward was about to drag Luo Hao out.

At the same time, he stared aggressively at Chen Jianghai and Wu Gang.

The meaning is obvious, that is, those who are sensible, get out quickly, otherwise he will be welcome.

Faced with this situation, Wu Gang immediately became unhappy.

With a gloomy face, he stepped forward and blocked between George and Luo Hao with his body.

When George saw Wu Gang's posture, his face changed slightly, and he stretched out his arms and pushed him heavily towards Wu Gang.

Seeing George suddenly pushing towards him, Wu Gang's eyes flashed a bright light, and he shot at almost the same moment, also pushing towards him.

I have to say that Wu Gang is really just, and his skills are really powerful.

He is about ten centimeters shorter than this foreigner security guard.

Also lose two laps in body.

But even so, George not only didn't push him, but made him stumble and almost fell to the ground.

There was an incredible look in George's eyes, and he stared at Wu Gang with wide eyes, as if looking at a monster.

But soon, anger gradually filled his eyes.

In the impression, there has never been a yellow-skinned person who dared to treat him like this.

It also piqued his combativeness.

A few beauties at the front desk immediately became excited when they saw this posture.

They even acted as cheerleaders, unabashedly cheering for George.

This time, George was completely excited as if he had been beaten with blood.

Wu Gang is naturally not afraid of the other party, after all, he has real kung fu.

Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, Chen Jianghai said, "Okay, let's go!"

After speaking, he took the lead and walked outside.

Wu Gang and Luo Hao glanced at each other quickly, and finally followed Chen Jianghai's footsteps.

Although Wu Gang didn't fight with the foreigner, he had some regrets, but he never disobeyed Chen Jianghai's orders.

Although Luo Hao also hoped that Wu Gang could fight with the foreigners to give them a face, but remembering what President Chen had done before, he gradually calmed down.

He knew that Chen Jianghai left at this time not because he was afraid of these foreigners, let alone cowardly, but felt that it was unnecessary to do so.

Although Luo Hao has only been with Chen Jianghai for two days and has not been with him for a long time, he can be sure that Chen Jianghai is definitely not a person who is afraid of things.

After the two came out, Chen Jianghai stopped, turned around and said lightly, "You all need to know your identities, you are all elites of the Qiuhai Group, and the foreigner just now was just a security guard."

"Comparing with him, or even fighting a big fight, is really a loss of identity, so it doesn't matter whether you win or lose."

"If you really can't swallow this breath, then let's do something bigger, and do something that will stir up the entire United States and convince foreigners!"

Luo Hao and Wu Gang heard what Chen Jianghai said, and immediately nodded heavily.

They know that what President Chen said makes sense.

Moreover, the sensation of the whole United States... let the foreigners be convinced...

Now, Chen Jianghai has expressed his attitude, and it is obvious that he will use actions to give a greater counterattack.

Both Luo Hao and Wu Gang knew who Chen Jianghai was.

So since this guy said that he wanted to make a sensation in the entire United States to convince foreigners, he would definitely do it.

If he had just started his own business, Chen Jianghai might have used some impulsive ways to get things done.

But now, he doesn't anymore.

His status determines his pattern, and also determines the style he should have when doing things.

Some pediatric things, now he can't see it at all, he wants to play with big ones.

A shot is often a means to determine the fate of a company.

After returning to the hotel, Chen Jianghai called Smith over with a phone call.

"Boss, what's the matter with me?

Did you go well to Disney today? "

Entering the door, Smith asked respectfully.

Chen Jianghai shook his head and said, "It didn't go well, even their boss didn't see it."

"What, they are so arrogant!"

Smith was instantly indignant.

"So I need you to help me meet directly with Disney's CEO to chat."

Chen Jianghai said lightly.

When Smith heard this, he knew that it must be Disney's CEO who didn't have long eyes, didn't take Chen Jianghai in his eyes, didn't even want to see him, and directly angered the other party.

I just don't know what kind of action Chen Jianghai will have next.

Smith can fully foresee that the arrogant Disney CEO will inevitably regret this refusal to meet with Chen Jianghai.

Disney is indeed a behemoth, and the current CEO and chairman Michael Eisner is indeed a very capable person.

After he took over Disney in 1984, it took 15 years for Disney to turn Disney's assets from $2 billion to nearly $30 billion in one go, building it into a large entertainment empire.

In this regard, Michael Eisner does have his indelible exploits.

However, he also has a very obvious flaw, that is, extreme individualism.

To put it bluntly, Michael Eisner is also a domineering dictator.

On certain matters, the chairman likes to stick to his word and make decisions based on his own preferences.

This point can be found in many plays produced by Disney.

It was obviously a little girl, but he insisted on changing it into a little boy or something according to his own ideas.

This character flaw also makes him not a good person to get along with.

The reason why he refused to meet Chen Jianghai this time was that Michael Eisner believed that the man from China was not strong enough.

He feels that although Qiuhai Group is a Fortune 500 company, it must be boasting and exaggerating, and it is still too far behind him to be qualified to talk about cooperation.

Moreover, Qiuhai Group is not in the same industry as him, and there was no intersection between them in the past, so there is no need to meet.

It's just that he didn't know what a terrible character Chen Jianghai was, and what kind of means and energy he possessed.

Offending this boss Qiuhai, what consequences will UU read bring to him and the Disney company he leads.

In fact, few people really know how capable Chen Jianghai is.

Even Qiuhai Group, one of the world's top 500 companies, is only an important asset in Chen Jianghai's hands.

It is simply not enough to represent Chen Jianghai's full strength and worth.

If nothing else, the pharmaceutical stock in Ross's hands is worth billions of dollars.

All of the funds belonged to Chen Jianghai, but he temporarily placed it in Ross's account.

He believes that these are just the tip of the iceberg.