Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 2096

Chapter 2096

The second thousand and ninety-six chapters of life-saving grace

As the saying goes, Maxima often has it, but Bole does not often have it.

Chen Jianghai is his Bole.

Not only did he entrust such a large project to him, but he also trusted him unconditionally, so that he, the chief engineer, could really play freely and design and manufacture a highway as perfect as possible.

He dared to say, not to mention the territory of China, I am afraid that no boss in the world can achieve this level.

You know, he and Chen Jianghai got to know each other through introduction.

The two people didn't talk for a long time, but they gave him such a huge trust. If it wasn't for personal experience, it would be unimaginable.

However, Zhu Youxin once again issued a sincere invitation to Chen Jianghai.

He really wanted Chen Jianghai to take time out of his busy schedule to take a look at the highway project that was about to be completed and only needed to do post-processing.

Just like inviting the chiefs to parade, test their achievements.

"Mr. Chen, if you have time, come as far as possible! The government and people in Linghai and Pingshan are very concerned about the situation of this expressway.

At that time, the relevant departments will also be sent to check.

Come and take a look first, and have a good idea in your heart. "

When Chen Jianghai heard Zhu Youxin speak so seriously, he obviously realized that he attached great importance to this matter, so he didn't want to disappoint him.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Jianghai also felt that it was necessary to walk around in person and show his face.

I looked at my recent itinerary, and there is nothing important to deal with tomorrow, so I can just take a look at the high-speed situation.

So, he nodded and agreed: "Well, let's just make it tomorrow! I have time tomorrow."

When Zhu Youxin heard this, he quickly replied: "That's great, I'll be waiting for Mr. Chen's visit tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Youxin immediately mobilized the people below to prepare for the arrival of Chen Jianghai.

Just now, he was really afraid that Chen Jianghai would choose to refuse again.

In that case, he can't say anything more, lest Chen Jianghai take offense.

It's just that if Chen Jianghai doesn't show up, he always feels that something is missing.

And he also knew that not only himself, but all the employees who participated in this project were eager for Chen Jianghai's arrival.

Because of the arrival of Chen Jianghai, Zhu Youxin began to make intensive preparations.

Of course, he didn't try to fool Chen Jianghai to do something like a face project, but he attached great importance to Chen Jianghai's inspection from the bottom of his heart.

His attention has also affected the people under the entire engineering department, and everyone is actively preparing.

In this case, the news will inevitably spread.

For a time, all the workers on the entire high-speed construction site were boiling.

Because most of them are previously laid-off workers.

During the most difficult time, it was Chen Jianghai who gave them hope.

It is precisely because of the construction of this expressway that they, who were in trouble and despair, have jobs again and can earn enough wages to support their families.

And according to Chen Jianghai's request, these laid-off workers can advance half of their wages as living expenses in the first month.

This is a very humane and timely enough decision to solve the urgent needs of many people.

You should know that many people lose their income directly after being laid off.

Originally, the whole family lived on this salary, but now it's gone all of a sudden, and they don't have much savings, so life is really hard.

So for Chen Jianghai's gratitude, they have always kept silently in their hearts.

Tomorrow they can finally express their gratitude to their benefactor.

Wang Jianrong is one of these workers.

He is also one of the people who most want to express his gratitude to Chen Jianghai in person.

Because Chen Jianghai can be said to have saved his mother's life.

He used to be a regular employee of Linghai Rubber Factory, a serious state-owned factory worker, and his income is quite stable, which is considered to be at the upper-middle level.

But in fact he was not doing well, and his life was barely enough to sustain.

Not because he has any bad habits or extravagance, but because he has a seriously ill mother at home.

At present, the country's medical security system is still relatively backward. Once someone in the family is ill for a long time, it will often become impoverished due to illness.

Their home is a very typical example.

In fact, Wang Jianrong's family conditions were quite good when he was a child, and he belonged to a wealthy family that others envied.

Because his father was the first batch of workers in the rubber factory, because he worked for a long time and his level was not low.

And the mother was also assigned a job.

Although it is logistical support and the like, the salary is not high, but it can be regarded as a dual-earner family.

Coupled with the fact that his parents responded to the call of the country, he was the only child who was the only child, and his expenses were not large, and the family lived happily and happily.

But just three years ago, my father was unfortunately killed in an accident, and my mother was too sad, and she has been sick since then.

My mother's illness exhausted all the savings in the family and the consolation fund given by the factory. After I was unable to work, I only had a little pitiful subsidy.

Although Wang Jianrong also took over his father's job because of his father's death, he has a stable job and income, but the monthly cost of maintaining his mother's medicines is too high, making him a moonlight, and occasionally a little famine.

And just last year, the Linghai Rubber Factory made a lot of layoffs due to serious losses and reforms. With little qualifications and no skills, he became a member of the army of laid-offs.

At that moment, he almost collapsed and fell into a deep despair.

Because without this job, he would be unable to sustain his mother's life.

That was the mother who gave birth to him and raised him!

His father had already left, and he and his mother depended on each other for life, how could he just watch his mother leave like that.

He tried his best to borrow money, but he borrowed money from relatives and friends, but he could barely support it for two or three months.

He resented that the factory would be so cruel to fire him, and went to make trouble several times.

But the result was a lot of scorn, but the situation did not change.

Because the rubber factory itself is not very profitable, it is on the verge of bankruptcy, and even those who stay by chance are in a precarious It may not be able to pay a month's basic salary for two or three months. He went to make a fuss and helped him solve the problem.

At that time, he was forced to have no way out. He even thought about leaving this world with his mother and reuniting with his father under Jiuquan.

At this moment, he suddenly saw an announcement.

It was Chen Jianghai, the CEO of Qiuhai Group, who invested in the construction of a highway from Linghai to Pingshan, and wanted to recruit workers.

The main recruits are laid-off workers from state-run units.

Wang Jianrong didn't believe it at first.

How can there be such a good thing.